Yo Troopers, Had this Sgt of the 31st Regt of Foot on ebay, have two of them. No takers for him, which surprised me, its one of Chas best models. Anyway found a small piece of paper Under the foam in the box I have for one of them from the factory. Its says its Sgt Bernard McCabe who went to India in 1840. So looked him up on the web, turns out he is the Regimental hero. At the battle of Sobraon the 1st Sikh war 10th Feb 1846, two officers were shot down carrying the Standard. So Bernard (what a name
) grabs the standard and climbs up a hill showing the standard which spurred the Regt on to victory. He was promoted to Officer class for his bravery, and of course was an Irishman
. Just shows what you can find out about some of your models, and fits in with Polarbear's India thread. First photo is of the model, then a painting by someone else of the battle and Bernard with the Standard, then one of Chas Staddens paintings of this brave man.
Bernard (what a name
Are you taking all this in trooper lol