Britain Smaller Scale "B Range" (1 Viewer)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
You don't see so many of these about, nowadays.

I am talking Old Britains, smaller scale (41-43mm) Hollowcast Toy Soldiers, produced for just twenty years - from 1896-1916, so over 100 years ago. I had been looking for some of these for many years, without any success at all..............until, along came another chap with a passion for these...........and a whole heap of skill.

The pictures below, show part of a consignment of re-casts of some of these smaller scale beauties, kindly provided to me by a fellow Treefrog Member (Sandhurst 39), who is a very talented chap, when it comes to repairs, re-casting and painting too. He tells me that he eventually made up some moulds for these Hussar figures, from parts obtained from no less than three damaged specimens that he managed to track down. He thinks that some of these may have even been Hanks pirated copies - though they look pretty good to me from pictures I've seen of some originals ( I had never seen a real one). He had to add in a few scratch built or modified parts too, where they were absent in his originals, but as you can see from my pics - it's nigh on impossible to see where they are.

I thought he did a grand job anyway - so asked him if he might spare a few new castings for me - and he was kind enough to agree to my request. I'm about half-way through my present batch - which are a Hussar Officer and ten hussars. As you can see, I have been painting them as the 11th (Cherry Pickers) Reiment, which is a great favourite of mine. They take me a while to complete, because I like to paint something special that way.:cool:

Also note my last pic below, which really shows their small size when compared to some Standard 54mm Britains Hussars from my collection. I've also added in a bare metal casting - which shows how they originally came.

Thanks again to my new pal - I really appreciate your work. jb

[P.S. Please ignore the cars in the background pic (Horse Guards Parade), which I didn't notice until after I had set up the pics - I'll remove them for next time I use it!]);)

Wow Johnny those look great! Very hard to find those figures in any condition so congrats on the castings! Love the way you painted up, happens to be one of my favorite regiments as well! Looking forward to more of your work

Wow Johnny those look great! Very hard to find those figures in any condition so congrats on the castings! Love the way you painted up, happens to be one of my favorite regiments as well! Looking forward to more of your work


Glad you like them too Dave. I think they are great - and a big thank you goes to Sandhurst 39 - who actually rescued these and made them up into paintable castings in the first place. I have never even seen one before - despite looking for several years.

If you take a look into a special Chapter on these in James Opie's latest book on Britains - you may see why..............from the number of illustrations of his collection of them - he's already got 'em all!:D
Here's a pic of how some of these turn up sometimes. I hope that you can see that most have broken bits and pieces on them - BUT most are restorable . I have a plan - but you will just have to wait and see how it all turns out.

What you see here is 5 Marching Guardsmen with rifles at the slope; Two Sailors with rifles at slope - and a Scottish Soldier in Foreign Service helmet with rifle at the trail, (I'm just making up the butt end of his rifle, to repair it, as I write).

All of these figures are Britains "B" range and are between 100 - 120 years old. jb

Here's another pic - showing in a bit more detail, some of these smaller figures.

Note the figure of a kilted Scot carrying rifle at the trail. You may be able to make out that his rifle now has a new butt, which I drilled and pinned to what was left of his weapon - which was missing when found. He is wearing a Foreign Service helmet, which had traces of light khaki paintwork when found, probably meaning that he was intended for the Boer War.

The two Sailors, both have missing parts - but if the head was transplanted to the figure with the rifle at the slope - would mean that a complete figure would be achieved. Note that these have squared off bases - and not oval as the others. I understand that this means that the squared bases are Second Series figures - whereas the oval bases are the First Series, which began in 1898.

At the rear - is one of my five remaining 11th Hussars recasts - which is well on the way to completion.


I have now completed my eleven, small scale 11th Hussars, which I'm quite pleased with. Here's some pics below.


They look great! I have a few more figures in the pipeline.( Including the food figures).

Here is a pic of my detachment. Always amazed that the same figure can be transformed by a different paint job! Have an Indian lancer ready to go next. I’m totally smitten with the b series size. Full blown Britain’s styling in a compact form!

