Well yes, me too. If that gets defined as bashing, you could be a forum monitorHey Ron,
I think Matt was just yanking your chain in fun.
Have a good one,
Sorry if I hurt your feelings - I certainly have tried to explain that I like your figures a lot as well. Not personal here - and I really believed that I haven't been that hard of a critic to deserve such a bashing from you.
As I have said before - I do really like your figures - sorry my praise hasn't been enough for you.
Hi, Ron,
On the contrary, my apologies to you if I've hurt yours. I certainly didn't see that as a "bashing" and it wasn't meant that way. Just a little teasing...as you don't get it obviously, I'll explain it more clearly...
My first post was merely teasing you a bit. First, about the timing of our releasing French Line Artillery and you going on the K&C Forum and announcing their French Artillery Set a day or so later. So, I was teasing you about expecting you to run over to the K&C Forum and "announce" a K&C Russian Staff Set as you did with the artillery.Second, for saying that K&C has set a big standard for Napoleonics for other producers (which would include us obviously) to match. So, seeing as you indirectly made reference to us, I felt it was within the bounds to address it. So, as I said in my second post, we'll do our best to improve our figures so that they are as good as K&C figures and we'll try to live up to the lofty standards they have set (that would be called sarcasm!). Again, just teasing, not bashing!
As I said, I do thank you for all of the kind words you've said about our figures and I was serious when I said it. I don't think you've ever really criticized our figures at all to my knowledge, as the square/rectangular bases are merely a personal preference and if that's the worst thing you've ever said about our figures, then we're doing ok! So, I've not been at all offended by anything you've said about our figures. I just find your ultra-biased view point to be a little comical to me. When you post on the K&C Forum in this way, I usually just read it and smirk. But when you come on our forum, as you said to me, you invite comment and if I extend my comments to include not just what you've said in a single post on our forum but to include some comments you've made in other posts on other forums, then you'll have to forgive my taking some lattitude in response.
For example, (and I'm paraphrasing here) in the thread on the K&C forum regarding collector's showcase vs. K&C Napoleonics, you jumped in the thread and said you had never seen the CS figures so you had no view point, then you said something negative about CS, then you said k&C are the best. To me, as post as biased as that is just funny and warrants some teasing. Nothing wrong with you being overtly biased towards one company and publicizing that view point. But when express that view point relative to the products of other producers, you do invite return comment from those producers.
So, please accept my apology if you feel bashed in anyway, as that certainly wasn't my attention. And I'll accept your apology for making me incredulous at your point of view.
Nothing serious here Ron, relax...eat a cookie, drink some egg nogg, and engage in some revelry and have a Happy New Year!
Well said!
Even though I am currently working for primarily W. Britain, I look at all of the releases from all of the manufacturers.
Everyone is releasing something that I would love to have as part of a collection. Every manufacturer has some strength in one area or another. If you have eclectic tastes as I do, then there is something appealing within every line.
In some cases we are lucky enough to have items from various manufacturers that we can intermix if we opt for dioramas.
This has to be one of the best times ever with the multitude of choices for collectors of pre-finished historical miniatures and vehicles. If you add in the kits and other scales too... it could really make you crazy!
All the Best!
Ken Osen
Hudson & Allen Studio/W. Britain
I agree with that too Ken, as I have said before in various threads. It is frankly impossible to keep up with just a few of your main areas of interest with so many excellent choices. I am drooling over your Zulus which I hope to blend with Conte's and waiting for Matt's British infantry to counteract my FL French infantry and K&C and CS Cuirassiers. I also plan to mix in the much anticipated First Legion British and French cavalry. Now if I liked the Russian side of the conflict, I would really be in trouble....
Everyone is releasing something that I would love to have as part of a collection. Every manufacturer has some strength in one area or another. ....
In some cases we are lucky enough to have items from various manufacturers that we can intermix if we opt for dioramas.
This has to be one of the best times ever with the multitude of choices for collectors ...
Now that we are counting down to the first Red Coats, I just wanted to confirm that this is just the beginning for these beautiful lads; we will be getting more poses that suit better for different parts of battles, correct?
Yes, asking for more, imagine the CheekAhh, these aren't even released yet and you're already asking for more!!!
Seriously, though, if what you're asking is if you'll be getting more British and Allied Napoleonics from Waterloo, then yes, that is of course correct. Lots more different types and in a variety of different poses for different situations.
If what you're asking is if you'll be getting more 1st Foot Guards specifically, then the answer is much less certain. We may do some casualties or what not, but personally I feel they are well covered by this release and we'd be better off doing a different regiment, or British Line Infantry, or Highlanders etc. etc. etc. than adding to what is already a 17 figure release!
The answer of course to all of this is of course dependent on how well the figures do in the market. If they sell well, then we're much more likely to do more of something similar quicker than if they don't sell well. I expect them to do well, but one never knows in these economic times how anything is going to do!
First Legion Ltd
Yes, asking for more, imagine the CheekAll of the above is quite understandable and encouraging but I surely would have liked a kneeling firing and in the best case also a kneeling loading figure
But British line would be nice as well. Highlanders, however popular, just don't do much for me, Scottish blood and all.
Fair enough, I hope to have that many coming to me as a late Christmas present.Actually, I don't think your request for a kneeling firing and kneeling loading figure is too unreasonable at all. I think this is actually quite possible, particularly if we decide to do the casualties that I've been thinking of as producing 4 figures instead of maybe 2 isn't that difficult. So, I'll put it back on all of you collectors out there - buy the first 17 figures and we'll see about adding 4 or so more!![]()