Britains 2006 catalog (1 Viewer)

No one heres upset, again , like you just stating my opinian.These are after all just figures even though we all do love them so.
To each his own. Many, virtually everything has its positives and negatives that we have to weigh and decide upon.Theres no right or wrong in it.
I certainly won't look down on what, scale, maker, paintjob ect because even if I think it reeks , I wont say so.Someone loves it.If people are happy with what they like then who am I to tell them they are wrong?
No, I take no offense, cant speak for anyone else.If I come across blunt, it's just me, rough around the edges Longshoreman personality.Not very endearing to the more sophisticated!

Is that Kettengrad the same as the one previously made or a different one?
This is too funny have a fight with the wife get in a pissy mood come on Treefrog to calm down and piss everyone else off as a result, funny how my wife has that power over me. Thanks FUBAR I'm glad we made up..don't want to upset my fellow brother and sisters..really the whole reason for my comment was I was excited to see the new stuff only to find out I can't mix and match...:)

For the record I did buy the Nelson series so you can all be proud of me..:p

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wellington said:
thats silly on Britains part...don't you think.......;) If they thought about it they could have captured all the K&C collectors at the same time...I think K&C size is the wave of the can they compete with quality if they remain the same size...I thought the whole reason for changing Britains was to improve quality??? I'm not saying they aren't nice but isn't it hard to compete with K&C if they are painting on a much smaller scale.....Sorry for the attitude just disappointed, I wanted to collect Britains Napoleonics if they do them but won't be now if I can't mix them with my K&C!!!!!


To me if King and Country are the leaders in toy soldiers then there must be a reason for it they are meeting the consumers demands....I think if Britains was the same size I think we would all be buying them and mixing them up with our K&C sets. I know I would be buying them..Britains is a good name.

I don't think Andy wants everone else to start using his 60mm scale. He has found himself a very nice niche where he can differentiate K & C from his competitors. Also, I know you may find this hard to believe, but the vast majority of collectors collect 54mm figures. Finally, I never mix different manufacturers figures even if they are the same scale because , in my minds eye, there are noticable differences in sculpting, style, and paint. This also gives me the excuse of having to buy more.
jazzeum said:
Is that Kettengrad the same as the one previously made or a different one?

Good questions Brad. I can't tell by looking. Richard?
I think the new stuff looks great!!! I,m a little bummed out that i,ll have to wait for the new napoleonics but i can,t wait to see them. I really like the cival war stuff alot. Thats what i,d collect if the napoleonics ever dried up but i don,t have the cash or the room for another era in time. I really like the little sheds and farm looking extras. I,ll have to pick those up. Any idea on what those sets will cost? ___________________________ TIM
The Kettenkrad is the old one with a few small details added - a load in the back, enhanced Jerry cans, and better weathering.

The buildings are so new I do not have costs yet - I hope to know in early March what they will run - sorry to keep you all hanging.
wellington said:
thats silly on Britains part...don't you think.......;) If they thought about it they could have captured all the K&C collectors at the same time...I think K&C size is the wave of the can they compete with quality if they remain the same size...I thought the whole reason for changing Britains was to improve quality??? I'm not saying they aren't nice but isn't it hard to compete with K&C if they are painting on a much smaller scale.....Sorry for the attitude just disappointed, I wanted to collect Britains Napoleonics if they do them but won't be now if I can't mix them with my K&C!!!!!


To me if King and Country are the leaders in toy soldiers then there must be a reason for it they are meeting the consumers demands....I think if Britains was the same size I think we would all be buying them and mixing them up with our K&C sets. I know I would be buying them..Britains is a good name.
Geesh you K&C people, come down off the pedistal already! From your original post, it is obvious that you truly feel that Britains should just abandon their loyal collectors and go chase after K&C fanatics? What you must understand is that there other fanatics other than just the K&C followers and a company such as Britains shouldn't abandon this army of loyal collectors just to make the K&C people happy. Not a good business move! IMHO as an ACW collector, Britains is the superior manufacturer and K&C doesn't hold a candle to them with their feeble offerings. Maybe it is they who could learn something from Britains!:rolleyes: Some guys drive Chevy's some drive Ford's. It would be a pretty boring hobby if everyone collected the same thing and everything looked alike.
I think if Britains was the same size I think we would all be buying them and mixing them up with our K&C sets.
Remember, K&C is the odd man out. Maybe they should consider making their's smaller. Than, maybe we would consider buying some and mixing them with our Britains collections.:)
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DIGGER....I've already caught flak for the comments, I've tried to do damage control can we move on or will I have to endure this for the next 20 years.......:) Yesssssssssss Britains is great and yesssss I have since come down from my high pedistal, very high I might add. I too have some Britains and think they are great!!!....You do have a point if I was a collector of Britains I would be really upset if the size was changed if I was already collecting the series.

This is like living with my wife...she never forgives and never lets me forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is too short to be arguing about my hobby, I do enough of that at home with my wife.

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Richard Walker please DON'T EVER increase the size of Britains to 60mm.
Britains is the number one name in the toy soldier world. Why would they need to copy what K&C does. Some people on this board just started collecting K&C a few years ago and don't understand the whole hobby and it's history in my opinion. By the way, love the new gloss figures that will be coming out. They have what K&C lacks - charm.
I think some of you people need a reality check. Why do you think the Britains company has been sold so much and that they might even think about doing 60 mm. Because 60 mm is where the action is and where the newer, younger collectors are migrating. I don't know about ACW but in WW 2, nobody can hold a candle to K & C. They are the market leader there and as WW 2 is an important market, that's something Britains is trying to make up ground in.

