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For artillery, it's the guns.
Thats correct Scott. the Artillery's colours are the guns, and in the British / Australian Army, all the guns have the coat of arms stamped or moulded into the barrel. Like with any other corps/regiments its an unltimate dishonour to loose the colour, so in Artillery, you don't loose the guns to the enemy.
In the British system there are 2 colours carried, as Regimental Colour and the Soverign's Colour, but in Artillery we do infact have a colour, the Soverign's colour which is paraded on very special occasions.
If the guns need to be abandoned, they will always be disabled, so the enemy can't use them. this was done by spiking, or sealing the touch hole with muzzel loaders, but now days its more common the blow the barrel, by ramming a round down the muzzel end, and onther up the breech.. stand well back and fire...... no barrel !!!!! Other ways are removing viatl parts, such as firing mechanism's, breech blocks, sights etc.
I hope that enlightens you to the traditions of the Artillery.
Remember that ......
"Artillery lends dignity, to what other wise would be a vulgar brawl."