CNN Interview: Doing business with Britain (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hey Andy,

I got this link in an email first thing this AM,good interview and good to get your take on the recession.

All the best

I just got the e-mail myself ...and found it quite interesting the shop!!!!!
Good Interview regards and continued success.... Vezzolf
Really an interesting interview. The shop looks like the place I would like to spend ALL my time.:D -- Al
Good interview. Got his points across succinctly and in the process showed what he makes, which may attract more customers. Publicity like that is priceless.
Great interview.....concise and to the point.....adroitly addressed some important issues.

Thanks, Raymond.

Andy did a great job, however did you see how CNN focused on the Nazi items! This is what makes doing an interview so difficult. Often the reporter has his own views and will "guide" an interview in the direction he wants often with little reguard to what was actually said.

With all of the wonderful items Andy produces images of Hitler and swastakas seemed to be the focus! Where were our Arhnem Airborne?:D
Thanks Patrick for posting. Interesting interview.
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How can a very small piece of tv with a connection to toysoldiers turn into a political /social debate ,the welfare state,Gordon Brown,Americanism,socialism,the fall of the Roman Empire,Nazi Germany ,Communism,working for 16 hrs per week instead of 45 to 50 per week and on and on.No wonder there is a new mood on the forum,boring boring boring.What Andy said was not new or even news,its all too familiar to collectors on this forum who live in britain,collecting will surely change ,for some of us,from a hobby into a luxury item.I am sure somewhere i read that this was a toy soldier forum,yes there it is top left hand corner,leave Politics .Religion etc on other forums and remember this is for toy soldiers. Ken
How can a very small piece of tv with a connection to toysoldiers turn into a political /social debate ,the welfare state,Gordon Brown,Americanism,socialism,the fall of the Roman Empire,Nazi Germany ,Communism,working for 16 hrs per week instead of 45 to 50 per week and on and on.No wonder there is a new mood on the forum,boring boring boring.What Andy said was not new or even news,its all too familiar to collectors on this forum who live in britain,collecting will surely change ,for some of us,from a hobby into a luxury item.I am sure somewhere i read that this was a toy soldier forum,yes there it is top left hand corner,leave Politics .Religion etc on other forums and remember this is for toy soldiers. Ken


Wow. I guess someone should have told Andy to simply reply Toy Soldiers.

My take on what he said would be Toy Soldiers, someone could reply Toy

Soldiers.......then everything would be ok.:rolleyes:

Actually it says Toy Soldier Forum up there in the old top left. And a

Forum is a meeting place for the discussion of matters of public interest.

I for one find it interesting to read what people in other countrys think of their

current economic situations, taxes and so forth and how it may affect their

collecting habits. It gives us something to consider and think about here in

the US.

Just a thought......oh and Toy Soldiers are nice.....just to keep on point.:D
Njja ,i browse the forum to escape from all the crap in britain and other countries,i thought thats what the toy soldier forum would do or should i go elsewhere to hear and talk about toy soldiers ?its little wonder members are not posting on the forum ,its all predictable and boring,tell me one item of news that Andy Neilson said in his interview that hasnt been said before?
Njja ,i browse the forum to escape from all the crap in britain and other countries,i thought thats what the toy soldier forum would do or should i go elsewhere to hear and talk about toy soldiers ?its little wonder members are not posting on the forum ,its all predictable and boring,tell me one item of news that Andy Neilson said in his interview that hasnt been said before?


First off, I'm not looking for an argument, and I certainly respect your point of view about wanting to talk about toy soldiers.

With that said, we should all try and be tolerant of each others views.

Reguarding Andy's comments, many of us have not had the opportunity of speaking with him we were interested in hearing what he had

to say. Once we heard him, it was only natural for people to address some of the concerns and comments he made during the interview.

My comments reguarding the film footage of the Nazi figures was directly related to an interview I gave years ago when my comments were taken

completly out of context to support a view the newpaper was pushing.:eek: This cost me my position on the board of directors of a mall and made me

aware of the dangers of giving an interview!

Its probably best to just ignore posts that are of little interest to you. I was reading a First Legion thread because it had a catchy title and found

several members I know once again engaged in caustic posts, now I don't collect First Legion (because you can't collect everything) so I really could

care less what they say or think about King & Country or anything else for that matter so no real need to comment.:)

I also strongly believe many collectors are currently on edge with the economy, secondary marketplace, and other items that affect their ability to

pursue their hobby......uh oh he comes the wife.....gotta go!:eek::D
Njja ,i browse the forum to escape from all the crap in britain and other countries,i thought thats what the toy soldier forum would do or should i go elsewhere to hear and talk about toy soldiers ?its little wonder members are not posting on the forum ,its all predictable and boring,tell me one item of news that Andy Neilson said in his interview that hasnt been said before?

Andy's interview did not really reveal any new news.....nothing about the economy we all don't already know....( Shush....Don't tell anyone but I think.... ah ah....IT'S BAD ;).....And yes collecting toy soldiers are a luxury not a necessity.......However it was good to hear from Andy....and he got a chance to show off his toy soldier shop.....I would love to see that shop in person.....Looks like a cool shop with neat displays:)
That's the first time I've ever heard Andy speak live, neat. Its just nice to have CNN shine its light on our little hobby and I think Andy did well. He answered the question about interest in Nazi collectibles cleverly by stating its our love of history not really the "bad guy" agenda that motivate collectors.
In regards to economy I find it interesting that despite all the doom and gloom our demand for luxury items made by K&C has increased 20% according to Andy. That is despite product price increases and a severe recessionary environment. I guess its good to be a wholesaler/retailer, just not a speculator or secondary market type. However what goes around comes around, its all just a matter of time.
A wise man once said "don't take yourself so seriously". Well I have noticed we TREEFROGGERS seem to have an undeserved self importance when it comes to this hobby. Last time I checked we've got about 1600 members........I'm sure there are waaaaaaaayyyy more collectors out there from many other parts of the world and ofcourse most probably haven't even heard of our little forum. So what moods are on the forum hardly represent the bigger population of collectors and therefore aren't really worth taking to heart too seriously.
Like Andy, I religiously follow the forum, good, bad and ugly numerous times a day. Its a habit now and I enjoy it. Its a big part of my enjoyment of this hobby blogging with other knowledgeable collectors......a privilege really.
Hi Guys,
You are welcome to talk politics off the board and by PM however that is not the purpose of this board so the political comments have been removed.
Pretty cool to have Andy and the Pacific Place shop on CNN!

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