Rob and Guys,
The ACW is NOT a one off but the start of a continuing line. But that said, MP product launches depends on Aeroart and what they have planned and from my discussion with Thor, we have some GREAT products coming from various eras. But don't expect a flood of MP products into the market, this alliance is a long term based partnership with great looking products at affordable prices. Aeroart brings tremendous resources on sculpts so expect MP to offer exciting products.
I am with you Paulo, subject to the poses, the period and the price of course. Certainly I love some of the work Aeroart has done but not well enough to pay what it costs. It is certainly something to follow.This Russian inspired type of model figure is my favorite type of model figure (I also love glossy toy soldiers by the way, how about that for trouble..., )and I guess Aeroart is being forced by First Legion to compete in a different way. FL has shown the way to broaden the appeal of connoisseur inspired figures and now others are following... I for one will follow these future releases very closely, I am a fan of both Aeroart and FL's figures (not that much of Figarti's I am afraid) so as a consumer I expect this competition to bear fine fruits...
Thanks a lot for posting these great photos and great news...
Cheers and all the best for this new line,
At some point, I am sure they will but of course if you raise the price the pie can get smaller rather quickly so it will be interesting to see how it all works out. I hope I can get a bit further along with some of my Napoleonic must haves before it changes too much since the short term change could be unpleasant for collectors.I wonder for how long will this «low Chinese labor costs means we can offer toy soldiers at this price» economic system go on. Who am I to discuss it with the pros, maybe I just don't really know how it works there, but I've heard of strikes in China. Are Chinese workers one day going to want a bigger slice of the pie?
Hey guys:
Below are the first ACW prototype sets from this new alliance announced today. Any one interested? What do you guys think?
View attachment 47598
A good question. Standard AeroArt figures seem just around FL size.Awsome figures
Anybody compare size with FL
Are they bigger in size or same?
Thank u
I would prefer if they tackled less represented subjects such as ancient Greeks, Medieval, Rennaisance and Mongols.
The ACW is already covered by WB, CS, K&C, Conte and FL.
Why not be more creative?
At some point, I am sure they will but of course if you raise the price the pie can get smaller rather quickly so it will be interesting to see how it all works out. I hope I can get a bit further along with some of my Napoleonic must haves before it changes too much since the short term change could be unpleasant for collectors.
Rob and Guys,
The ACW is NOT a one off but the start of a continuing line. But that said, MP product launches depends on Aeroart and what they have planned and from my discussion with Thor, we have some GREAT products coming from various eras. But don't expect a flood of MP products into the market, this alliance is a long term based partnership with great looking products at affordable prices. Aeroart brings tremendous resources on sculpts so expect MP to offer exciting products.