Can't Wait (1 Viewer)


In the Cooler
Feb 10, 2011
Can't wait for the new T-34's to come in stock do a little battle of Kursk.. to stop the German counter


img_8249[1] (2).jpg

img_9990[1] (2).jpg
That grass mat diorama looks really nice. My German troop numbers have recently gone up as well, and getting some Russians to counter them is in order for me as well.
Nice Panzers mate and i'll have to grab a couple of those mats myself someday.

Great pics and good to see your enthusiasm NACAB, it's nice that you guys who've been wanting another round of Russian releases are getting your wish. I bet we will see some good dios over the coming months as Kursk breaks out again around here!

You will have to buy all the russian armour on the market as they are going to have a hard time against the superior german sets you have on show!!!!
very nice pics Neil and a nice collection and gathering of German troops . I am afraid a few T-34's will not stop this force .You will need more than that.
When those panzer commanders spot those 3 T-34/76 all it takes will be 3 shots,´probably 2 from the Panther and one from the Stug...{sm4}
Very nice collection{sm4}

But no chance for the T34s! Just let them come.

I do like the concept of the K&C T-34 series, it's how I would imagine it would have looked on the steppe somewhere. A column of identical T-34s having outrun their infantry support stops somewhere deep in their axis of advance to get bearings. Simple, like it probably was. Of course that would be after they rendered all the pieces in your diorama wrecks & KIAs. {sm4}
I do like the concept of the K&C T-34 series, it's how I would imagine it would have looked on the steppe somewhere. A column of identical T-34s having outrun their infantry support stops somewhere deep in their axis of advance to get bearings. Simple, like it probably was. Of course that would be after they rendered all the pieces in your diorama wrecks & KIAs. {sm4}

They couldn't outrun their infantry support. The Crew compliment for a T-34 was 4 tankers inside and 12 - 20 infantry on top. ^&grin^&grin The T-34s didn't leave the station until they were full. ^&grin

They couldn't outrun their infantry support. The Crew compliment for a T-34 was 4 tankers inside and 12 - 20 infantry on top. ^&grin^&grin The T-34s didn't leave the station until they were full. ^&grin


They're still mopping up the breakthrough! Hah!
Liked your mat so much just bought one from Mark.Thanks for posting your great looking dio.Mike B.^&grin

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