Castings I have painted (1 Viewer)

A note to everyone who is enjoying this thread as much as I am. Tomorrow, I will be putting on some more sets from castings - of Scottish troops. Black Watch, London Scottish - but from then on it will be odds and ends of figures - which will still show some figures from companies in the UK - but then that's all I have left.

I intend to make a listing of all the companies that I have found - or been told about in the UK. This won't be exhaustive - as we all know that casting companies come and go in this hobby - but MAY be useful if you want to buy some. The sets I and others have shown will help our fellow hobbyists find who makes them. So, if YOU have any that might be of interest - please put them on. Keep a look out - as PYD from America has promised to show us HIS French Foreign Legion later on - a particular favourite of mine that I would love to expand.

So - if you can help, as the actress said to the producer, "I've shown you mine - now show me yours"

Thanks for looking - more tomorrow - johnnybach:)
Hi Jeff - they look different - never seen those before. I don't collect or make up coboy s though. Yes, I know Patrick (I'm a banker me!) He started to get a bit pricey so I stopped using him. I was chatting to Giles Brown in Dorset last summer - and he told me he was going to come back into the business. Still Sarum Soldiers - have you seen his new site?

He has a much simpler (and cheaper) range of sets now - some look okay to me, worth a look anyhow. He's apparently sold his previous ranges to someone else - who may bring them back later. We shall see, I guess. jb
A note to everyone who is enjoying this thread as much as I am. Tomorrow, I will be putting on some more sets from castings - of Scottish troops. Black Watch, London Scottish - but from then on it will be odds and ends of figures - which will still show some figures from companies in the UK - but then that's all I have left.

I intend to make a listing of all the companies that I have found - or been told about in the UK. This won't be exhaustive - as we all know that casting companies come and go in this hobby - but MAY be useful if you want to buy some. The sets I and others have shown will help our fellow hobbyists find who makes them. So, if YOU have any that might be of interest - please put them on. Keep a look out - as PYD from America has promised to show us HIS French Foreign Legion later on - a particular favourite of mine that I would love to expand.

So - if you can help, as the actress said to the producer, "I've shown you mine - now show me yours"

Thanks for looking - more tomorrow - johnnybach:)

JB, it's been a very enjoyable thread and great fun, but that's what the hobby should be all about.

Hi Jeff - they look different - never seen those before. I don't collect or make up coboy s though. Yes, I know Patrick (I'm a banker me!) He started to get a bit pricey so I stopped using him. I was chatting to Giles Brown in Dorset last summer - and he told me he was going to come back into the business. Still Sarum Soldiers - have you seen his new site?

He has a much simpler (and cheaper) range of sets now - some look okay to me, worth a look anyhow. He's apparently sold his previous ranges to someone else - who may bring them back later. We shall see, I guess. jb

Just had a look and it seems that the Model and Figurine ranges have been sold off and Patrick has retained the Toy Soldier ranges.

ABSOLUTELY agree Jeff. If you can't have fun with toy soldiers - then what is the point. I can remember as a kid in Wales, I had maybe half a dozen. They were never new - and I don't think any of them were whole. They always had an arm or a weapon - or a head missing. Maybe that's why I enjoy putting kits together so much - I'm finally able to put them back together again:)

I also remember some cereal packet or other had cut outs on the back - and I would cut out and glue bits together. All a bit vague now - as it was a long time ago. I also drew paper ones, stuck them onto card and used them for battles.

Still do - a bit - my Fighting Gordons (shown today) deploy now and again - usually when some new recruits "join up". If that makes me nuts - then so be it.

It's fascinating to read up about some outfit - then find ones you like - then make them up. It's been like a breath of fresh air for me, finding you guys - as for the last ten years, I've been plodding along on my own - just enjoying what I've been doing (as you have seen over the last few days). I knew there were others out there - otherwise who else was buying them - but it has been good to find you all - even if a lot seem to want to be anonymous.!

Well, thats OK too. But if anyone else would like to join in - feel free. The way I see it - the more we share ideas and advice about our hobby - the better we can enjoy it.

Off to watch a Tom Clancy movie on TV now - good chopper scenes in this one. now I haven't got one of those..............................yet.

Nite all johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Do you think that would be a good idea then? I think I have enough products to do something, from most of them anyway.

It's not that I want to knock anybody selling painted products - because I know many folks don't have the time or inclination to do them themselves - so painted stuff IS the backbone of the hobby.

It's just not MY hobby - and I get really hacked off when someone produces a really nice sculpted piece - but they won't sell me one to have a go at myself - at a reasonable price - or sometimes ANY price, that's all.

Hey johnnybach, if it really bothers me I go and repaint them myself.
Not painted by me, but an example of what is available as castings. Available from ATS. Trooper


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Hi to KV - sure you can - though as I have been pointing out to folks - castinga are generally speaking, around half the price of painted versions. This whole thread came about as a result of a conversation that I had with Obee - about HIS observatuion that some manufacturers/suppliers wouldn't sell castings of their work.

