Civil War Veterans in Family Tree? (2 Viewers)

3rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment

George W Cheek (married Mary Pace daughter of Joseph Baker Pace/Elizabeth Trewitt)
January 24, 1841 – February 3, 1921
3rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company H.
Buried at Long's Chapel United Church of Christ Cemetery, Burlington, North Carolina.
Relation: Husband of 2x great grandaunt of Darrell.
“Cheek, George W. Private. Enlisted in Randolph County on July 17, 1862, for the war.
Paroled at Leesburg, Virginia, October 2, 1862. Reported on January – February, 1863,
muster roll with the remark: ‘Left sick at Leesburg, Virginia, September 1, 1862. Never
heard from since. Supposed to be dead’.”

Source: North Carolina Troops, 1861 – 1865. Volume III, page 569. Author: Manarin.

4th South Carolina Infantry Regiment

James Blair Hunter (son of Mary Morrison Jackson/John Bainford Hunter)
September 25, 1831 – February 20, 1889
4th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K.
Buried in Gaston County, North Carolina.
Relation: 1st cousin, 3x removed of Wendy
Source: Confederate Veterans Enrollment Book of York County, SC, page 57, Owens.

5th South Carolina Infantry Regiment

Ross VanBuren Bolin (son of Manning Bolin/Nancy Westmoreland)
1840 – 1863
5th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company G.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Wendy.

Andrew Jackson (son of David Jackson/Jane Venable)
March 15, 1832 – March 25, 1887
5th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment
Enlistment date: April 13, 1861. Promoted to Colonel in June 1862.
Lost an arm at the Battle of Gaines Mill on June 27, 1862.
Buried at Woodside Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Samuel W Jackson (son of John Jackson/Catherine Porter Berry)
1824 – August 1, 1879
5th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company B.
Enlistment: September 28, 1864 at Columbia, South Carolina for the war.
Muster Roll: November/December 1864 – Present.
Muster Roll: January/February 1865 – Present.
Paroled on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Buried at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Relation: 2nd great grandfather of Wendy.

6th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

Edward Pace (son of Joseph Baker Pace/Elizabeth Trewitt)
March 12, 1838 – February 19, 1920
6th North Carolina Regiment, Company F.
Buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Relation: 2nd great granduncle of Darrell.
“Pace, Edward, Private. Born in Alamance County and resided as a farmer prior to enlistment at Charlotte age 23, May 28, 1861 for the war. Captured at Rappahannock Station, Va., November 7, 1863 and confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until paroled and exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, Virginia, February 25 – March 3, 1865. Paroled at Raleigh May 13, 1865”.
Source: The Bloody Sixth, page 379. By Richard W. Iobst and Louis H. Manarin.
12th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

Benjamin Franklin Logan (son of Sarah Patterson Jackson/John Randolph Logan)
June 24, 1842 – December 7, 1890
12th North Carolina Infantry Regiment
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.
“Logan, Benjamin F. 1st Lieutenant. Resided in Cleveland County and was by occupation a clerk prior to enlisting in Cleveland County at age 19, April 22, 1861. Mustered in as a private and promoted to Corporal on August 31st, 1861. Promoted to 1st Sergeant on May 1, 1862, and was elected 3rd Lieutenant on January 13, 1863. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant on October 27, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865.”
Source: North Carolina Troops, 1861 – 1865. Volume V, page 174. Author:Manarin.

John C. Pinckney Logan (son of Sarah Patterson Jackson/John Randolph Logan)
January 8, 1840 – February 6, 1865
12th North Carolina Regiment, Company E.
KIA at the Battle of Hatcher’s Run in Virginia.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.
“Logan, John P. Private. Previously served in 2nd Company E, 5th Regiment South Carolina Infantry. Transferred to this company in January – April, 1863. Present or accounted for until reported absent wounded on company muster roll dated April 30 – October 31, 1864; however, place and date not reported. Returned to duty in November – December, 1864, and present or accounted for through December, 1864.”
Source: North Carolina Troops, 1861 – 1865. Volume V, page 181. Author: Manarin.

