Wow guys! I guess I am getting into the game on this one very late, but here goes:
I have never seen better scupted figures than those produced in both Russia and China, so comments about leaving Chinese Sculpters for better U.S. or British sculpters seems a bit cynical, if not a bit nationalist or racist.
As far as the quality of Civil War figures, I think Frontline is far and away the best. Another excellent company no one else seems to have mentioned is Guards Corps., which made beautifully sculpted and painted glossy Civil War figures, especially dismounted cavalry. K&C took one poke at glossy Civil War figures in 1990-1993 which was fairly good for glossy stuff, and a second effort in his early matt days, which I don't think measured up to Frontline's efforts on the subject. However, should Andy's present team address the subject, I am convinced that they would blow away the competition, particularly Britains, the quality of which has been suspect for years, and which has a lot of catching up to do.
Now for a little tirade about Britains: When I started collecting about 15-18 years ago, all I knew about was Britains, so I joined the William Britains Collectors Club, and bought about 2,000 new and older production Britains figures. There was absolutely no improvement or innovation in Britains over the 50 years or so of their figures I was exposed to. I can only assume this is because they were comfortable selling static unimaginative poorly executed stuff because it sold. Then I discovered other makers (Imperial, Trophy, Tradition, Frontline, K&C, etc.) These companies all brought a different and more proactive approach to toy soldiers, with fresh action poses, more realistic scenery, vehicles and accessories. Suddenly, after these companies cut into Britains bottom line, Britains is copying them by producing more realistic matt figures, diorama materials and vehicles. I prefer the innovator, K&C, which continues to improve and push the envelope, as opposed to the copycat, Britains, which only abandons the 100 year old approach to toy soldiers it clung to when if was forced to by the bottom line.
Finally, I don't care what Andy's costs are to produce K&C figures, (not to mention what are I'm sure the high costs of shipping them from China to the U.S., Great Britain and Europe), the simple fact is they are second only to the best Russians in quality of execution, at a tiny fraction of the price of St. Petersburg figures. They are no more expensive than the far less well executed figures produced by their competition. My final, and perhaps most ****ing statement about Britains: I have something like 8,000 to 9,000 figures in my collection, but the space to display perhaps 3,000 to 4,000. My display will include mostly K&C, some Trophy and Frontline, but not a single Britains figure, none of which are good enough to warrant th space.