Big boy’s games… big boy’s rules (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for all the reports from the recent Hackensack Show. By all accounts there were actually only 5 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers taking part…

As of yesterday morning there will only be 3 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers at next year’s show!

I personally would like to thank all the “posters” who were only too pleased to tell K&C what great “bargains” they picked up… there might not be quite so many next time.

Thanks again and best wishes,
Andy C.
Hello everyone!! I have been a toy soldier collector of a multitude of ranges for many years. I am a military veteran as well. I have been collecting K&C since early 2004, some seven years now. I have been reading this forum for quite sometime now as well. In light of the recent threads this past week, I have finally felt compelled to join. Greetings to all of you and I will latch on to one of these threads soon. :)
Hello All

As I live in Australia I have no single idea where the Hackensack Show is held, but after reading all the comments it sure seems a lively place to visit; is it possible to see Disneyland, Las Vegas and the Hackensack Show all in the same trip! Cheers
Welcome aboard mate......things have been a little bumpy the last few days, but its all part of healthy discussion. ;)Cheers from down under!:D
Thanks to you down under. Many years ago in the military, I had the luck to spend some R&R in Perth/ Fremantle. I even got to visit Tasmania. I was an aviator which allowed for quite a few remote stops as well. One of the most outstanding times of my entire life. I have never been around more friendly people anywhere else in the world but Australia. Drinking beer with Aussies is the best!!! Heck, I could never even buy a round the blokes are so generous. In my day Australia was about the only place American servicemen were not hated oversees. And the women.....well those memories are just for me case my wife ever reads this thread:eek: Thanks again!!!
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for all the reports from the recent Hackensack Show. By all accounts there were actually only 5 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers taking part…

As of yesterday morning there will only be 3 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers at next year’s show!

I personally would like to thank all the “posters” who were only too pleased to tell K&C what great “bargains” they picked up… there might not be quite so many next time.

Thanks again and best wishes,
Andy C.
Yikes!...that made the show interesting?
Puts a lot of pressure on dealers and increase costs on collectors.....In the end it will be "sales" and the bottom line that determine wether these rules are good for the K/C game...but Andy is the boss...It's his company.
If I had been a dealer at that show I would have been feeling "pressure" if other sellers were undercutting the RRP price and thereby impacting upon my ability to earn a living.

I hear you and I understand your position....a "Show Discount" if permitted can be agreed upon before a order to stimulate sales...a occasional modest break builds customer loyalty...That has been my experience in my profession...Word of mouth
As one of the dealers who sells (has to) at probably the highest rate in the world for K&C.

We have a great turn over and we reinvest heavily into the hobby / business.

Service and care, good marketing etc = sales. If you are 'barrow boy' and 'get it here roll up roll up' you will not beat the consistant customer service and hard work.

Why feel pressure sell at what you have to RRP. I understand at this show some items that were on 'SHOW SPECIAL' we have customers screaming for!!

go figure!!

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for all the reports from the recent Hackensack Show. By all accounts there were actually only 5 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers taking part…

As of yesterday morning there will only be 3 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers at next year’s show!

I personally would like to thank all the “posters” who were only too pleased to tell K&C what great “bargains” they picked up… there might not be quite so many next time.

Thanks again and best wishes,
Andy C.

I wonder how many "unofficial" K&C dealers will be at next year's show?:p
Ahhhhhhhh, take cover! Andy's manning the K&C Vickers machine gun and has turned it onto his dealer network!!! :eek: :eek: :D
Hi Guys,

As of yesterday morning there will only be 3 “official” K&C Authorized Dealers at next year’s show!

I personally would like to thank all the “posters” who were only too pleased to tell K&C what great “bargains” they picked up… there might not be quite so many next time.

Thanks again and best wishes,
Andy C.

What a title for a thread...


what does that mean...

from the first sounds like Daddy had to take off his belt and spank his misbehaving the others will stay in line...

started a tad pushy...but I think the "Thanks again and best wishes" salutation saved it from being over the top...

I'm guessing discipline has been enforced...
If I had been a dealer at that show I would have been feeling "pressure" if other sellers were undercutting the RRP price and thereby impacting upon my ability to earn a living.


Hello Brett:

This is by no means a slap at you- so please, do not take it as such. I am assuming "RRP"- has to do with retail price?

I've had a good week to digest the overall fallout of the Hack show. I understand Mr. Neilson's decision and he was kind enough to provide me a very succint pm about it a few days ago. One of the two sellers was Stockade Miniatures from Stroudsburg Pa- a company I am very very fond of, in fact, with all respect to George, the Reuss's, Sierra and Big Stan and John Z in Gettysburg, there is simply no one else I would rather deal with.

From what I saw on Sunday, Stockade was not in fact discounting current retail items- they obtained a collection (again, so they say) from a collector and were selling those pieces at a substantial markup. The 20% discount they were offering was being applied to those pieces. One I was particularly interested in was the WS59 jagdpanther- retailed for $99- they were asking $250 but the show "Special" was $200- still twice the original retail.

I have certainly never been privy to the dealer contracts with KC but, based on the decisions that were made, sounds like this action was against the rules and now Mike is on the outside looking in. Mike and Noreen have been some of the longest KC dealers in the US, they always sing the praises of KC and they got me into it back in 99. Not to mention the fact, that they have maintained a brick and mortar shop as well- which helps promote the hobby to the tourist foot traffic in the area.