Leonidas Marion Logan (son of Sarah Patterson Jackson/John Randolph Logan)
October 19, 1844 – July 25, 1899
12th North Carolina Regiment, Company E.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.
“Logan, Leonidas M. Private. Born in Cleveland County where he resided as a clerk prior to enlisting in Cleveland County at age 18, May 1, 1862, for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the right cheek at Malvern Hill, Virginia, July 1, 1862. Returned to duty at an unspecified date prior to March 6, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 10, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until transferred to Elmira, New York, August 10, 1864. Released at Elmira on June 16, 1865, after taking Oath of Allegiance.”
Source: North Carolina Troops, 1861 – 1865. Volume V, page 181. Author: Manarin.

12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment

Andrew H. Jackson (son of James Lawson Jackson/Erixene Floyd)
1848 – August 29, 1862
12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
KIA: 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “who was killed at the 2nd Battle of Manassas in the 16th year of his age”.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

Benjamin N. Jackson (son of David Franklin Jackson/Sarah R Peters)
1844 – August 29, 1862
12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
KIA: 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “who was killed at the 2nd Battle of Manassas in the 18th year of his age”.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

David H Jackson (son of Hugh M Jackson/Margaret Watson)
1830 – August 29, 1862
12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
KIA: 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “Compy A, 12th Regt. S.C.V. killed aged 31 years, 10 mos & 14 days”.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

David James Jackson (son of Elias Morrison Jackson/Mary Margaret Patterson)
March 9, 1823 – March 28, 1913
12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
Wounded at Jericho Ford, Virginia on June 23, 1864.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Hugh Gordon Jackson, Dr (son of David Jackson/Elizabeth Gordon)
December 17, 1820 – March 25, 1887
12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
Buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, York County, South Carolina.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Samuel Elias Jackson (son of Elias M Jackson/Mary M Patterson)
January 22, 1843 – May 30, 1885
12th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
Buried at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Pension record by his daughter states 18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company G. This unit designation in the pension record I believe is incorrect.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

William B Jackson, Private (son of James Jackson/Elizabeth Parks Currence)
January 18, 1846 – July 7, 1863
12th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 – 3, 1863.
Buried in unknown grave.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “wounded at Gettysburg and died aged 19 years 5 months and 17 days”.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

William Elias Jackson (son of James Lawson Jackson/Erixene Floyd)
February 1843 – 1904
12th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company A. (The Bethel Guards)
Captured at Petersburg, Virginia in April 1865.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.
13th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

Abel Horn (married Francis Pace daughter of Joseph Baker Pace/Elizabeth Trewitt)
About 1836 – After 1900 Census.
13th North Carolina Regiment, Company E.
Burial place unknown.
Relation: Husband of 2x great grandaunt of Darrell.
“Horn, Able. Private. Resided in Alamance County and was by occupation a laborer prior to enlisting in Alamance County at age 28, May 8, 1861. Present or accounted for until paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865.”
Source: North Carolina Troops, 1861 – 1865. Volume V, page 332. Author: Manarin.

17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment

Benjamin Bolin (son of John Bolin/Martha Moats)
1823 – 1862
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K.
Listed as died of disease at Charleston, South Carolina.
Unknown burial.
Relation: 3rd great grandfather of Wendy.

John Bolin (son of John Bolin/Martha Moats)
1830 – November 10, 1862
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company C.
Listed as died of wound in Virginia and listed as being buried at Manassas Cemetery.
Relation: 3rd great grand uncle of Wendy.

Lewis Bolin (son of John Bolin/Martha Moats)
1837 – July 30, 1864
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company C.
KIA at the Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, Virginia.
Buried at Canaan Cemetery, Cherokee County, South Carolina.
Relation: 3rd great grand uncle of Wendy.

Thaddeus Bolin (son of Manning Bolin/Nancy Westmoreland)
November 23, 1831 – June 27, 1905
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K.
Buried at Bethany ARP Cemetery, York County, South Carolina.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Wendy.

