Bell / Clock Tower. (1 Viewer)


Jan 3, 2012
My next project was putting some of this lot together into a bell tower.

I decided to make it a clock tower aswell as a bell tower because I couldn't find a rose window I liked.

Here I gave the tower a undercoat of black............

Here it is finished just have to complete drybrushing the door, window and hinges......

That is singularly impressive mate! Did you make or buy the gargoyle?

Wayne...that is sooooooooooooo original...I love it...very creative...the clocks you used are a perfect match for the curved brick circle...

Lots of possibilities to use this piece. It reminds me of my Conte church. Very nicely done Wayne. Robin. own some molds that I never even thought of buying...but might now after I see how you built such a nice structure...I want them...

the saddest thing about the molds by that all his "plans" for buildings...are 28mm...which doesn't help we have to be creative...


That is singularly impressive mate! Did you make or buy the gargoyle?

The gargoyle was part of one of the moulds I got.
Wayne...that is sooooooooooooo original...I love it...very creative...the clocks you used are a perfect match for the curved brick circle...



Lots of possibilities to use this piece. It reminds me of my Conte church. Very nicely done Wayne. Robin.
Thanks guys. own some molds that I never even thought of buying...but might now after I see how you built such a nice structure...I want them...

the saddest thing about the molds by that all his "plans" for buildings...are 28mm...which doesn't help we have to be creative...


I just used the bell tower plan Mike and added a extra layer of bricks to raise the door to a height that looked right (using a figure to see if it looked ok) with some creative imagination these casting can be worked into some great buildings suitable for the scale we want, as they say it is all in the eyes of the beholder.
I could make a building i reckon with some practise but not the painting bit.
I thought the same thing once and gave it a go, you don't know what you can do until you try. Just 'youtube' it , some one has done a 'how to' video about everything. :wink2:
I thought the same thing once and gave it a go, you don't know what you can do until you try. Just 'youtube' it , some one has done a 'how to' video about everything. :wink2:

Wayne's right mate, there's some really creative clips on y-tube.

These bricks/moulds are like a blokes version of 'Lego' .....wonderful stuff Wayne....:salute::
Hi Wayne,

You're woodwork is first rate. I always find your doors (among other things) quite believable:


There used to be a kind of scary place in my hometown, a children's hospital that specialized in polio treatment. The patients included kids in all states of illness, from the iron-lung ward to ones that were "almost ready to go home." Around the holidays each year, the kids were put to work building sugar-cube castles, some of which were actually very well done, something sort of like this:


About a week before Xmas, their work was auctioned off to the local gentry. It was quite a status symbol among the well-to-do to have one of the little masterpieces on display. I suspect that the staff had at least something to do with finished the product, and that the kids consumed a LOT of sugar-cubes in the process. The hospital is still there, but, thankfully, it no longer is focused on polio.

Forgive me the digression. It just occurred to me that you get as much joy out of constructing your beautiful little treasures as the kids at Driscoll Children's Hospital did theirs.


Certainly an impressive structure and its not a French ruin.

Getting those moulds has created a monster modeller.

What is your next project?


Certainly an impressive structure and its not a French ruin.

Getting those moulds has created a monster modeller.

What is your next project?

Ah! that will be revealed if it turns out ok :wink2: if not who knows :rolleyes2:

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