So, re-painting already painted versions is really giving in to them - at least, that's the way I see it.

What I hope that I have shown, over the past few days, by posting just about all of my collection (which mostly comes from castings) - and with the support of other examples from others in the forum - is that there are quite a few options open, to hobbyists like me, from suppliers who will sell you some. My view is why pay for one - when you can usually have at least two for the same money - and also have all the enjoyment and fun of painting them yourself - for free.

That's it - in a nutshell.:)

Thanks trooper - for that lovely boat from ATS - looks like Jacobites in a boat there. Available in casting version from them - around half the price of a painted version - so a good example of what has been stated above. I haven't an example of my own from ATS yet - as I only found it because of your advice on this thread. This WILL be corrected later on - as I have seen a very tasty band in their catalogue - right up my street - and available for £6.50 each, instead of £13 in painted form.

When I have bought and painted it - I will post the finished result. Indeed, from now on - I will do this for all of my projects, if you like - until you all get fed up with me! johnnybach:D
Thanks trooper - for that lovely boat from ATS - looks like Jacobites in a boat there. Available in casting version from them - around half the price of a painted version - so a good example of what has been stated above. johnnybach:D

That's the cue I've been waiting for!........;):D

Tradition of London (for a change) painted a few years ago for forum member Rob (vandilay).



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Oooh! very tasty - like those Jeff. I have also seen some on one of the "Fusilier" ranges. They have three under their Banner Fusilier/Hussar?Tommy Atkins - check them out - they are nice too. So if it's Jacobites you want - you're almost spoilt for choice.

Off for my camera again - back soon - johnnybach
Quite an unusual subject for me this one of the Black Watch c.1999. By Asset and purchased as castings. In No.2 dress this time with SA80's - Colour Party, pipes and drums. An interesting option available is rifle at shoulder (see Sergeant at the rear) or at slope.


Same Regiment - Black Watch c.1950 this time. This is the first Asset group I ever bought as castings to paint myself. Didn't quite get the colours right - but still okay - otherwise I could always re-paint. johnnybach


Nice painting on the Black Watch. :)

There's a couple in this batch of Alma Figures Crimean War range.

That's me done photo wise, so it's up to you now to keep the thread rolling! ;)



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Another favourite of mine - again from Asset - are the London Scottish, c.1990. Below are three pics of the Colour Party, followed by pipe & drums and a small escort - Officer and WO2 to the rear.




The colour of kilt and plaid are "Hodden Grey". I obtained this by experimenting with Humbrol colours Flesh, Pale Grey and matt black. I used my old dodge of mixing and painting test squares on margarine tub lids - then letting it dry (usually lighter),until I got to one which was a match to a pic that Anne Randal (of Asset) sent me at my request. Asset are very friendly people - and always do their best to help you produce a good finished product.

Hope you like them.......johnnybach
That's lovely again Jeff - thanks mate for all of your help. I am SO glad that you posted Alma - as I don't have any of these just yet - too busy with other projects at the moment - but I intend to - as they look ever so impressive - and, of course, are available as castings from Micheal's new company "Forelorn Hope".

If I go "AWOL" later today, by the way, it's because of Heineken Cup rugby on TV today. BUT - I will be back - as I have a few sets and bits and pieces yet to go. If anyone else has examples of castings they have painted - as usual - feel free to join in. johnnybach
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Last before the Rugby starts - and where would any self respecting Taff go - but to South Africa for the next subject?

These are really cheap plastics - mounted on washers to keep them base heavy. Can't remember the name - but came in a box of 20 for a couple of pounds. The whole lot here didn't come to a fiver.


The "rocks" incidentally, came from the beach outside Cape Town


I'm not sure how long these will last because they are a bit flexible - but are still okay after 8 years of table-top action! If you want to keep the kids away from your good stuff - give 'em these to play with (Well not THESE - get and paint your own) Cheap enough to practice on too ('cos that's what I did!)


"Come on the Ospreys!!"
That's lovely again Jeff - thanks mate for all of your help. I am SO glad that you posted Alma - as I don't have any of these just yet - too busy with other projects at the moment - but I intend to - as they look ever so impressive - and, of course, are available as castings from Micheal's new company "Forelorn Hope".

I johnnybach

Here are some close up's taken from the current thread running on the painting how-to section.

British first...



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More Alma figures - French Zouarves, Russian Standard Bearer and Artillery.



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Half-time - looks like Bath have a bit to do in the second half!

Those are beauties Jeff. I just love those flags. These castings by Alma are so crisp and detailed. I just have to have some of them. Michael e-mailed me with the Euro (€) prices the other day, €8 for foot figures, €12 for flags and €16 for artillery pieces.

Very nice indeed - thanks Jeff for such detailed photos showimg castings available to paint from a fellow forum member.:)

Bad day for posting - back to the rugby................back later...johnnybach
Some more from ATS. Trooper


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