Rob: better check up on your pacific history--strictly in terms of naval ships used, there were more at Okinawa and Iwo was in comparison to Normandy. We won't even mention the attack force off of Kyushu--the world had never seen so many ships of all types and stretched for as far as anyone could see............Stryker P.S. There were several British ships at Okinawa and were used in alot of ways................
It is difficult to compare Normandy numbers with Pacific battles because Normandy has the figures for the initial landings but I do not know them for Okinawa. The Normandy naval strength includes landing ships which are large and landing craft which are numerous as a single category. The Naval strength at Okinawa probably includes landing ships but not landing craft.
Without nit-picking the numbers, both Normandy and Okinawa were major operations but the initial landings at Normandy were larger and there were more ships.
The Normandy landings (D-Day) consisted of 175,000 men including airborne vs. 70,000 at Iwo Jima (including 30,000 on D-Day from the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions and 40,000 subsequent troops) vs. 208,000 10th Army (including 102,000 Army, 88,000 Marine Corps, and 18,000 Navy personnel - but only a part of this force (I don't know how many) were in the initial D-Day landings).
The Normandy fleet consisted of 2831 ships including 1,231 warships, 864 merchant ships, 736 ancilliary craft
plus 4,126 transport ships (landing ships and landing craft) for a total of 6939 vessels. I don't know the naval strength at Iwo Jima. The naval strength at Okinawa consisted of 1650 ships including 40 aircraft carriers, 18 battleships, 32 cruisers and 200 destroyers, plus 50 commonwealth warships, the rest being transport, troop and fuel ships.
Landing craft were not counted.
The point is the Normandy landings (D-Day) were the largest.