Civil War ! (1 Viewer)

I would think that making individual flags out of resin - 2 or 3 - with flag carrier would work out economically for the makers. A flag set could go for $60.00 RETAIL - 1 man and three flags - everyone in the system would make money.
I would think that making individual flags out of resin - 2 or 3 - with flag carrier would work out economically for the makers. A flag set could go for $60.00 RETAIL - 1 man and three flags - everyone in the system would make money.



I use this dude if I want any ACW regimental colors-in fact his web name is FlagDude-came across him when talking to Mark and David from TMTerrain and if you pull up their web-site (although Mark often posts on here) one of their side-bars reads Flags-click on it and enjoy.

This guy's library of flags from the ridiculous to the obscure is phenomenal and his painted flags either on paper or silk are the bees knees. He produces all sizes from 25-54mm with metal poles which you can cut to suit. I like all of you could not wait for manufacturers to decide what banners would sell the best-even though you can appreciate the economies involved-so dont fret just order from the FlagDude.

Ron yet another of the Reb's secret stash and info I'm sharing with you:D:D

I love my dispatches from HQ in Richmond .... uh, er, ... I mean England ?


Do you have the Paper or the Silk Flags ??

How do they look ? Do you get a flag and pole ? or do you send him your figure ?

Reb, thanks so much for the tip, I went to the web site and was very excited at what I saw. Any recommnedation on a 54MM Britains/Conte flag construction? Silk or paper? Now if we can find someone who can do 54MM Corps Badges or even a Rooster Badge to "add on" to a stock figure, than I would be set.

Thx again.

Do you have the Paper or the Silk Flags ??

How do they look ? Do you get a flag and pole ? or do you send him your figure ?


You get the flag and the metal pole-Paper are obviously a little stiffer than silk but do what I do furl the flag to how you want it and spray it with starch. They look purdy good Ron;)

Realise of course if your existing figure has his standard fixed to his hands-it's a cut and drill job to fit one of these-but if you can remove the old banner-you're in business with just a straight swap.

Very Cool - Reb ! :cool: :cool: :cool:

I plan to take a strong look at these flags - think about which colors need to be added to my displays ! :D
I think, it would be interesting to have "lying ,firing" and "lying, Reaching for cartridge" ACW figures
I think, it would be interesting to have "lying ,firing" and "lying, Reaching for cartridge" ACW figures

That is a pretty good idea as I have just realised that I don't have a single figure in my whole stash of manufacturers Rebs and Yanks in a prone position unless the guy's dead or wounded.

What I do have are Shenandoah's metal kits that I knocked up and painted myself in the lying/prone position. Interesting as I had never given that a thought!

Ken Osen please take note as that idea has some mileage!

Great idea. It would be nice even to have some enlisted figures lying in a prone position with arms at their sides or other creative poses to use as a skirmish line reserve or even a reserve battle line. Having only manufacturers figures, all of my prone poses are dead or wounded.


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