Canadian Navy (1 Viewer)


Dec 12, 2007
The Canadian Navy have 2 bands.One on the East Coast and one on the West Coast.Before the big change with the military uniforms in the 60`s the Royal Canadian navy had that style of uniform.I may take a stabe at that.Sorry I didn`t mean to hijack this tread.Is there any place to find pictures of the figures?I may be send an order to them.

I`ll see if my wife can scan some pictures of RHG for me so I can post them.

Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Great pictures Martin .Thanks for sharing.I have both magazine from THE REGIMENT on the RHG.I`ll take a look for some pictures on the bands.

Scott thats a big project you should have fun with that one.

JB Do you have any pictures of the Royal Navy Bands.I think I may order these as I don`t have a Navy Band.I think it would be neat to do one as The Royal Canadian Navy as I belong to the navy.

Thanks Dave whenever you have time that will be great. I think it will take me a few years to do this as I still plan to continue to collect my Zulus and my Durbar, so I will fit this series in when funds allow.
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Hi Dave - we're all friends here - so don't worry about hi-jacking threads - just think of it as an "excursion".

Now then - Navy Bands:


I don't have one - as explained. This set I do have - and it shows a "Colour Party" RN which could be VE day parade. It shows Officer with drawn sword, Two petty Officers with LE no.1 at slope with long bayonet, Ensign with Officer carrying and a Chief Petty Officer wearing sea-boots. These figures are from Asset - and show you what they look like. I don't have the matelot - but he would have the long gaiters like the P.O's

Next see an old picture I found, which shows a Royal Naval with some Royal Marines who formed the band of HMS Dolphin c.1926 (shore base at Gosport in UK). Though quite frankly, this could be anytime between 1926 and 1950's.

Pretty typical for the time - according to my Dad - just a mixed band of anyone who fancied a go - and could play something. I'm pretty sure the Asset figures would look something like these - though marching. Look at their catalogue online for the instruments.


The next one ought to make YOU smile - as it's apparently a Canadian Naval Pipe Band from HMS Fulmar - you will have to check this out - I have NO: Idea????:D - but given your interest in piping - well - could be a unique opportunity for you?


This last one is just one I found on the Internet - and again shows a mixed band
of Marines and Navy - marching. I Know nothing about where when who!!


Maybe you could ask Asset what their Naval Band figures look like - they might supply a picture - and just have a go at one or two figures from a marching band. Some of the above pictures might help - or ask around. Do you have a Naval Museum - or something like it - that could help?

Anyway - hope my bit helps you get started. johnnybach:salute::
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Hijacking the threads fine, but the Navy!!!!!!!!! just kidding^&grin

Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

I NO I NO.Very SORRY.I spent 21 years humping a rucksack all over the place and sleeping under a ground sheet.It`s nice to go to bed with clean sheets and steak and lobster first night night at sea.(The last 7 years).But this`s my first navy project so a band shouldn`t be that bad.Last year was the Canadian Navy 100 year birthday so a band and colour party would be a nice idea.
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

You won't find a horse on a Battleship - unless it's on a plate! Besides, all the nice girls - love a sailor! jb%^V
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Hang on............Steak and Lobster................What's the age limit for joining Dave?

I have a Mountie Band - that makes me pro-Canadian doesn't it? Where do I sign?


Oh!, on the Oceon wave...................
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

You won't find a horse on a Battleship - unless it's on a plate! Besides, all the nice girls - love a sailor! jb%^V

Aparently they now. If the papers are to be believed!

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