Britain Smaller Scale "B Range" (4 Viewers)

I have been taking my time - working through these smaller scale figures - so as not to create painting difficulties - and I think that I've cracked it now.

I have decided to put my limber sitting pair of figures permanently on board ( not original).

I have got a long way in with painting one of my four outriders - so makes the other three easier.

First gun team pair ALMOST completed with paint.- - again makes other pairs easier.

Officer will be on a grey - almost half-way with him too.

Once all have been painted - I intend to link them up with wire.

Here's pic update on progress - jb

Note that I have decided to put my cannon/limber horses on a double stand - whilst the Escort group will ride singles. These are pinned and glued in place - BUT the second horse on the double stand wil be left loose, until at least the inside of each figure has been painted up. Experience has taught me that it is far easier to get a brush on the insides of each figure whilst they are not glued very closely in place.


yes this is a good way to go for horses towing limbers/wagons etc. It makes it much easier to move them in displays, to get the traces/chains set and for me to pack and post them to customers.

Looking forward to seeing this group completed, so keep up the good work,


yes this is a good way to go for horses towing limbers/wagons etc. It makes it much easier to move them in displays, to get the traces/chains set and for me to pack and post them to customers.

Looking forward to seeing this group completed, so keep up the good work,


Cheers John - glad you like 'em too. jb
As always I love the work you do! Very cool to see these guys develop

As always I love the work you do! Very cool to see these guys develop


Doing a little more development with these smaller figures every day, Dave - and as usual the more they develop, the more interesting they seem to get. I have made a few changes to the originals, of course - but am enjoying both the technical and painting challenges. Here's a couple more pics - other side this time - jb.


Fantastic. Working on more additions to the range. Hope to release soon.

Great stuff - these little beauties deserve to be available for those that like them. I'll be in touch for a few spare arms with swords at the carry for some more originals in this size, that I'm restoring - if that's okay.

Glad you like how they are developing. jb:salute::
Well - if you like to see them develop ..................I got a couple of good hours painting in today - and they are coming along nicely.

These look great. Just purchased a partial set of 126B. Can send pictures of the wire traces when you are ready.

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Very nice purchase of "the other set", and very nice to see an example - which is not in Full Dress of course. How much do you have of this set?

I will be using wire to connect mine ( much as they were originally), but I' won't be slavishly trying to copy - as my set is certainly not original!! Any pictures will be gratefully received.

Very nice - thankyou - jb
Well - if you like to see them develop ..................I got a couple of good hours painting in today - and they are coming along nicely.

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Here are some trace pix. Note the odd wire running the length of the team, loop up front, hook for gun at the end. James Opie states the tan limbers and guns were Hanks replacements (Britains 1893-2013). Believe the set was issued with four outrider gunners and an officer. There are 3 mounted gunners with this set.

Thanks for the pics - certainly looks like an unusual arrangement of linking.

I have put my six gun team on bases, in pairs - to protect slim legs of horses from future damage. My limber is non-standard, whereas yours is the real thing.

My solution to linking the limber to the first pair was to have the draw pole end at the shoulders of the first pair. The pole fits between the "spacers" cast in to the horses. My plan is to link these pieces permanently.

The other two pairs of horses, I intnd to link with wire "traces", rather like the rest of Britains carriages - such as the Coronation Coach (for example).

Note that my Officer is very non-standard - and now almost completed with sword held aloft. I have also put on the carbine holding arm of one of the mounted gunners at the rear.

The two limber riders were never included in either set (125/126), but I just fancied adding them.

IF you are short of spare parts AND you wish to repair or maybe improve some of your original pieces - contact Andrew Stevenson ( - as that is where ALL of my recast parts for this project came from. (We found original damaged parts or made the rest up between us). Of course, if you want to keep them original - that's okay too.

Just love what you have of the 126 B set - I must say. jb

Thanks for the pics - certainly looks like an unusual arrangement of linking.

I have put my six gun team on bases, in pairs - to protect slim legs of horses from future damage. My limber is non-standard, whereas yours is the real thing.

My solution to linking the limber to the first pair was to have the draw pole end at the shoulders of the first pair. The pole fits between the "spacers" cast in to the horses. My plan is to link these pieces permanently.

