Brand loyalty poll (1 Viewer)

Which describes your brand loyalty?

  • I will only buy one company, will get ANY set they make in the range(s) I collect no mater what

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • I generally stick to one company, but might not get every set in a range

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Same as before but I will also get the occasional set from another company

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • I have 2+ companies I get a mix of, but nothing else

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • Try to stick to some general brand trend, but not strictly

    Votes: 13 15.7%

    Votes: 44 53.0%

  • Total voters


2nd Lieutenant
Oct 11, 2010
So one observation I have made is that this hobby often involves a high degree of brand loyalty. I was wondering to what degree people follow this trend...
Also, with the poll, occasional exceptions are not important, go with what usually describes you.
For me, I have no singular manufacturer loyalty as I buy what I find appealing and that can be any scale of matt, gloss, military civillian
I put "Anything from Anyone" as it was the closest to my buying practices. The "however" in there is that it needs to 1) be a subject of personal interest and/or 2) fit my plans for scenes that I want to build.

I am not brand loyal, but I tend stick to a couple suppliers in each scale because their items work well together. I will mix Conte metal/Conte plastic/TSSD/Wm Britains GIs in a scene because they all have the general build and they are close to the same scale. In my models I buy the best rated kit of the subject that I want. In 1/30th I tend to favor K&C and buy things that will complement them.

Gary B.
I put "Anything from Anyone" as it was the closest to my buying practices. The "however" in there is that it needs to 1) be a subject of personal interest and/or 2) fit my plans for scenes that I want to build.

I am not brand loyal, but I tend stick to a couple suppliers in each scale because their items work well together. I will mix Conte metal/Conte plastic/TSSD/Wm Britains GIs in a scene because they all have the general build and they are close to the same scale. In my models I buy the best rated kit of the subject that I want. In 1/30th I tend to favor K&C and buy things that will complement them.

Gary B.

Yep, thats the idea I was going for on the last one.
Anything from anyone as long as it is Napoleonic and it meets my quality criteria (sculpt and paint). :)
I collect figures of many sizes from Flats to 120mm figures and 200mm bust . No matter what the scale of the figure as long as its done well , I will consider it for my collection brand really has nothing to do with it I'm more interested in the sculpt and painting . Happy Collecting Gebhard
I buy what I like, from whomever, within my budget restrictions. -- Al
I used to be a K & C WW II loyalist but over the years I've expanded my horizons to glossy and non WW II, both K & C and otherwise. I've just acquired my first ACW FL pieces and looking forward to expanding those and have some Trophy Indians on the way. Nowadays, I would not consider myself a K & C loyalist anymore and this is not usually my first purchasing consideration.
Most of my collection is dominated by K&C, but Figarti, The Metal Shed, Imperial, Trophy, WM. Britian and Conte have kept my interest.
I like Jazzeums reply ''I used to be a K&C loyalist but not now'' Its very sectarian, almost, I was a loyalist but not now wonder if any splinter groups under the banner of the ''real K&C'' will emerge wearing balaclava's and giving gun salutes to the discontinued sets??

What completely surprised me is the intensity of brand loyalty that I have seen on here something I found quite hard to understand and if I am honest still do to some extent. Its a lot more intense and often rabid than I ever imagined could happen in a hobby like this just never come across such emotion before.

Still an interesting thread and a great hobby
Any manufacturer; any subject; any time period.

Whatever I find interesting, and often linked to what I'm reading at the moment.
I like Jazzeums reply ''I used to be a K&C loyalist but not now'' Its very sectarian, almost, I was a loyalist but not now wonder if any splinter groups under the banner of the ''real K&C'' will emerge wearing balaclava's and giving gun salutes to the discontinued sets??

What completely surprised me is the intensity of brand loyalty that I have seen on here something I found quite hard to understand and if I am honest still do to some extent. Its a lot more intense and often rabid than I ever imagined could happen in a hobby like this just never come across such emotion before.

