Glad to help out. Those boats are fantastic. Unless someone has a car, I don't think those boats will sell at this show. I would be terrified to ship them and Alan will not ship them.
Apparently, to continue the naval analogy, I missed the boat on sets that Old Toy Soldier Home had. Woody had about 50 odd sets and by the time I got there, he was down to 20 odd. He mostly had Zulu and Sudan. Will try to get some pics later.
Very nice looking boats.
However can somebody help me out. The Eagle has 5 more figures and is $400 cheaper. Trying to work out why the other one is more expensive with less figures.
Anybody have an idea why that is the case ?
i missed the big splash in craig mclains room of 54 trophy boxes but i did get the following trophy from fred-- wwi anzacs in pith helmut plus the add on set, gordon highlanders standing firing and a cuirassier from the napoleonic line . from big george i got a few trophy mexican war figures including a mounted mexican lancer, travis crocket and a few mexicans and fron allen gwin i got some zulus and some somerset infantry for the nortwest frontier. basically almost 3/4 of the trophy at the show were basically from the sudan line. this was thhe most trophy scene at the chicago show in years. i think brad got the crimean morter and dietz picked up some nice zulu sets. we will see if any pop up at the show sunday