I have now completed my eleven, small scale 11th Hussars, which I'm quite pleased with. Here's some pics below.

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They look great! I have a few more figures in the pipeline.( Including the food figures).

Here is a pic of my detachment. Always amazed that the same figure can be transformed by a different paint job! Have an Indian lancer ready to go next. I’m totally smitten with the b series size. Full blown Britain’s styling in a compact form!

Hi - Me too - bring 'em on. That pic of your detachment of Hussars really began it for me with the "B" range. However, my favourite Hussar Regiment has always been the 11th (Cherry Pickers) - so that was my first thought when I saw your excellent contingent. Thank you so much for agreeing to let me have some - they were a challenge, but also a delight to paint.

I have just a single figure in 54mm size of an Indian lancer which I painted as a member of "Skinner's Horse" - so would be delighted to paint up a small detachment of them in the smaller "B" size too. Just let me know when you are ready - and I would really love some more.

These smaller sized Britains are SO rare to find nowadays, as they have been out of production for well over 100 years - and they very rarely turn up anywhere. I had been looking out for some for several years - before I found your repaired and remodelled re-casts, which are just excellent, and capture the look and spirit of the originals, and when painted - look brand-new all over again.

And IF there is anyone else out there who might like to try some - just send Sandhurst39 a Private message - as he's a Treefrogger too - and maybe he would agree to part with a few castings for you too??????????

Many thanks buddy - I'll be in touch. jb
I've just won another pair of Britains smaller scale figures on e-bay - so thought that I would show them here.

They are NOT from the "B" range this time - but, would you believe, even smaller.

In 1901, Britains first produced some 35mm figures, beginning with a Life Guard - then a Royal Horse Guard, 1st Dragoon and a figure in a Yeomanary uniform. But in the following year (1902) they added a Hussar and a Lancer in the same scale.

During the following interwar years, simplified figures were issued for the cheap end of the market - in an overall silver colour - and I think this is what my pair are ( they have the usual Britains markings under the horse)PIC_4831.JPG.

Here's a pic, which shows my two new Lancer Officer figures. I have shown at the rear, two Britains figures, a "B" range Hussar (43mm) and a 54mm Lancer Officer to show the size comparison. jb
Hi Johnny, those are tiny! Can’t wait to see how they turn out. Do you know if they made infantry in that scale too? Thanks for sharing

Hi Johnny, those are tiny! Can’t wait to see how they turn out. Do you know if they made infantry in that scale too? Thanks for sharing


I think they are definitely the smallest that I have seen from the old Britains company Dave. I believe that they only did these few cavalry figures already mentioned, at this scale - so no infantry.

I gathered the information I gave - from James Opie's book "Britains Toy Soldiers: The history and handbook 1893-2013" (2016) Pen & Sword Books Ltd. (see pages 106-107).

I feel really lucky to have been able to put this bit of knowledge to good use - and once I had found them up for sale - to have been able to recognize just what they were. As I was the only bidder for them - I obtained them at a very reasonable price.;) jb
Hi Johnny.

Great find. I picked up a standing hussar in the same 30mm size, though not Britains would fit in well I may recast a troop of these at some point in the future!!

But first more 45s! Done a boxed set of Coldstreamers for a pal. At a glance hard to see if they are 54 or 45mm! Boxed they look delicious I think! Working on some other, I’ll keep you posted!

Hi Johnny.

Great find. I picked up a standing hussar in the same 30mm size, though not Britains would fit in well I may recast a troop of these at some point in the future!!

But first more 45s! Done a boxed set of Coldstreamers for a pal. At a glance hard to see if they are 54 or 45mm! Boxed they look delicious I think! Working on some other, I’ll keep you posted!

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Love the look of the Coldstream Guards.

If you would like one of my two Mounted Lancer 35mm figures - just let me know - and he's yours. jb
Hi John

Figure arrived safe and sound! Thank you. I’ll post more 45s on here when I have them ready and let you know when next detachment are ready for mobilisation to you!
Hi John

Figure arrived safe and sound! Thank you. I’ll post more 45s on here when I have them ready and let you know when next detachment are ready for mobilisation to you!

