More great shots. The dark skies and subdued lighting are really effective. JJD's subtle weathering make his models realistic and the subdued lighting brings this out. Very nice. -- AlTHE BARONS BROTHER LOTHAR RETURNS SAFELY
More great shots. The dark skies and subdued lighting are really effective. JJD's subtle weathering make his models realistic and the subdued lighting brings this out. Very nice. -- Al
This has got to be the best photo story I have seen on this forum.........Please keep it coming, I am absolutely impressed.
Walt Damon
Alex...these are exceptionally nice...great job!
Stunning. The compositions are simply superb. You are a master!!! The depth of field achieved in the photos is particularly outstanding!!
This is a wonderful picture. It all works together so well. The picture really repays close study because of all the fantastic detail. My favorite so far. Just beautiful. -- AlTHE BARON RETURNS TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY
Well done guys! Love the story aspect of these super shots, thank you for spending the time to make them.
Very neat. I have 3 of those cards, Lufbery, Bishop, and Guynemer. I don't have the Baron. They are neat cards but the whole set has a huge number of cards and some are real hard to find and expensive. It is a great connection to your father's youth.{bravo}} -- AlI would like to to add a little flavor here with a couple images of some gum cards from the 1934 Sky Bird collection of The Baron and Bishop. These are from my fathers childhood collection and were as exciting to him as these Jenkins treasures are to us.
Walt Damon
Thanks for the story. I always suspected it wasn't the Aussie ground gunners who got the Baron.:wink2: -- AlGentlemen we will end this series here, and yes there are more coming. Please continue to contribute any thoughts or artifacts to add more flavor to this presentation.
Those cards are magnificent............
Thanks for your feedback ( Especially Lancer ), which is very important to continue the flow of a story.