panda1gen Major Joined Jul 29, 2005 Messages 6,273 May 6, 2022 #4,361 It is great to see more of your displays. Newer members may not appreciate what an inspiration you were to others in the early days.
It is great to see more of your displays. Newer members may not appreciate what an inspiration you were to others in the early days.
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 8, 2022 #4,362 panda1gen said: It is great to see more of your displays. Newer members may not appreciate what an inspiration you were to others in the early days. Click to expand... Thank you very much Carlos
panda1gen said: It is great to see more of your displays. Newer members may not appreciate what an inspiration you were to others in the early days. Click to expand... Thank you very much Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 8, 2022 #4,363 This is my Luftwaffe HE 219 Owl Figarti King & County Diorama I’ve moved twice since making this diorama 9 years ago. Backlighting presented a real challenge in photographing this. The star of this diorama is the Figarti Luftwaffe HE 219 Owl at 1/30[SUP]th[/SUP] scale. How many King & Country figure sets do you see here, because they’re plenty of them? Carlos
This is my Luftwaffe HE 219 Owl Figarti King & County Diorama I’ve moved twice since making this diorama 9 years ago. Backlighting presented a real challenge in photographing this. The star of this diorama is the Figarti Luftwaffe HE 219 Owl at 1/30[SUP]th[/SUP] scale. How many King & Country figure sets do you see here, because they’re plenty of them? Carlos
panda1gen Major Joined Jul 29, 2005 Messages 6,273 May 13, 2022 #4,366 As I said in my earlier post, inspirational.
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 15, 2022 #4,367 This was just a part of a much larger diorama I built. Collect Showcase produced much better figures than critics gave them credit for IMO. Here are some stills of a YouTube video I published 10 years ago. I hope you guys like it. Carlos
This was just a part of a much larger diorama I built. Collect Showcase produced much better figures than critics gave them credit for IMO. Here are some stills of a YouTube video I published 10 years ago. I hope you guys like it. Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 15, 2022 #4,368 Here are some King and Country figures from the same diorama. Oh yeah, some Britains too! Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 23, 2022 #4,369 Continue through memory lane. I did this diorama about 6 years ago. It's WW2 Pacific War, I believe I took a few liberties with placing the B25 Bomber (early war) with late war marines. But what the heck, it's for enjoyment anyway. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did putting it together. Carlos
Continue through memory lane. I did this diorama about 6 years ago. It's WW2 Pacific War, I believe I took a few liberties with placing the B25 Bomber (early war) with late war marines. But what the heck, it's for enjoyment anyway. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did putting it together. Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 May 29, 2022 #4,371 I did this diorama some 9 years ago on my desktop in my home office. You see, you can create a little bit of history anywhere and enjoy it. There are plenty of long-ago retired pieces here. Yeah, the photos are messed up. I remember the lighting was awful back then in my office. What do you guys think? Carlos
I did this diorama some 9 years ago on my desktop in my home office. You see, you can create a little bit of history anywhere and enjoy it. There are plenty of long-ago retired pieces here. Yeah, the photos are messed up. I remember the lighting was awful back then in my office. What do you guys think? Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 Jun 5, 2022 #4,375 Did this diorama in May 2021. It is still displayed in my home office. This small diorama is supposed to be artillery position at a firebase. Those that were there will know it is missing a few things, but it was fun building it anyway. Most of the figures are King & Country as well as the artillery. The jeep is Thomas Gunn’s and there is a Figarti 105mm with associated figures. Can you guys spot the First Legion figures? The mat and oversized (1/18 scale) sandbags are from Build A Rama. Hope you guys like it, what do you think? Carlos
Did this diorama in May 2021. It is still displayed in my home office. This small diorama is supposed to be artillery position at a firebase. Those that were there will know it is missing a few things, but it was fun building it anyway. Most of the figures are King & Country as well as the artillery. The jeep is Thomas Gunn’s and there is a Figarti 105mm with associated figures. Can you guys spot the First Legion figures? The mat and oversized (1/18 scale) sandbags are from Build A Rama. Hope you guys like it, what do you think? Carlos
G Go for Broke Sergeant Major Joined Jun 18, 2008 Messages 1,595 Jun 5, 2022 #4,378 Nice one Carlos. I wonder how hard is it for the makers, to produce sweat stained uniforms?
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 Jun 12, 2022 #4,379 I’ll soon post more recent dioramas currently being displayed in my Home Office. However, here’s an “Oldie but Goody” from 10 years ago. Yeah, my camera skills have improved a bit since then. I believe all the figures and vehicles are King & Country from their “Battle of the Bulge-Americans” series. How do you like it? Yeah, it’s been a HOT, HOT summer so far here in Texas and just a bit too soon for Christmas. Carlos
I’ll soon post more recent dioramas currently being displayed in my Home Office. However, here’s an “Oldie but Goody” from 10 years ago. Yeah, my camera skills have improved a bit since then. I believe all the figures and vehicles are King & Country from their “Battle of the Bulge-Americans” series. How do you like it? Yeah, it’s been a HOT, HOT summer so far here in Texas and just a bit too soon for Christmas. Carlos
desk11desk12 1st Lieutenant Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 4,877 Jun 12, 2022 #4,380 Click here to see original video. Carlos