Brisbane k&c dinner 2016. (1 Viewer)

I like the viking dio,especially the dead guy on the rock.
Baldrick and Blacksdder and let's hope they are not released when something useful could be instead.

Great pics and dios and sketches (apart from Blackadder)

I think it's a case of 'as well as', and there were some ooh's and aah's when Andy was giving some insight into future releases. My favorite has to be the amorous hussar but more civilians are a future treat...people of the eastern European region...on the subject of "behind the lines", it seems there are no limits, and Andy is enthusiastic. It will be a great year for dioramas and their makers.:cool:
Thanks again to Jack, alias Martin, for the superb organisation. The food was faultless. Apparently a SPANISH chef!:tongue: The mini cheesecakes for sweets were absolutely delicious. Like everyone to whom the responsibility falls, the moments of pressure tell but Martin was ably supported by his very capable lovely wife, Marg, and all appeared to flow smoothly:salute:: Well done team Martin. As much as we all take the rinse out of Jack in good natured style, there is never a show without the ring master, and he does it so well :cool:
And so the curtain falls over another K&C dinner and assorted travelers from near and far return to their homes with tales of food, wine and good company. It has been a funny few months in toy soldier land with talk that veers, perhaps, a touch too readily toward the pessimistic. At times, I have also been a bit more ‘down’ on the hobby in the past few months with a falling dollar, rising costs and the sheer breadth of the product available and the realisation that I cannot have it all. Although those struggling with the tyranny of distance might well be tired of the constant refrain of ‘get to a show’ or ‘get to a dinner’, there is, nevertheless, truth to it. It was reinvigorating to talk with collectors, diorama makers and a TS manufacturer (and those who feel they should be toy soldier manufacturers. People were very enthused. Though it might seem self-serving to make this claim, there was indeed a buzz in the room.

The highlight of the show was without doubt the diorama competition. The size restrictions were a stroke of genius on Bob’s part. People had to get creative and I was pleased to see a diorama from The Age of Sail do so well. It was a reminder that the hobby is very broad. As the great man observed, ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy’.

Driving to the function I said to my wife I think this might be the last dinner I help organise. With our university semesters arranged the way they are, the dinner seems to fall at an awkward time. The next morning I was doing my Audrey Hepburn impersonation (as in “I could have danced all night”) and was talking excitedly about what we could do next year and how we could make it better. We have plans – some good (i.e mine) and some that need further tweaking. Collectors from around Australia, NZ and our neighbours to the north should consider making the trip to Brisbane next year.

Once again, I would like to extend my thanks to Brett and Gerelou Williams for running a club house that doubles as a shop, Andy Neilson for again making the journey southward, and to the Brisbane team, the broader collecting community and the diorama makers. Most of all, I want to thank the young boy who came over and said to me ‘I voted for yours’.

Jack (Martin)
Jack (Martin),

In total agreement with what you said but you forgot Marg.

Please pass on my thanks for all her work on the night.

If it had been possible, I'd have voted for the plastic tank...when you are seeing things develop, there are a number of funny incidents, concealed from the show spectator, that make up the richness of the overall display. Jack was building his display at a workshop where the tank on the flat car was also being constructed. We were sharing the white spray bottle I had loaded with diluted PVA. I am gluing ballast onto the G scale track and Martin carefully layering fine sand onto the foam-based beach. Much later, the 'glue' having dried, I started to paint the track and ballast only to have the small stones clatter onto the floor. Martin had long since departed with his artistic work.
Having purchased the spray loaded with anti-bacterial solution, because it was a good spray bottle, I had a seniors' moment and forgot to exchange the solution for PVA. I had visions of that now sterile fine sand distributed through Martin's car.
We always have fun of course, but it struck me while judging that It would be interesting to hear the funny stories from other entrants. I am sure there would be so many. Martin did very well on a tight schedule to put up a dio at all, and that simple combination of the plastic tank and just a few carefully chosen figures was a commendable effort with its distinctive narrative. Lest we forget, it's all about having fun. :salute::{sm4}
Some terrific pics and dios throughout this thread, great thread featuring really top work. ^&cool

Also some splendid looking upcoming releases, RAF , LRDG and very interestingly Black Adder. Can't wait to see how the finished figures look. With Dad's Army and Blackadder K&C have covered arguably the two most popular tv comedies this country ever produced.