Still an interesting thread and a great hobby

I used to be a rabid K & C fan almost to the point of belittling other companies but in a certain sense I've "grown up" where I look at everything and can appreciate what every company does. It doesn't mean I don't like K & C; I don't want to give that impression. However, when making a buying decision, I'm not just looking at one company but a whole raft of them. Also, the above doesn't apply when I can get my hands on K & C glossy. That I will do as much as I can :)
I grew up with Britains as I think did most UK kids my age and older. Through all of their changes I have liked the figures they produced. It gives me and edge when I bring home a tractor, farm animal, building or soldier as I collect Britains and they all fall under that umbrella :)

And the company has been around for over a hundred years so there is no shortage of things to collect :D
I wouldn't say that I am loyal but when I am especially interested in a manufacturer I tend to prioritize buying from that manufacturer. This of course changes, but till now I would say that Imperial is my most clear priority and that thus I tend to stick with Imperial, although I like many others and often go off course:D. Same might happen with historical periods, it often has to do with what I am reading at the moment (like others here have said) or just with the quality of the figures even if I don't know anything about the historical period itself. Then again the figures might take me to read about that historical period...:rolleyes:. And of course loyalty/priorities tend to be defined by those ugly earthly things, room and budget:rolleyes:

Have a loyal 2011 (or not so loyal it that's what befits you...:D).

Somehow marriage does come to mind, but that's another matter, probably for another forum:D:D
Gentle Friends,

I am not sure the word, "loyalty" describes my emotional attachment to manufacturers. Certainly, I have my favorites. Among my greatest favorites are:

Beau Geste
Monarch Regalia
William Hocker
W. Britains

Many manufacturers are included in my collection and I tend to very much like them all. Some of the other manufacturers that can be found in my displays are:

Sarum Soldiers
King and Country
Vintage manufacturers: Crescent, Manoil, W. Britains, JoHillCo, Barclay, Marx, etc.

There are occasions on which I will take advantage of a discovered bargain. If I like the figure(s) and, if the price is tempting (given budget availability, of course), I will make a purchase without regard to who manufactured the product.

So, am I brand loyal? I do not think so, but I clearly have a few favorites.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I will throw a spanner in the works by declaring that I am a total and devoted K&C Loyalist. I love the figures, AFVs, dio pieces, etc. from all the ranges and also the Collector magazine and the brochures. Also I have become great mates with Andy, Gordon and Helen as well as some of the crew from Kings X. These are to me what a TS company is all about. Not just great TS but the people behind the scenes and how they conduct themselves. I have also too date not met a K&C dealer that I did not like.
But, in saying this I do also collect John Jenkins, some Figarti and Britians. With these companies I like their products but also have come to met and like the owners. eg John, Richard and Rick.
The word Loyality can mean different things to different people, but as an old soldier, it along with honour are two of the words I live my life by.
Enjoy your TS collecting guys and buy "what ever floats your boat" and enjoy life.:)
Cheers from the Land Downunder, Howard
I will throw a spanner in the works by declaring that I am a total and devoted K&C Loyalist. The word Loyality can mean different things to different people, but as an old soldier, ....

I am an "old soldier" as well and I really think KC could do themselves a favor and look the word loyalty up in the dictionary and get reacquainted with it.

For me, Former KC loyalist, current KC Separatist.
The above posts raise an interesting question. Just what is loyalty? In military terms I understand it: you all depend on one another. No one is left behind.

Buying a product is completely different. It's a commercial relationship: if you make the products I like, I will buy them and pay you. We both profit: I get the product and you get my money. That's all it is boiled down to its essence. Loyalty has nothing to do with it.

Moreover, loyalty is a two way street. What must be given must be returned. That's a non sequitur in a commercial relationship.

I have seen employees who have been loyal to their company their whole working life but when it suits the company it will lay them off.

No, loyalty has no place in commercial relationships.
Interesting points. I think its right the company owes me nothing and I owe them nothing. They release X and I can buy it or leave it. I think in this hobby with the way things are there is some obfuscation over loyalty.

you can be loyal to a brand because you like it but have nothing to do with its makers or owners here, its different as Manufacturers prostitute themselves (in the best sense of the word) to their customers and a bond is made, for some, stronger than others and, when off cuff remarks or business decisions are taken they are not seen for what they are business but taken by some personally.

I have loyalty to friends and family but not toy soldiers. It makes it much less messy

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