Black Hawk Custer Figures (1 Viewer)


Mar 3, 2007
Anyone have an opinion on the Black Hawk Custer figures I sent mine back as they were not what I was expecting lets just say I did not like them. I wish someone would do a Custers series Plain Indians and Calvary I cant be the only guy who would like to see this am I?
Anyone have an opinion on the Black Hawk Custer figures I sent mine back as they were not what I was expecting lets just say I did not like them. I wish someone would do a Custers series Plain Indians and Calvary I cant be the only guy who would like to see this am I?


Calvary isn't my era however these figures are GREAT looking. I saw them at the Chicago Show last September. If this your era, you'll definately like them.

Anyone have an opinion on the Black Hawk Custer figures I sent mine back as they were not what I was expecting lets just say I did not like them. I wish someone would do a Custers series Plain Indians and Calvary I cant be the only guy who would like to see this am I?

I saw them at the London show and thought Crazy Horse in particular was the best looking Native American figure I've ever seen and way up to the usual Andrea kit standard.

So what was wrong with them in particular? Good enough reason that you personally didn't like them but these figures have had top merits heaped on them by a hell of lot of reviewers. I'm interested as I was close to investing in them myself.

I was skeptical about them until I also seen them at the Chicago show. I really liked them. I would have bought them except I absolutly could not afford another line of figures.
I also would like to know what you did not like about them.
I thought they looked like comic book characters and after collecting K@C and Conte figures the paint jobs were not even close. Figures had spots of paint missing. I still have the Curly figure and putting him up against Indians of Conte or JJD it looks silly. The flag and arrows on the wounded calvary standard bearer were unusually flimsy. I have four collector friends who ordered around the same time as me as we disscussed this line alot all sent theirs back. I hope I did not offend anyone but I guess that is just different tastes I very much disliked the Crazy Horse figure.
I'll have to agree about the comic book apperance of Custer and the flag bearer, but the others I saw looked pretty good, I bought the first four anyway and I'll probablly buy the rest of the cavalry figures anyway.
I thought they looked like comic book characters and after collecting K@C and Conte figures the paint jobs were not even close. Figures had spots of paint missing. I still have the Curly figure and putting him up against Indians of Conte or JJD it looks silly. The flag and arrows on the wounded calvary standard bearer were unusually flimsy. I have four collector friends who ordered around the same time as me as we disscussed this line alot all sent theirs back. I hope I did not offend anyone but I guess that is just different tastes I very much disliked the Crazy Horse figure.

Thanks for the info, I must have been looking at the Crazy Horse character through rose tinted spectacles, however, I never got a chance to actually handle any of them at the show only saw them from a distance.

No you are not alone in wanting a well posed and accurate Plains Indian/Cavalry set I have been waiting years for them. I collect ACW but have always wanted to add a Custer/Sioux/Cheyenne series to the collection and thought Black Hawk had finally filled the want. I am a bit of a Custer nut and have a number of figures of him during his Civil War years, the attached is one of my favourites which depicts him in a typical cocky Custer pose.
I found him in a dime store covered with 3 coats of garish gloss paint, he was either a Crescent or Jo-Hill definitely not a kit as he is quite a hefty solid figure. Some years later I decided to strip the paint back to metal to see if I could get him as close to the many civil war photos he always insisted on having taken. I was pleased the way he came out.

Thats a very cool looking Custer! I believe I wanted too much out of the Blackhawk series. and when I got them they just did not live up to my own hype. I badly want Calvary and Plains Indians but in my eyes someone should be able to capture the spirit of this time. The poses and amazing colors and horses and on and on that could be portrayed here is just amazing. I like you want them sculpted well and painted historically correct. Oh well I hope someone else will try I am a person who does not collect WW's no tanks no planes no machine guns its Cowboys and Indians and backwards for me.
There are ALOT of cool things on this site. I dont understand thought they are made of resin and than have to be painted? Many of those poses would be excellent in metal wonder why no one produces them? Thanks for the website I will need to do some research but those kinds of sculpts and paint jobs is what I am talking about. The only problem is I cant paint. And what is resin? Any help I would be thankful for would live to fill a cabinet full of 54mm Indian wars figures that look like the ones in this website.
When I hear resin, I think plastic resin, a harder more brittle versions of plastic. I know there is a powdered metal, but I am insure if that is what they are referring to, I have the same question myself.

This site does have metal figures if you go to the menu's linked on the bottom of the page and you can buy these figures already painted in many cases.
the resin is more like a plastic
i have a few
don,t really like them

have purchased a few "glory Guys" pieces
including my pit of E co flag bearer
they have nice selection

have also gotten the blackhawk indians
they fit well in diorama
Thanks for the info, I must have been looking at the Crazy Horse character through rose tinted spectacles, however, I never got a chance to actually handle any of them at the show only saw them from a distance.

No you are not alone in wanting a well posed and accurate Plains Indian/Cavalry set I have been waiting years for them. I collect ACW but have always wanted to add a Custer/Sioux/Cheyenne series to the collection and thought Black Hawk had finally filled the want. I am a bit of a Custer nut and have a number of figures of him during his Civil War years, the attached is one of my favourites which depicts him in a typical cocky Custer pose.
I found him in a dime store covered with 3 coats of garish gloss paint, he was either a Crescent or Jo-Hill definitely not a kit as he is quite a hefty solid figure. Some years later I decided to strip the paint back to metal to see if I could get him as close to the many civil war photos he always insisted on having taken. I was pleased the way he came out.


UKreb, Your Custer restoration and paint job is fantastic. I saved your Custer pic, because I have started painting figures too. When I find a good photo of a nice paint job like yours, I study it closely to try and mimic what I see. Great job! Thanks for sharing -


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