BISON (the lord of the Prarie) (1 Viewer)

If you want to "adopt" a bison why not a Eropean Bison? They are much more endangered, with small herds in Poland and Belarus, they were badly affected by the Chonobyl disaster as were the wild horses.


Excellent point, Martin, the situation of the Wisent is in much worse shape.

I personaly think the idea of using bison as a reared food animal is excellent, as I already mentioned there are bigger enviromental problems with introduced animals. And surely if your concern is (rightly in my opinion) the welfare of the individual animal, then roaming free and a quick kill has to be better than being reared in a box and a long journey to the abattoir! We had a farming disaster a few years ago when Foot and Mouth disease ran wild, mainly because of modern mass production methods. It almost cost us the Chillingham wild white cattle!

Interesting idea Ales and think the part about raising $ to purchase public land for restoring to native prairie conditions is a good one. Trouble with adopting particular animals in this case is the herd is likely thinned yearly with animals being auctioned off to private herders or farmers, etc...

There actually is at least one sizable organization in place that I know of who are trying to buy up ranch land in parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and the Dakotas in hopes of creating a massive prairie preserve and I believe the vision ultimately is to install a huge Bison herd. This is unsurprisingly a contentious issue out there with ranch families concerned about losing their livelihood and so forth.

Another thing to consider is the historical significance of the Bison as a food source. There is an author named Dan O'brien living out near the Black Hills who also runs a Bison farm and is involved in field harvesting of Bison working with private individuals including Indians from neighboring Pine Ridge and Rosebud. Essentially the animals are hunted or harvested in the field rather than butchered in a slaughterhouse like setting. Pretty cool scenario really. Might want to check out some of his books (The Indian Agent is one that comes to mind) and also his company website (I think it is called Wild Idea???).

Thanks i will try to contact them. The addoption is not really an adoption, it is not like people will immport bison, the bison stay in his home (Wind cave for example), they will just receive the photo of bison with CERTIFIKAT, that they are "foster parents" or donours, or something like that to that bison. But bison stay where h ewas and they do not have no legal right to ownership to that particular bison. It is just for helping the bisons, but at least they get a photo and certificat, so they have this MORAL proof of helping bisons.
If you want to "adopt" a bison why not a Eropean Bison? They are much more endangered, with small herds in Poland and Belarus, they were badly affected by the Chonobyl disaster as were the wild horses.


Hm, i thought this European bisons are already gone....
There actually is at least one sizable organization in place that I know of who are trying to buy up ranch land in parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and the Dakotas in hopes of creating a massive prairie preserve and I believe the vision ultimately is to install a huge Bison herd. This is unsurprisingly a contentious issue out there with ranch families concerned about losing their livelihood and so forth.

Do you know what is this Organisation name?

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