Thomas Bolin (son of Manning Bolin/Nancy Westmoreland)
April 8, 1843 – May 13, 1912
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K.
Buried at Unity Baptist Church Cemetery, York County, South Carolina.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Wendy.

William Bolin (son of John Bolin/Martha Moats)
1832 – 1862
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company C.
Burial unknown.
Listed as “died of disease in Charleston, 1862”.
Relation: 3rd great grand uncle of Wendy.

W. Riley Bolin (son of Lewis Bolin/Mary “Emma” Martin)
1829 – September 15, 1864
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company C.
Listed as “mortally wounded at Petersburg, Virginia in 1864”.
Burial unknown.
Relation: 1st cousin, 5x removed of Wendy.

David Jackson Logan (son of Sarah Patterson Jackson/John Randolph Logan)
September 22, 1837 – June 18, 1864
17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company K.
1st Lieutenant.
KIA at Petersburg, Virginia.
Buried at Bethesda Presbyterian Church Cemetery, York County, South Carolina.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy
18th South Carolina Infantry Regiment

John Jackson Hunter (son of Mary Morrison Jackson/John Bainford Hunter)
October 22, 1844 – October 2, 1913
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company H.
Sergeant Major.
Buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, York County, South Carolina.
Relation: 1st cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

John Law Jackson (son of Hugh Jackson/Margaret Watson)
December 13, 1842 – March 7, 1921
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company H.
Buried at Woodside Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Pension record.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Joseph Leander Jackson (son of David Jackson/Jane)
1835 – August 29, 1862
18th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company G.
KIA: 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “who fell in the battle of 2nd Manassas. A member of Co. G 18th Regt. S.C.V. aged 27 years 7 months and 18 days, whilst his body rests in an unknown grave on the battlefield this monument is erected as a tribute of the affection of his family”.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

John McClain Jackson (son of Elias Morrison Jackson/Mary Margaret Patterson)
January 21, 1829 – November 21, 1901
18th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company H.
Buried at Woodside Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Lost arm from wound at Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, Virginia.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Robert Andrew Jackson (son of James Jackson/Elizabeth Parks Currence)
September 9, 1840 – July 14, 1864
Elected Brevet 2nd Lieutenant in 1864.
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company G.
KIA: Petersburg, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “Killed near Petersburg, aged 23 years 9 mos and 5 days”.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

Robert M Jackson (son of Hugh M Jackson/Margaret Watson)
September 1, 1834 – July 30, 1864
18th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, Company C & H.
KIA: Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, Virginia.
Buried in unknown grave at battlefield.
Memorial located at Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Memorial states “Company C 18th Regt. S.C.V. Killed by disposion of Sap Petersburg, aged 29 years 11 mos and 7 days”.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

Samuel Watson Jackson (son of Hugh Jackson/Margaret Watson)
November 13, 1823 – January 1, 1892
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company H.
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Pension record of Mary Jeffreys Jackson.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

William Jefferson Jackson (son of Hugh M Jackson/Margaret Watson)
1837 – After 1880 Census.
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company C & H.
Burial place unknown.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

William Thomas Jackson (son of William Jackson/Margaret Bankhead)
October 10, 1828 – November 14, 1908
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company H.
Woodside Cemetery, Clover, South Carolina.
Relation: 1st cousin, 4x removed of Wendy.

David Jackson Moore (son of Edward Meek Moore/Mary Morrison Jackson)
November 17, 1845 – December 11, 1906
18th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company H. (Confederate enrollment book)
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.

23rd Iowa Infantry Regiment

John A Jackson (son of James A Jackson/Malinda Burns)
1841 –
23rd Iowa Infantry Regiment, Company F.
Burial place unknown.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 3x removed of Wendy.
“Jackson, John A. Age 21. Residence Clarinda, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as
Seventh Corporal. Mustered Aug. 29, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Oct. 6, 1862;
Second Corporal June 30, 1863; First Corporal April 17, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Sept. 20,
1864; Third Sergeant July 1, 1865. Mustered out July 26, 1865, Harrisburg, Texas.”