The other two pairs of horses, I intnd to link with wire "traces", rather like the rest of Britains carriages - such as the Coronation Coach (for example).

Note that my Officer is very non-standard - and now almost completed with sword held aloft. I have also put on the carbine holding arm of one of the mounted gunners at the rear.

The two limber riders were never included in either set (125/126), but I just fancied adding them.

IF you are short of spare parts AND you wish to repair or maybe improve some of your original pieces - contact Andrew Stevenson ( - as that is where ALL of my recast parts for this project came from. (We found original damaged parts or made the rest up between us). Of course, if you want to keep them original - that's okay too.

Just love what you have of the 126 B set - I must say. jb

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Thanks, these sets have a ton of charm of an era gone by. Sounds like a good solution to replace the traces. Intend visiting the UK next year, besides tourist things hope to pick up a couple of "a gentleman's war" armies in B from Andrew.
Thanks, these sets have a ton of charm of an era gone by. Sounds like a good solution to replace the traces. Intend visiting the UK next year, besides tourist things hope to pick up a couple of "a gentleman's war" armies in B from Andrew.

I thoroughly agree with your "charm" comment about these smaller Britains figures. Available from 1901 - they stayed in the catalogue until 1939.

We will see how my own "set" turns out - complete with non-standard parts and connections - but I hope they will please some.

Have a good visit to the UK - and sounds like to Andrew too. I hope you pick up lots of things you would like too. jb
Here's a frontal pic of the First pair of draw horses - which I hope shows how the draw pole links through the internal connectors between the pair of horses. As mine are anchored to a stand (base) - with pin and glue - this will provide a very strong fix for the limber. Note also my two limber riders - which of course, never featured in this old Britains set at all. These too are glued and pinned to the limber. (Ouch! - guess where?).

The other four figures are the outriders. They carry a carbine in the right hand. Now this caused me a small problem, as they also carried another carbine in a saddle holster ( a common thing for early Britains figures). The solution? - I removed the offending extra weapon by surgery before fitting the arm with weapon, painting in the black sheepskin before fitting the arm.

I usually paint the stands last of all - though I will also be painting the connecting wires between the gun team horses and the limber this time. All painting of figures is now complete ( except for possible touch ups in final assembly - if/where neccesary).

My stands will require a final coat before that - so maybe a couple of days should see this lovely little set complete.

I might add - that my Paternal Grandfather rode the lead horse in one of these teams during WW1 - and was injured to the head by shrapnel during that conflict . At that time, they wore soft caps - and it was later that steel helmets were issued. Luckily for my Dad and I - he was invalided out of the army - but died later at age 54 from his head wound, which was way before I was born - so, I sadly never met him.

I have a full sized 54mm modern Britains set of the gun team - and now - I will, very soon, I will also posses MY version of the smaller set.

I'm very happy with that. jb

One last pic to show you tonight - which shows how I have connected the limber draw plate to the brake horse pair. I have used connecting wires to the pre-cast holes in the horse - which match up to the cast in traces.

I've left them unpainted for now - so they show up clearer. These will be glued in permanently to each horse - but I've just realised that by leaving them unglued at the limber draw plate - the limber becomes detachable. :cool:

I've also included my Officer and an outrider, so you can see them a bit closer up. jb


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Now finally completed is my Replica of Britains rightly famous Set 125, Royal Horse Artillery in Full Dress Uniform. Available from 1901, their small size and delicate parts means that it is getting difficult to find figures in good condition.

This is my version, in honour of my Grand-dad who rides the lead horse - and differs significantly from the original in both parts and construction. I'm grateful for some pics from "Pinot Noir", which shows how the original sets (there was another set126 in Field Uniforms), were connected up. My connections are far simpler - and involve the use of wire traces - to connect the pairs of horses to each other - and the limber ( which is also non-original, as we couldn't find one, when we were collecting bits and pieces. So...............between us............we made one!

However, I am very happy with my set - and will treasure it.

Many thanks also go to Andrew Stevenson for his skill in repairing/restoring some rather beaten up original pieces that we fouond on e-bay, and more original pieces from him that were never with the original set ( such as Officer on prancing horse - and the limber riders ). jb

Great work JB,,

thaks for showing us the progress you have done in bringing these back 'to life'

well done,


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