Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (10 Viewers)


Here is the P and P Products Buffalo Hunt set with some digital magic.

It's always great to see you work your digital magic Joe. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
I'm pretty bored at the momment, so I thought I would try to move some photos Brad already resized and posted for me to this thread. The diorama setting is Hudson & Allen, the vehicles and their occupants are CJB Models. This is the theme of the diorama:

Snetterton Heath, England, May, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. St. John-Smythe pause in the midst of pulling out their new 1939 Morris 8hp Tourer (with the top down on this surprisingly warm spring day) to watch a Royal Artillery column pass through their quiet village. One of the new Humber 'Ironside" Armored Cars leads the way, followed by a tracked "Dragon" Mark III Artillery Tractor, two different Morris General Service Trucks (a Morris D Type 30 cwt 6 x 4 and a Morris D Type 30 cwt 6 x 4 Truck M1 Forward Control) and a Burnett Ambulance. Two 1924 to 1931 Morris T Type "Tonner" Delivery Trucks, one advertising "Oxo" and one "Bisto" pass in the opposite direction.

You may have to click on the attachments to view them (sorry!)

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View attachment 120488
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I'm pretty bored at the momment, so I thought I would try to move some photos Brad already resized and posted for me to this thread. The diorama setting is Hudson & Allen, the vehicles and their occupants are CJB Models. This is the theme of the diorama:

Snetterton Heath, England, May, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. St. John-Smythe pause in the midst of pulling out their new 1939 Morris 8hp Tourer (with the top down on this surprisingly warm spring day) to watch a Royal Artillery column pass through their quiet village. One of the new Humber 'Ironside" Armored Cars leads the way, followed by a tracked "Dragon" Mark III Artillery Tractor, two different Morris General Service Trucks (a Morris D Type 30 cwt 6 x 4 and a Morris D Type 30 cwt 6 x 4 Truck M1 Forward Control) and a Burnett Ambulance. Two 1924 to 1931 Morris T Type "Tonner" Delivery Trucks, one advertising "Oxo" and one "Bisto" pass in the opposite direction.

You may have to click on the attachments to view them (sorry!)

View attachment 120489

View attachment 120490

View attachment 120491

View attachment 120488
Very well done dio Louis. Tommy
Very well done dio Louis. Tommy

Thanks Tommy, but other than a little art direction credit for staging the scene, the credit should go to Ken and Erika Osen. The scene consists of three separate Hudson & Allen dioramas (two buildings set on street scenes with walls and foliage and a walled garden scene) plus a Hudson & Allen ruined barn and a long section of Hudson & Allen street/sidewalk.:wink2:
Afrikakorps Strategic Command Map

Aerial photography of a small tabletop diorama:


Ultimate Soldier & Forces of Valor 1/32 Scale
Also found myself bored Kevin, Louis and WeternOutlaw so thought I join you in sharing my boredom. Great photos gentlemen and thanks for sharing them...........The Lt.




Also found myself bored Kevin, Louis and WeternOutlaw so thought I join you in sharing my boredom. Great photos gentlemen and thanks for sharing them...........The Lt.





.........and thank you for sharing these Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Your welcome Martyn as I found myself bored again.






Geez! My loyalties are a little torn when viewing your vignette since I am half Italian and half German. But having spent 3 1/2 years in Italy and Germany, I am coming down on the side of the Romans. Viva Italia! Just think how different world history would have been had the Romans conquered Germania.
Thanks Mike I also of Italian decent favor the Romans. As you'll note Martyn found myself bored again.........Joe

Thanks Mike I also of Italian decent favor the Romans. As you'll note Martyn found myself bored again.........Joe


Got to be Romans Joe, Marie was born in Calabria ^&grin

Cheers mate

Also found myself bored again Kevin with a little twist i history featuring shield against shield.


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