Source: Roster and Record of Iowa Troops In the Rebellion, Vol. 3, by Guy E. Logan.
29th Virginia Infantry Regiment

Henley C Davis (son of Abner Davis/Martha Harrold)
January 20, 1832 – May 16, 1921
29th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company D.
Enlistment: July 15, 1862. Listed as AWOL on December 14, 1862.
Buried at Crooked Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.
Relation: 1st cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.

63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment

Amaziah Davis (son of Hugh Davis/Margaret Davis)
June 21, 1837 – March 25, 1863
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Buried at Thomas Higgins Farm Cemetery, Grayson County, Virginia.
Relation: 1st cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.
“DAVIS, AMAZIAH, 24, Farmer, 1860 GCC HH#544, Co. G, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 5/15/62 at Camp Jackson. Died at Dublin of typhoid 3/63. Claim was filed on 1/23/64 by Hugh W. Roberts, administrator of estate. B. ca. 1837 in Grayson Co. Widow filed pension application from Carroll Co. in 1888.”

Daniel Davis (son of William Davis/Patience Hanks)
April 6, 1832 – January 19, 1863
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Enlisted on May 15, 1862 at Camp Jackson. Died at home on January 19, 1863.
Buried at Crooked Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.
Relation: 1st cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.

Elias David Davis (son of Josiah Davis/Frances Williams)
January 1, 1836 – July 13, 1892
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Buried at Meadow Creek Union Baptist Church Cemetery, Grayson County, Virginia.
Relation: 3rd great grandfather of Darrell.
“DAVIS, ELIAS, Jr., 24, farmer, 1860 GCC HH#546: Grayson Militia, Co. G, 63rd VA Inf., 2nd Corp. Enl. 5/15/62 at Camp Jackson, severely WIA at Kelly's Store 1/30/63. Promoted to 2nd Corp. 5/31/64. Taken POW at Stone River, TN 12/7/64, sent to Louisville and to Camp Chase on 1/7/65. Res. of Grayson Co., florid comp., black hair, hazel eyes, 5'11" 29 years of age. B. Grayson Co., ca. 1836, Farmer, Age 34, 1870 GCC. On 1898 Grayson Co. CSA Vets. Roster.”

Enoch Davis (son of Nathan Davis/Martha Davis)
1838 – July 19, 1864
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, Camp Morton, Indiana. POW.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.
“DAVIS, ENOCH C.: Co. G, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 10/16/63 at Chattanooga, TN assigned to muster POWs 10/16/63. Taken POW 7/3/64 near Marietta and sent to Camp Morton via Louisville 7/13/64. Died 7/19/64, of an inflammation of the lungs and was buried in grave 964 in Greenlawn Cem. He Enl. 4/3/62 at Saltville in Co. F, 29th VA, was Pres. there thru 4/63 then deserted. B. ca. 1838 in Carroll Co., VA.”

Henry Davis (son of Josiah Davis/Frances Williams)
November 29, 1829 – January 26, 1911
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Buried at Davis Family Cemetery, Hillsville, Virginia.
Relation: 3rd great granduncle of Darrell.
“DAVIS, HENRY, 31, Farmer, 1860 GCC HH#577, Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. 7/27/61 at Independence by Capt. Bramblett in the Grayson Cav. Transferred to Co. G, 63rd. Absent sick at Hosp. 10/31/63 at Rome, GA. AWOL 1/29/64, Pres. last muster roll, 8/31/64. Res. Grayson Co. Age 44, farmer, property valued at $1480, Old Town District, 1870 GCC. 1898 Grayson CSA Vets. Roster which indicated that he served 4 years. On 1900 Grayson Co. pension list. D. shortly before February 1911 in Grayson Co., VA”.

Jeremiah Davis (son of Nathan Davis/Martha Davis)
December 26, 1833 – February 15, 1910.
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Promoted to Full Corporal.
Enlisted in regiment on August 18, 1862 at Narrows, Virginia.
Buried at Coleman Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Carroll County, Virginia.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.