You're welcome - glad he arrived okay - aren't they TINY?:D

I couldn't resist starting to paint mine and have begun painting him in the late evenings ( when gardening duties cease!). He's down to the very fiddley-bits now - so shouldn't be too long before I can take a pic or two of him.

I'll look forward to some more "B-Range figures arriving - once completed and you have some free time - whenever. I think I'll show them on here - once completed - and then we'll have a permanent record of them on this wonderful Forum.

Cheers buddy. jb
Completed my 35mm Britains Lancer Officer earlier today.

As usual, I put a tiny base on my figure - and then painted him in my favourite lancer Regimental colours. He is now a 16th Lancer Officer.

Her's a couple of pics below - along with some Britain's "B" range Hussars (41-43mm) - and a couple of Britains 54mm Lancer Officers. All of these are shown to better understand the size of each scale. All figures have been recast - or repaired and restored originals. My latest and smallest figure was originally painted all-over silver - and was originally offered by Britains, pre-war . jb

How does that old saying go ? You wait for a number 35 bus to come along - and none does - and then - you get two coming together!

Well - it's true! I couldn't believe my eyes when an e-bay vendor put these three 35mm figures, in with a job-lot of broken figures last week.

I'm also pretty sure that no-one else knew what they were - because, once again, I was the only bidder - so got 'em at a very reasonable starting price.

As before - all are painted silver overall.

From the pics - you can make out that the Hussar Officer is on a standing horse which appears to have a Leopard skin cast-in. He is the only one of the three to have Britains markings under the belly of the horse.

Of the remaining pair, only one has a head to the rider - and this looks like a Household Cavalry figure. The other is in exactly the same pose - just minus the head. The odd thing is - they are not marked as Britains - so I'm wondering if these could be Hanks copies - as I know they copied some of the "B" range figures too?

I may wait awhile before painting these - as I would like to know if my new chum Andrew would like to have a look at these first - and I'll need a new head cast for my "spare" H Cav rider anyway.

Here's a couple of pics. jb

Here's a pic of how some of these turn up sometimes. I hope that you can see that most have broken bits and pieces on them - BUT most are restorable . I have a plan - but you will just have to wait and see how it all turns out.

What you see here is 5 Marching Guardsmen with rifles at the slope; Two Sailors with rifles at slope - and a Scottish Soldier in Foreign Service helmet with rifle at the trail, (I'm just making up the butt end of his rifle, to repair it, as I write).

All of these figures are Britains "B" range and are between 100 - 120 years old. jb

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I had these figures below in the post today from Sandhurst39. They are his modern take on the old Britains "B" range Guards figures. Not exactly the same - but close enough and in the same scale (which is why I 'm re-showing some old originals above for comparison).

Here's a pic - which shows my first half-dozen marching Guardsmen. Note that I have included a 54mm sized completed guardsman from my collection, at the rear, just for size comparison.


At the same time - I ordered his take on a set that Britains never made in the "B" range - but once again, in a similar style to these marvelous Ancient Britains. This time it's of some Indian Cavalry ( I will repaint these as what was popularly called, Skinner's Horse - which is why I'm showing behind them my sole restored example in 54mm - again to show the true scale of these smaller castings). Note that I asked for an Officer figure and five Sowars - so Andrew removed the scabbarded carbine from one casting and substituted an arm with drawn sword for him. The others will carry lances - and I've included a couple in front of the castings. I like to paint the frontal areas of figures usually - with the arm off - as it's easier that way.


Hope you like these little beauties as much as I do, which I intend to paint up when things cool down a bit here - and the nights also draw in a bit. I'll show how I get on with them from time to time here ( although they aren't TRULY Britains at all - but certainly inspired by them, and I think they suit here best). jb
Here's an update on my smaller size "Skinner's horse" figure.

I've painted my first of six to completion - just to see how it looks. I have again based the figure - and shown it against a restored britains 54mm figure for size comparison.

Again this is a figure that Britains never made in the "B" size - but this one has been made up by "Sandhurst 39 - who is a Treefrog member too. jb


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