" Theodoric, come pick up all these heads! You've got them all over the hut and I'm sick of looking at them" Be gone foul hag.
Sorry, a Druid moment.
I have French HEADS for the Grenadiers, Shako covered with oilskin, Chassuer A Pied Bearskin, Russian Arty , Musketeers,Grenadiers, Guard Grenadiers,Mitre cap.
Working on some Voltigier{ i can never spell that one} HEADS as well as Prussians and Austrians.
Line Infantry{ fusiliers} in greatcoats almost done. Some dead froggers too.
charm school dropout.
Vamper, shoot me an email or pvt message.
Heads, packs, muskets, cartridge boxes ect. available.
I'll have to figure out what I can let the parts go for.Pewters getting spendy.
Off to make a mold .
Hey I am mostly looking for the heads that are French or even Dutch type. The oil skin wrapped ones sound neat to. I know that I can use a bunch of them. The conte heads are just to small. With the wide bases the heavier head does not seem to make the figure less stable . Really nice conversion and so easy. Do you have any heads with a more British appearing shako?
What is the mold you are making?
More heads next, Prussian, More French, Polish , Austrian and I suppose I should do some British.Stovepipe or Belgic? Another roundtoit.
The less obvious popular above are what I need for my collecting and modeling. Brits? Well, Yes, when I get to doing some . Maybe I'll do some dead Brits as well. They'll need heads!
Hi Guys,
I really like these new figures. I am not a plastic guy but I want to get some for my 6 year old eventually. I want to be able to get him a big bunch like 2 hundred infantry but I am not sure which brand to go with. Any suggestions would be great keep in mind he will be messing with them and probably blowing them up etc so they are not for collecting. Just stuff to get him going.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
All the best
Some "Plastic" Russians
I would have been thrilled by any one the Conte plastic soldiers; does he have a favorite era yet?Hi Guys,
I really like these new figures. I am not a plastic guy but I want to get some for my 6 year old eventually. I want to be able to get him a big bunch like 2 hundred infantry but I am not sure which brand to go with. Any suggestions would be great keep in mind he will be messing with them and probably blowing them up etc so they are not for collecting. Just stuff to get him going.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
All the best