Jonathan Davis (son of Nathan Davis/Martha Davis)
October 8, 1835 – March 27, 1900
63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Enlisted in regiment on May 24, 1862 at Camp Jackson, Virginia.
Relation: 2nd cousin, 5x removed of Darrell.

Would love to see photos, if you have any.


I do have some photos.

Elias David Davis. 63rd Virginia Infantry Regiment. My 3x great grandfather.
Elias David Davis.jpg

David Jackson Logan. 17th South Carolina Infantry Regiment. My wife's 2nd cousin, 3x removed. I just finished reading an excellent book on him. It is titled "A Rising Star Of Promise: The Wartime Diary And Letter Of David Jackson Logan, 17th South Carolina Volunteers 1861-1864" A very sobering report of the front line fighting and trials of everyday life in the field. I highly recommend this book for the Civil War historian.
David Jackson Logan.jpg

Edward Pace. 6th North Carolina State Troops. My 2x great granduncle. This picture is of him in the latter years of life. When the war broke out in 1861 and he enlisted in Charlotte, NC, he was 21 years old that year.

Samuel W Jackson. 5th South Carolina Infantry Regiment. 2x great grandfather of my wife. I don't remember seeing many photos of men in uniform with a shotgun.
Captain, I had 7 of my relatives who fought in this unit as well including my including 3x great grandfather. They were all in Company G. Four of them survived the war. I will post my ancestors who served in this unit and others who served in the war of my family later this evening in this thread.

Thats neat mk. Co. G was mostly from Grayson County. Just a short drive from where I live. I have walked the Chickamauga battlefield retracing the steps of the 63rd. The trail ends up on Snodgrass hill where the regiment captured the 22nd Michigan that was left as a rear guard.
Thats neat mk. Co. G was mostly from Grayson County. Just a short drive from where I live. I have walked the Chickamauga battlefield retracing the steps of the 63rd. The trail ends up on Snodgrass hill where the regiment captured the 22nd Michigan that was left as a rear guard.

I would love to visit that battlefield myself.

All of my relatives up in Virginia were from either Carroll or Grayson County.

Is there a book on this regiment out there?
MK, you are very fortunate to have pictures of your ancestors. I'm jealous. I'm still looking for some of mine. Are you in the SCV?
MK, you are very fortunate to have pictures of your ancestors. I'm jealous. I'm still looking for some of mine. Are you in the SCV?

No sir, I am not. I do some reading on the subject, but a lot of the little time I do have is spent on research of our ancestors. That is about all of the time I have to devote to it. Life with young children is hectic! Maybe one of these days..........
I would love to visit that battlefield myself.

All of my relatives up in Virginia were from either Carroll or Grayson County.

Is there a book on this regiment out there?

Yes there is a Virginia Regimental History Series book on the 63rd. It is written by Jeffrey C. Weaver and the ISBN # is 1-56190-017-6. My father in law is from Carrroll Co. which is a neighboring county and they are related to half the county. Many many ACW vets on my wifes side of the family too. Mostly the 45th Va. Inf. and the 8th Va. Cavalry. I donated money and was present when Carroll County had to replace their Confederate Monument due to poor condition. They have a very active SCV camp there and the old veterans are well remembered and taken care of in that county. In your searches you may come across the Goad and Allen Fued which is also known as the Carroll County Courthouse trajedy that happened in 1912 I believe it was. The Goads are my wifes people and that fued lasted for many years and there are still some hard feelings around it by some to this day.
Hi Darrell

That is some mighty impressive ACW family lineage you have association with.

A great book that I am particularly fond of that covers practically all the Confederate regiments is "Units of The Confederate Army" by Joseph Crute Jr. All of your family regiments are included with half a page of facts on their history/engagements/regimental strength including how many officers and troops were left at the surrender.

I believe it now to be a rare book to get hold off but copies of it pop up on ebay every now and again. Thanks for posting your ACW ancestors-a fascinating read.


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