Berlin 38 New Release (1 Viewer)

That sounds very interesting. German high command?????
That would be nice to know and you could roll them in for us on a new king tiger or similar beast.
I always thought they were fake. Even Rochus Milsch said they were fake in a recent interview and, I suppose there are not many people who could argue otherwise against him. Now if Brian would do Jodl, Keital Faygalen and, possibly side extensions for the dio I will be a happier chap

Those picture could be of "Hitler's double"....something few people from that time would even know about and those that did know, wouldn't acknowledge that he had a double...:eek:
Good point. I always thought it strange that someone should be taking pictures like that of the fuhrer at that stage of the war. Many allied leaders etc did have doubles but, its not really something you hear lots about in relation to german leaders etc
A few ring in's, but I am really happy with the overall effect from the CS dio. You might just see the breif case going in under the table at the bottom right of the photo. Cheers, Robin


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Good point. I always thought it strange that someone should be taking pictures like that of the fuhrer at that stage of the war. Many allied leaders etc did have doubles but, its not really something you hear lots about in relation to german leaders etc

The Soviets took a famous picture of a dead fellow who looked like Hitler. When it turned out not to be him, it created speculation that there was a Hitler double (i.e. someone who was used for security reasons or to fool the allies into believing he was dead). Most likely is that members of the Red Army made a few adjustments to a corpse they found in Berlin like shaving the fellow's mustache to give him that appearance. There would have been a nice reward for anyone who found Hitler's body. I've never come across any mention of the Germans intentionally using a double for Hitler, but I suppose anything is possible.
The Soviets took a famous picture of a dead fellow who looked like Hitler. When it turned out not to be him, it created speculation that there was a Hitler double (i.e. someone who was used for security reasons or to fool the allies into believing he was dead). Most likely is that members of the Red Army made a few adjustments to a corpse they found in Berlin like shaving the fellow's mustache to give him that appearance. There would have been a nice reward for anyone who found Hitler's body. I've never come across any mention of the Germans intentionally using a double for Hitler, but I suppose anything is possible.

Have you seen the books, Gestapo Chief, by Gergory Douglas?
I read the books but, have lots of doubts about their validity. Mueller himself is somewhat an ''enigma inside of a riddle'' and, I don't really think much validity can be put on the escape of Hitler to spain and, a double in the bunker.

Although a good read (if taken with a pinch of once upon a time) they have not been put to the scrutiny they require partly down to the authors refusal and, IMO are as big a hoax as the 83 Hitler diaries
I haven't read it, but like I said have never come across any reference to the use of doubles. Given all the information about Hitler it seems unlikely it would appear in only one source. In addition, for whatever reason, Stalin perpetuated the notion that Hitler was still alive after the war. He may have been concerned that the downfall of a fellow dictator might give people ideas or he wanted to maintain the notion of a fascist bogeyman. Regardless, it doesn't seem credible. The only real purpose for a double would have been if Hitler had planned to fake his death and escape. All of his actions were to the contrary though including staying in Berlin when he could have gone to Munich and held out for some additional time.
I agree, of all the leaders I think from what has been put out on Hitler and from recent documentation with the fall of the Berin wall and soviet russia he seems to have had some sort of belief that it would not happen to him or, that he was somehow ''special'' that he avoided some of the attempts to assassinate him and avoided the use of doubles unlike many allied counterparts.

The only other time I have seen this sort of thing was the 44 bomb plot where I saw some papers written stating that actually Hoitler had died and a double was indeed in place so the war could continue and, the real pesrsons were Bormann and Himmler running the show.

I think about as far fetched as the other two but, its interesting to see all the conspiracy type stuff which, masks the paranoia even fear still held today of Hitler and his regime
I haven't read it, but like I said have never come across any reference to the use of doubles. Given all the information about Hitler it seems unlikely it would appear in only one source. In addition, for whatever reason, Stalin perpetuated the notion that Hitler was still alive after the war. He may have been concerned that the downfall of a fellow dictator might give people ideas or he wanted to maintain the notion of a fascist bogeyman. Regardless, it doesn't seem credible. The only real purpose for a double would have been if Hitler had planned to fake his death and escape. All of his actions were to the contrary though including staying in Berlin when he could have gone to Munich and held out for some additional time.

Seen this.....??....Read all the threads...
Any update on whether there will be additions to the Reich Chancellery sets? I still think it would be a great idea to stage a similar scene from '45. Maybe set around the last gathering of Nazi dignitaries for Hitler's birthday on April 20, 1945. Also the famous images of him handing out medals to the Hitler youth. An interesting contrast from the glory days.
I have this same dio set and also find it was well done. The interior chancellory piece seems to have disappeared from existance,not on E-Bay or anywhere !
I purchased my first and last CS yesterday - Hitler's study in the new Reich Chancellery.

Unlike other members on this thread, my copy of the diorama shows poor worksmanship. The wall lights and mounted eagle do not stay in their holes and where the wall and floor join, they are not flush.
Thats such a shame as its a great set.

I purchased my first and last CS yesterday - Hitler's study in the new Reich Chancellery.

Unlike other members on this thread, my copy of the diorama shows poor worksmanship. The wall lights and mounted eagle do not stay in their holes and where the wall and floor join, they are not flush.
I purchased my first and last CS yesterday - Hitler's study in the new Reich Chancellery.

Unlike other members on this thread, my copy of the diorama shows poor worksmanship. The wall lights and mounted eagle do not stay in their holes and where the wall and floor join, they are not flush.

Sorry to hear that. So far I only have the CS Reich Chancellery/Reichskanzlei - but the outside. It's perfect (except that the Eagle is pointing to the wrong direction!) but I really can recommend it.
The Dutch buildings and the Lichterfelder Barraks should arrive soon. If they're of the same quality I'll be very happy.

Oliver/Mitch - I think my disapointment is made extra large as this was my first CS purchase and I was so looking forward to this model and getting other CS products. Though I could fix the wall mountings, I can't compromise my expectation of purchasing a quailty, undamaged product nor should anyone be expected to pay $ for a product that you then have to repair unless it is sold on that basis.

The Military Workshop has offered to repay me the $ but I can't get a replacement model. I have now cancelled my order for the Lichterfelde Kaserne model and will not get the new CS band figures when released.

Having discussed future releases of the Berlin '38 series by K&C with Andy on his recent visit to Brisbane, I will stay contended with TG and K&C products.

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