These guys weren't pushing rafters of KC sets year after year- they were very much the quintessential American mom and pop shop- you can always count on great customer service from Mike and Noreen- Mike with his butchered bowl cut is always a laugh a minute.:D:)

Being a CPA, I am probably more than anal about this but I have held onto my sales slips from those guys over the years- no discounts were ever given, asked for, or offered- in fact, Mike always seemed to be a tad overzealous applying the retired premium imo.

I accept that they are accountable for their actions but I just believe that this was a case where if anyone had their boots on the ground last Sunday, they would have seen that these guys just weren't doing what has been alleged on this forum.

There are a lot of other heavy hitting KC collectors who have dealt with them over the years besides myself. I just feel like the hobby loses bigtime over this one.
Hello Brett:

This is by no means a slap at you- so please, do not take it as such. I am assuming "RRP"- has to do with retail price?

I've had a good week to digest the overall fallout of the Hack show. I understand Mr. Neilson's decision and he was kind enough to provide me a very succint pm about it a few days ago. One of the two sellers was Stockade Miniatures from Stroudsburg Pa- a company I am very very fond of, in fact, with all respect to George, the Reuss's, Sierra and Big Stan and John Z in Gettysburg, there is simply no one else I would rather deal with.

From what I saw on Sunday, Stockade was not in fact discounting current retail items- they obtained a collection (again, so they say) from a collector and were selling those pieces at a substantial markup. The 20% discount they were offering was being applied to those pieces. One I was particularly interested in was the WS59 jagdpanther- retailed for $99- they were asking $250 but the show "Special" was $200- still twice the original retail.

I have certainly never been privy to the dealer contracts with KC but, based on the decisions that were made, sounds like this action was against the rules and now Mike is on the outside looking in. Mike and Noreen have been some of the longest KC dealers in the US, they always sing the praises of KC and they got me into it back in 99. Not to mention the fact, that they have maintained a brick and mortar shop as well- which helps promote the hobby to the tourist foot traffic in the area.

These guys weren't pushing rafters of KC sets year after year- they were very much the quintessential American mom and pop shop- you can always count on great customer service from Mike and Noreen- Mike with his butchered bowl cut is always a laugh a minute.:D:)

Being a CPA, I am probably more than anal about this but I have held onto my sales slips from those guys over the years- no discounts were ever given, asked for, or offered- in fact, Mike always seemed to be a tad overzealous applying the retired premium imo.

I accept that they are accountable for their actions but I just believe that this was a case where if anyone had their boots on the ground last Sunday, they would have seen that these guys just weren't doing what has been alleged on this forum.

There are a lot of other heavy hitting KC collectors who have dealt with them over the years besides myself. I just feel like the hobby loses bigtime over this one.

At last some facts. Very good post Chris.

Now I do not know if the dealer and K&C discussed what happened and maybe there are other facts that came out in that conversation, if it took place. But if K&C took action based only on a few posts by collectors at the show, then at least those collectors who posted getting "great deals" should identify what items they got the deals on and allow K&C to determine if discounting took place.It seems the discounting must be on MSRP to be in breech and not on sale prices higher than MSRP.

The more I read about this issue the more the “American” in me becomes irritated. It feels like the “Crown” is dictating to us, and we know how well that went over the first time. Can you imagine what the out cry would be if every manufacture used the same policy as Andy. One price’ no sales, no dealing. Take it or leave it. Come to think about it, the company’s name King & Country hits close to home. While the dealers may have chains, we the buyers do not. Maybe we should band together, show some discipline and not buy the Crown's product for a while. Will we effect a change in policy or will Andy just stop selling toy soldiers ? I doubt that he will stop selling toy soldiers but if that happens, there are more then enough companies that will step up to fill the void. That is just the American way.
The more I read about this issue the more the “American” in me becomes irritated. It feels like the “Crown” is dictating to us, and we know how well that went over the first time. Can you imagine what the out cry would be if every manufacture used the same policy as Andy. One price’ no sales, no dealing. Take it or leave it. Come to think about it, the company’s name King & Country hits close to home. While the dealers may have chains, we the buyers do not. Maybe we should band together, show some discipline and not buy the Crown's product for a while. Will we effect a change in policy or will Andy just stop selling toy soldiers ? I doubt that he will stop selling toy soldiers but if that happens, there are more then enough companies that will step up to fill the void. That is just the American way.

Another quick reaction in anger with a suggested response disproportionate to the problem. Based on what I have heard, Andy may have acted too quickly and before all the facts were in and disproportionately as well. It seems like some of the reaction may be from all the fallout of the K&C price increase and the strong criticism of K&C.

Before we break out the tar and feathers, perhaps the parties involved ( Andy and the 2 dealers) can have a talk and come to some resolution. Because once the tar comes out, it's a real mess to clean up. :D:cool:

Interesting thread.

I did not think I was a "Loyalist." So, I will not be dumping any K&C products into the Boston Harbor anytime soon (Maybe Lake Michigan it is closer).:D

Also, I hope that Andy continues to sell toy soldiers.

Let's not turn this thread into "Americans" against the "Crown.":(


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