Bird Box (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
Semi-interesting movie playing on Netflix. The premise is that people who look outside go crazy. So everyone has to wear blindfolds etc It's probably a bit longer than it needs to be but a decent watch. A bit humorous that Netflix is having to warn viewers not to try doing things with a blindfold on to avoid injuring themselves. But that is the world we live in.
Semi-interesting movie playing on Netflix. The premise is that people who look outside go crazy. So everyone has to wear blindfolds etc It's probably a bit longer than it needs to be but a decent watch. A bit humorous that Netflix is having to warn viewers not to try doing things with a blindfold on to avoid injuring themselves. But that is the world we live in.
Hadn't even heard of this movie until I saw a news report about it yesterday and how it has blown up and become a social media frenzy of some sort. Apparently it is the biggest thing going right now. I really must stick my head up out of my hole once in a while. The news report was about all of the morons trying to do any and all types of different things with blindfolds on. Reminds me of the old warnings that our local stations would run when I was a kid and they were showing 'The Three Stooges'...don't try this at home.:rolleyes2: -- Al
We saw it a few weeks ago. Interesting concept but it was just ok, not great.
I found it entertaining. Yes, not great, but held my interest

As to people doing it home.... I feel Darwinism is becoming more and more important 😀
Hadn't even heard of this movie until I saw a news report about it yesterday and how it has blown up and become a social media frenzy of some sort. Apparently it is the biggest thing going right now. I really must stick my head up out of my hole once in a while. The news report was about all of the morons trying to do any and all types of different things with blindfolds on. Reminds me of the old warnings that our local stations would run when I was a kid and they were showing 'The Three Stooges'...don't try this at home.:rolleyes2: -- Al

I wonder what blind people think of these folks? I used to work with a blind guy in DC who somehow rode the subway and then walked several blocks to the office. Pretty amazing. You take your life in your hands doing that even when you can see. I read the book a few years back. It was fairly decent as well. A bit like "The Road" meets "The Crazies."
Just like you, I liked it, didn’t love it... Sandra Bullock did a great job, since her good acting actually carries the whole movie on her back.
Pretty similar to M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening". I caught that the other night on SyFy. Not one of his better movies.

I have always been a fan of Sandra Bullock :p and I agree that without her acting the movie would have been a flop. John Malkovitch was his "normal" bad a$$ character type :mad: and carried his part well. The others, ???

Being a Sci-Fi fan I was a bit disappointed that there were so many "holes" in the movie. I have no problem "suspending-my-disbelief" in a Sci-Fi movie but this one left a lot of questions ... (At least for me)

If you have Netflix I would recommend watching it.

--- LaRRy
Like everyone here, found this to be just okay. Not sure why it's so popular. Opening scenes, very much like Fear of the Walking Dead, were the best part of the movie. Chris
People are insane! Now there’s been car accidents with people driving blindfolded like they did in the movie!
Darwin would have a field day in today’s society
People are insane! Now there’s been car accidents with people driving blindfolded like they did in the movie!
Darwin would have a field day in today’s society

Yep … this is good for the genepool since all the "IDJETS" are trying to kill themselves. We had to (out-of-staters!!) try toboggining down the mountain with blindfolds … and NO protective gear. One gave a direct hit on a big pine tree... PINE TREE WON BIG TIME! The other went over a rocky ledge.

Both are expected to live but a long recovery time. Who wants to bet they try suing the mountain for safety violations …. :rolleyes2:

--- LaRRy

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