Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (2 Viewers)


I took a break tonight from cleaning and organizing my basement to take a few photos featuring my plastic underground cavalry and Indians. I'll post some other pictures under plastics.


Fantastic dio, Love the backdrop poster aswel.:D

Best wishes Mark





Bored again. We had some computer issues a while back and I lost my Photoshop.Dead and wont reload. My daughter found Picasa for me and I was messing around with that.Still havent gotten the sizing down , it's either this size, or TOO BIG.

Adding a little to this display each evening. No tree's, no buildings, no French guns or cavalry for that matter.
Maybe I'll start over.






Just about aoll the Prussians are on the field. Theres one more Battalion on the shelf.
I have to make more room to deploy anymore troops.

:eek::cool:WOW!:cool: Did you paint all those guys or did you send them out to be painted?
Great set up that must have taken awhile to set up!:eek:
I,ve been converting some of those plastic Hat figures and trying to get some paint on a few but it just takes so long to paint enough to do a good sized diorama with them that I just start hacking on the paint jobs because it just takes so long to paint a good sized unit and I just loose interest in painting them and I end up with a ton of half painted figures.:(
Great display!!!:cool:
Maybe someday???? I,ll have enough prussians painted to do a good sized display? I did a few more Prussian landwher conversions from Conte GI,figures, I,m trying to get some paint on them along with about 200 other figures.
Here are a couple of ruff stage pictures of what I,ve been working on conversion wise. The Prussian landwher and Hat french figures. I did some wounded figures a bugler Sapper Tweeked out the guys carrying the pendants, made some guys running and a lot of head swops, but I ran out of figures so I had to stop but I,m sure I could come up with a few more conversions when I get more. I started to get some paint on a few but I have a long way to go.









Here is an easy cool conversion for those hat figures! Just cut them from the base and glue them back in a running pose! I based them all on washers with 2 part putty so I just chucked the base they came with anyway. The dead figure is the loading pose with the gun cut away and pulled to the side and stuck into 2 part putty.


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Just about aoll the Prussians are on the field. Theres one more Battalion on the shelf.
I have to make more room to deploy anymore troops.


Great photo's fubar .

It is truly a fantastic diorama, If your collection was mine ,i would never work again ( too much playing ).

Never mind only another 27 years to go before i can retire.:eek:

Absolutely fantastic you have made my day , thank you very much.:D:D

Very best wishes Mark
Here is an easy cool conversion for those hat figures! Just cut them from the base and glue them back in a running pose! I based them all on washers with 2 part putty so I just chucked the base they came with anyway. The dead figure is the loading pose with the gun cut away and pulled to the side and stuck into 2 part putty.



Hi fishead19690

You have just given me an idea, what to do this weekend, while the wife is in the town center shopping for Christmas presents. I'm going to chop some plastics up. Maybe some Zulu's( a call to arms ) more dead bodies the better.

Great stuff:D

best wishes Mark
Simply amazing Harold you have made my day {I was not in the mood to paint now i am :D.
The new hat figuers are just great i like there size they fit in nice with your Blackcat figs.
New pics look great nice and clear :cool:.
Thanks for the kind remarks guys. I was really hopelessly bored, wanting to do something, couldnt bring myself to carve or paint. The terrain was already out from an Ancients thing I was doing. I just started plopping figures down off the shelf as I meandered around.
I painted all the Blackcat Prussians and French. The Hat plastics I sent out to a painting service { as well as most of the AIP Prussian Line a year or more ago}
and all i really did was some minor conversions and based them on uniformly cut steel bases, 3-4 to a base. There's 200 Hat French Light Infantry there.I can take credit for painting 12 of them.
Still weak on Prussian Cavalry. I did x8 Italeri Hussars with Blackcat Prussian heads.They're in there someplace.

Fish, You're Prussian conversions are fantastic. I'm going to use some of your ideas! I have x 3 Prussian casualties I did over the summer, about 90% done. I need to finish those and make a mold.

Well I'm glad the pix got your guys blood up. Carve , hack and paint away.



They sure did get my blood pumping :cool: I have only just started to paint some hat figs.
Think i will just knock over one box at a time (at my slow pace) a painting service is a good idea to boost numbers.
Don't realy have the funds for that right now so i will just have to hire myself :D.
enjoying the pics Fub.......any chance of do somthing like Aspern im thinking a Austian Square or two?
Austrians, very weak .I might have enough to form a decent single square. We'll see.
Austrians, very weak .I might have enough to form a decent single square. We'll see.

Hi Fubar

I'd like to see that Austrian square,very much :D:D. I've always had a soft spot those white uniformed poor souls, always being re-organised throughout the Napoleonic Wars.

The more i see your collection,:D:D the more i kick myself for selling mine.:mad::mad:

Smashing photo's once again Fubar

Very best wishes Mark
Hi all

For all the Napoleonic collectors out there.I'm still very bored , it raining again.:mad::mad::mad:

French line grenadiers attacking from a low hedge at Waterloo.


Best wishes Mark.





Found some of the 1/32 plastic{ mostly} Ancients pix I took a while ago. Sorry not Napoleonic, but this is the same terrain cloth the Naps are now marching around on.
I'll work on an Austrian Square/Battalion mass on the far end of the table sometime this weekend.

No need to apologize Harold for featuring you Ancients the like your Nappy's are a pleasure to see. After your next round of Nappy photos I'm wonder what you've been up to with your members of the 24th and Zulu Warriors. By the way have you had a chance to add the Conte Keith Rocco Heros of Rorke's Drift to your collection? Looking forward to seeing whatever you have planned headed our way.
Punic Wars looking good there Harold (or is it Hannibal barca) i have a good few now myself must get them out.
Thanks for posting :cool:.
p.s great job on the Celtic shields by the way.

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