I frankly am not crazy about glossy soldiers, not terribly realistic. Yes, I know it appeals to a more traditional toy soldier collector but the market and the appetite of the buying public has changed. Maybe many of us haven't been in this hobby too long but we're the one spending the dough.

It's not for nothing that K & C attracts a lot of attention on this board. That's just where most of the collectors are. If we need to get off our high horse, I suggest you join us.
Hi Guys,

Glad see Richard wade in on a few of these questions. The new line looks fantastic and I can't wait to get my club figure this year.

Now on to the question of size the 54mm is or rather was the industry standard forever. Things change, but it is still the best size for what I collect. Now that said I will remind some of the King and Country fellows here that there are a couple of new lines getting ready to enter the fray and I hope give King and Country some fair competition, Honour Bound and The New Model Army folks will be in the larger scale of 60mm and from what I have seen they will be good for you guys in the WWII era because they are going to produce some very interesting vehicles.

Now to try and mingle the two types of soldiers will only work if you are going to try and add depth to your display by setting the smaller figures in the back ground to add an artificial illusion of depth to the battle scene. This will also make the display space much larger but if you are good at it you can mingle the two types you can also add a larger soldier or tow to the firing line but they may not work as well as the afore mentioned technique.

However that all said Britains new lines look fantastic and I think they will be very very well received!

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jazzeum said:
I think some of you people need a reality check. Why do you think the Britains company has been sold so much and that they might even think about doing 60 mm. Because 60 mm is where the action is and where the newer, younger collectors are migrating. I don't know about ACW but in WW 2, nobody can hold a candle to K & C. They are the market leader there and as WW 2 is an important market, that's something Britains is trying to make up ground in.

I frankly am not crazy about glossy soldiers, not terribly realistic. Yes, I know it appeals to a more traditional toy soldier collector but the market and the appetite of the buying public has changed. Maybe many of us haven't been in this hobby too long but we're the one spending the dough.

It's not for nothing that K & C attracts a lot of attention on this board. That's just where most of the collectors are. If we need to get off our high horse, I suggest you join us.

You’re kidding right?

I’ve spent a pretty penny on King and Country and will happily continue. However, I enjoy WWII productions from other manufacturers (Britains, Conte, ONTC, FOV and painted TSSD); all of which are 54mm.

However, I must say if you’re not kidding your arrogance in this matter is surprising since you’re the moderator. You didn’t want this to be an exclusive King and Country forum did you?

I’m not mad or upset, just surprised. I guess I’m more liberal than I thought.

I'm starting to find this whole thread showing arrogance......the worst part is I started it....I think Jazzeum is defending his collection as much as the rest on here are. I'm sure we all agree that both companies are GREAT...and yes Britains have been around along time. Can we stop bashing K&C collectors as a result of my poor judgement in my post. It only stands to reason if you keep grouping all of K&C collectors into one group as a result of my post and putting them down you are going to get others upset as I have already done.

I only collect WW2 figures and vehicles so i'm only going to comment on that. I've bought Britains, Old Northwest and Frontline but when it comes to WW2, K&C is so far ahead of the rest it's untrue. Though the Honour Bound pictures do suggest they have a quality product.

As i mentioned earlier the new Britains FJ's and kettenkrad look excellent. I only hope the quality in real life matches the quality in the picture which with Britains has not always been the case.
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jazzeum said:
It's not for nothing that K & C attracts a lot of attention on this board. That's just where most of the collectors are. If we need to get off our high horse, I suggest you join us.
Like I said, I will gladly join you when K&C reduces to 54mm and then only if they start making ACW figures. It wouldn't make any sense to now start buying 60mm after thousands of dollars spent and hundreds of 54mm CW figures.

What is this talk of a WWII anyway?? This is Feb. 2, 1864 to be exact, and we still have to win this darn Civil War first!!:eek:
Jazzeum you seem to think that because you're really into the K&C WW2 figures, well then everyone must be into it. And because there's more posts on this board by a few people about K&C, that must mean that everyone in the world who collects toy soldiers must only want K&C. Are you this arrogant in other aspects of your life? There's whole other areas of the hobby out there like people who collect vintage toy soldiers. Do you know what people spend on old Britains sets? Just because a few of you on this board spend a lot of money on K&C, you think nobody is buying anything else?You K&C posters crack me up!
You guys crack me up. If I insulted any 54 mm collectors, my apologies. I have a few 54s myself and am planning to buy the Figarti Honey, which I will display with my Britains Desert Rats. If Britains WW II issues are up to K & C quality, I'll be seriously looking at them too. Plus I'm thinking about buying Old Northwest's WW I issues so don't try to paint this as I'm trying to convert 54 collectors or denigrate your collecting interests. It's a big tent and I'm sure we can all coexist happily. Plus, I like to see the 54 collectors fired up. That's good;)

That being said, where did I say I didn't like 54 mm soldiers? People should collect what they like and if they like 54 or 60 that's fine. But I see a lot of arrogance in people jumping down our throats because we like 60 mm. I wasn't the one who wrote that 60 mm collectors don't really know anything, should make 54 mm (instead of 60 mm) or that K & C lacks charm. So collect what you like but don't tell us we don't know anything.

Again, why would Britain's be thinking about making a 60 mm WW II soldier if they weren't worried about getting totally shut out of that market? In the marketplace, be it toy soldiers or what have you, if you don't adapt, your risk perishing.
Digger said:
Like I said, I will gladly join you when K&C reduces to 54mm and then only if they start making ACW figures. It wouldn't make any sense to now start buying 60mm after thousands of dollars spent and hundreds of 54mm CW figures.

Steve, by the way I agree with you. That wouldn't make sense but all I ask is that you keep an open mind if K & C makes ACW again. That's what I'm doing with World War II.

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