Whilst the evening was extremely enjoyable, from the efforts of Martin (Jack) and the entire creative team behind the major diorama's, to all the entrants in the Diorama Competition, to the sponsorship of Brett and the Military Workshop through to the big boss himself, Andy; no-one could rise above the efforts of the most important person on the night, the Spanish Chef!

Many thanks to all involved.

Some terrific pics and dios throughout this thread, great thread featuring really top work. ^&cool

Also some splendid looking upcoming releases, RAF , LRDG and very interestingly Black Adder. Can't wait to see how the finished figures look. With Dad's Army and Blackadder K&C have covered arguably the two most popular tv comedies this country ever produced.

Of course Melchett is a must.................

Of course Melchett is a must.................



Funny because Dad's Army almost single handedly reintroduced the public to the Home Guard and what they did when they had been pretty much forgotten. Whilst Black Adder although, brilliant, very funny and hugely popular, put back understanding of WW1 a bit and helped perpetuate some myths.

But it doesn't change the fact it was hilarious and I can't wait to see these figs:salute::

Totally there were 22 entries in the competition by 13 people. The breakdown was as follows :

Medieval (KC) - Mark IV - Judges 3rd Choice
Saracen Oasis (KC) - Sapper

American War of Independence Ambush (KC) - Farmer Tony - Won Andy's First Choice
Jacobite Rebellion (JJ) - Farmer Tony
Indian prisoners with canoe (JJ)
Indians in canoe (JJ) - Sapper

Nelsons Navy (mix KC, JJ guns and Forward March) - Judges 2nd Choice

Gallipoli trench (mix JJ/KC) - Won Andy's 3rd Choice
Western Front trench (mix JJ/KC) - Won Peoples Choice and Andy's 2nd Choice
Trench WWI (no figures)
French WWI (JJ) - Mark IV

Berlin Parade (KC with conversions of the flags) - forum member Ray - won Peoples Choice 2nd

Blitz (KC) by lady collector Carole
German Snow Patrol (KC) - Won Judges First Choice
GI Foxholes Bulge (KC) - Mark IV
D Day Sherman on beach (KC) - Jack
Afrika Korps (KC) - Mark IV
SS Kubelwagen (KC)
Stalingrad (KC)

Japanese attack TG - Mark IV
Japanese v Aussies in box TG
Japanese Jungle patrol TG

The following entries were by the same person :

Western Front trench (mix JJ/KC) - Won Peoples Choice and Andy's 2nd Choice
German Snow Patrol (KC) - Won Judges First Choice and Peoples Choice 3rd
and he also did the Japanese jungle patrol.
But wait there is more. His son also won the K&C Normandy Quad and limber in the lucky draw.

The judging was very difficult.

Basically we had Bob and Wayne judging their 1st, 2nd and 3rd Choices. It was mentioned by them that the winning dio's (Bulge German snow patrol) grass might have been a bit too green but the inside and outside elements in the one small dio made this one their first pick. (Please not the dios were set up just before the dinner so many would not have their bases covered as figures were place on base at set up).

People's Choice was based on votes by all who attended. There is a photo of winner in thread already and I have another to come that is probably not as good as Waynes. I am trying to see if any more good ones available. It was the trench and mud detail that made this one stand out.

Andy's Choice was entirely his own decision and I know Andy had a problem with picking. He picked the AWI Ambush by FarmerTony. His 2nd and 3rd Choices (Western Front and Gallipoli) included Jenkins figures.

Not that my vote counted any more than others but on Peoples Choice I also happened to vote for the winner.

