Blackcat 1812 Russians (2 Viewers)

Nice job!:D Did you sculpt them yourself? I rate them over conte!!:D:D
No, I simply drew pictures of what I wanted. Sculpts are by Aaron Brown , former owner of Alpha Miniatures and now freelance sculpts.
He did the orginal 8 masters for metal figs. I converted and remolded another 15 or so.Chose 8 to be done in plastic.russians.jpg
Fubar, you got any plans for any other line in the NEAR future,
Fubar, you got any plans for any other line in the NEAR future,

Nothing in plastic in the near future. Haven't decided what to do, costs went thru the roof, manufacturing time in China{ I'd like to avoid China anyway}
doubled to close to a year, ect ect.
I fooled around with some plastic mix to use with my molds but too brittle.
I'm new at all this, not modeling toys but I really have no contacts on how to get things done enmasse, so I putter along on my own making new figs in metal for now.
If I could get molds cut for plastic figures, I'd invest in an injection molding machine and crank them out here myself.Qoutes for moldcutting are unbelievable.
Too bad about the high costs. I hope you do British Coldstream Guards. If you did Id buy enough for Hougmont.

I know nothing about injection moulding but I know a guy who does - try getting hold of Peter Cole at Replicants in Lewes, Sussex, England who may be of some help

follow the link on Plastic Warrior website


I know nothing about injection moulding but I know a guy who does - try getting hold of Peter Cole at Replicants in Lewes, Sussex, England who may be of some help

follow the link on Plastic Warrior website


Some years ago I had a tour round Peters workshop and had a look at his moulding machines which he said was ideal for low quantities at one time. I go to Lewes on a regular basis, so I'll see if I can find out some information next time I'm there.

Some years ago I had a tour round Peters workshop and had a look at his moulding machines which he said was ideal for low quantities at one time. I go to Lewes on a regular basis, so I'll see if I can find out some information next time I'm there.


Put the replicant plastic is horrible. Lots of flash and lousy detail. I bought some of the Napoleonic sailors stuff. Really poopy:rolleyes:
Put the replicant plastic is horrible. Lots of flash and lousy detail. I bought some of the Napoleonic sailors stuff. Really poopy:rolleyes:

No, I dont want poopy! I dont recall ever seeing any replicants figs, even at Chicago, but Poopy doesnt sound good.
I certainly would love to do more Napoleonics in plastic. Alamo, Acw, WW2 also.
Havent given up yet, I still have one lead to pursue nearby.Isnt there any plastic manufacturer that produces in the USA and not in China?

In the meantime until I can get production in the USA , I'll keep chugging along making new figs for metal. I can do that all by my lonesome.
Hey guys - they are not that bad - see atached photos of my previously painted figures sculpted by Peter Cole of Replicants - made for Marksmen in the early 1990's.
Yes, I agree that some of Replicants figures are lacking in some respects, but the majority are good figures and are different and unique poses - have a look at his website via the link on Plastic Warrior website.
We British and you Americans should make these figures at home and develop our own model figure industry - after all it is most popular with us both.

No, I dont want poopy! I dont recall ever seeing any replicants figs, even at Chicago, but Poopy doesnt sound good.
I certainly would love to do more Napoleonics in plastic. Alamo, Acw, WW2 also.
Havent given up yet, I still have one lead to pursue nearby.Isnt there any plastic manufacturer that produces in the USA and not in China?

In the meantime until I can get production in the USA , I'll keep chugging along making new figs for metal. I can do that all by my lonesome.

Plastic/Metal its all good keep chugging along Harold :)
I think i read somewere that LEGO refused to have there stuff made in China
as it just would not be the same.. so they still pump all them bricks out of
Denmark hence why you need a bucket of gold to buy that stuff.
it would be nice to se some plastics made in the US rather then China all the time. :D

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