Ah yes. Indian Lancers, my favorite TS subject. ^&grin{bravo}} -- Al
Thanks Martyn! Superb figures ..... nicely staged and, as always, the pictures are first rate.
{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}
Going be difficult to choose between the "charging" and the "on the march" figures ..... hmmmm? ^&grin
Knew you'd respond to Buster's request Sir Martyn and as always very nicely done.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Wonderful display Martyn. I can "hear" the pounding of the hooves with the charge! Chris
Many thanks Joe :salute:: we have to help out our mates ^&grin
Cheers mate
Right you are Martyn ..... and some of us need all the help we can get!