As in previous years Jack organised the dinner aspects of the event and use of the Museum and did some MC ing. He even manned the bar and made a joke at my expense about me having
just said I was not good at telling jokes{sm2}. As always he was ably assisted by his wonderful wife and I am still getting grief from my wife for not thanking Jacks wife during the event. Heartfelt thanks go to both of them as a lot of work involved behind the scenes. Jack now much busier at work than previous years so for him to give up so much of his time is much appreciated by all the local collectors and myself. On a side note he also presented Andy with a book he has had published (I guess Dr Dr's need more than one hobby:salute::).

Special mention must go to Wayne and Bob. Some may recall Wayne's arrival on the forum a few years ago. He started putting up lots of great little dios and his backdrop work became well known. I think we can "blame" him for the K&C Diorama section of the forum as he was so prolific. This spread to a few of the other local collectors and many have seen his work over the years. Bob has also been big on dios and created some to show in the shop so people could see what they could fit in the space available for the competition. The competition was his idea and it exceeded our expectations in terms of entrants, variety and quality. Thanks go to both of them and in particular for their encouragement of others (I have already had indications from four others who attended the dinner that they intend to enter the competition next year).

Thanks also to long time supporter of the dios, Glenn, for taking the pics and Mark IV for his five entries. Mark got a "Mentioned in Despatches" (but no medal) from Andy for his GI's in Foxholes.

Some may recall Firebat and his excellent diorama work shown here a few years ago. He was very much interested in trying to get modellers to cross over to this hobby. Being a talented modeller he would have no problem converting a tank or figure by painting or weathering it. They looked fantastic but probably not something many collectors are going to want to do to their metal figures or polystone / resin vehicles. However having fun with the building of a base to put them on is hopefully an aspect that might interest some collectors so that their hobby becomes a bit more than just collecting.

One minor point of interest. Andy was in the shop for a short while. A relatively new collector came in with his son in law and his three grand sons (aged about 9-12). The collector left them alone to look around whilst he talked to Andy. Next thing he knows he has four family members who also now own toy soldier owners as his son in law and 3 kids got some each (two Custer Indians, a Henry V and two WW2 Russians). What was good was the kids did seem to know a bit of history and knew what they were looking at.

Three of the entered dioramas were TG Japanese series so will have them put in TG area of forum. Same for the four Jenkins dios.

Normally I would have expected some Britains Zulu dioramas to have been entered. However since some had combined to create a large Zulu diorama or knew about it this may have affected their interest in doing smaller Zulu ones.

Come back over the next few days as more pics to come.
Thank you for sharing these photos Wayne. Incredible work by all participants. Especially enjoyed catching an Australian collector looking exceptionally handsome in a Kings X polo shirt! {sm4}

Best from Texas,

Amber Garcia
Kings X Toy Soldiers

Thank you for sharing these photos Wayne. Incredible work by all participants. Especially enjoyed catching an Australian collector looking exceptionally handsome in a Kings X polo shirt! {sm4}

Best from Texas,

Amber Garcia
Kings X Toy Soldiers

Kevin visited you at last Texas show. He likes NASCAR and his trip usually co-incides with your show. I will have strong words with him about wearing competitors shirts at my event ^&grin
Thank you for sharing these photos Wayne. Incredible work by all participants. Especially enjoyed catching an Australian collector looking exceptionally handsome in a Kings X polo shirt! {sm4}

Best from Texas,

Amber Garcia
Kings X Toy Soldiers

Kevin visited you at last Texas show. He likes NASCAR and his trip usually co-incides with your show. I will have strong words with him about wearing competitors shirts at my event ^&grin
Will we be seeing a Military Workshops shirt? I'm sure it would sell :cool: Something in blue velvet for Jack.^&cool
Just catching up on the whole thread and must say you fellas down under really have a great show going on, "Texas show?, never heard of it^&grin seriously looks like great times, great dioramas all around, congrats to all those who attended and had a chance to go, and thanks for the photos and updates...Sammy

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