Britains WW1 Diorama - Barneywomble's magic! (1 Viewer)

Jack (being the modest person you all know {sm4}) forgot to mention himself.

It was Jack who got the funding for the displays. The grant funds were for the display cases and diorama making items etc. Grant money has not been used for the actual figures. For the WW1 trench display the Britains figures are from Jack and Fitzgibbon with some extra items from Waynepoo. Fitzgibbon and Waynepoo were the main trench builders and as you can see did a wonderful job. There are a few other brands in the display but by far the majority are Britains.

Jack has also co-ordinated the whole project from the start and been in most Sundays since late December. I am sure there were times when he wished he had the power to issue "detentions" {sm4}

One other aspect I should mention. These displays are in a private school museum which had many who served and died in WW1. It is not just the dioramas Jack has arranged but he has also brought in some memorabilia items such as a few uniforms and helmets to add that extra touch. However what impressed me yesterday was the large information panels he has put up (5). These tell the story of WW1 starting off with Gallipoli and going through to the main battles on the Western Front. As he tells the story he included the names of Old boys who were killed or wounded, some with photos, and their dates at the school and unit information. This is information he had researched previously but the way it is presented on the panels is worthy of any top level museum. I did take a picture of one but it did not come out well.

So a well deserved "gold star" to Jack for the proffessional way he has organised the displays (and his volunteers).

One thing that Brett forgot to mention...Jack is a wonderful 'tea lady'.:wink2::p
What can I say!Simply outstanding and beautifully photographed.Well done those men!
Wow, more great pics every time I look. Fantastic in every way. Many thanks for posting. Chris
Great set up! So is the airfield. Collector's dios are the best advertising for TS companies. Imagine being in no-mans-land, all our obstacles in life would be petty in comparison.
These must be the best WW1/military dioramas I've ever seen!

Well done!!

Any chance of some photos (or videos even) 'further away' to see them in their entirety?


These must be the best WW1/military dioramas I've ever seen!

Well done!!

Any chance of some photos (or videos even) 'further away' to see them in their entirety?




Filming is actually on Wednesday!

What a extremely large and time consuming project you guy's have ventured into and it look's great . Chris.:salute::
These must be the best WW1/military dioramas I've ever seen!

Well done!!

Any chance of some photos (or videos even) 'further away' to see them in their entirety?



Hi everyone... this is not my trumpet to blow but here is an overall view of the diorama...


To ALL the guys who put sooooooooooomuch time into this, saying THANK YOU doesn't quite seem enough ... but THANK YOU for a wondrous example of diorama ART.

I have looked at it 10x and I find something new and creative each time. There was a LOT of talent that went into the effort and it shows true.

Although my collecting eras are all in the 1700s - 1860 there are still many examples of techniques and ideas that you employed that I can't wait to try.

Once again a GREAT JOB to all .... :salute:: :salute::

--- Larry

You chaps must be very proud, what a great diorama! Got me thinking about things.
Barney's (Marc) last photographs are in and we are soon off to the publishers.





Superb effort and congratulations to all involved on this diorama! {bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}

Jeff :salute::
Simply wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


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