Oh yes- the return of the comical moments-
this one I share knowing full well it my taint your image of me but bear with me.
Ok- 1991- Republic of Korea- DMZ- Camp Greaves
To protect the innocent I am using an alias name for the individual referenced in this post.
A favorite soldier pasttime has included reviewing magazines or videos of an "Adult" nature- not really my thing but it seems to be pretty popular among the troops.
One lazy Saturday afternoon, I had returned to the barracks after a workout and was getting ready to watch some TV when a buddy of mine was looking at one of said magazines and it caught my eye- in particular, there was a full page ad with the infamous "900" numbers. Well, one of them had a scantily clad female wearing lace and over her head it read "For a good time and hot phone love call Jane"
So, being the somewhat evil person I was realized this had the potential for a prank. Our squad leader had the last name "Jane" (alias). Sgt "Jane" was a really good guy from South Carolina, took himself a little too seriously at times but was generally a good guy. I knew he was down at the motor pool so it was either now or never.
So, I tear out the picture and run down to his room and paste the picture all over his door to his room. We listened to several guys come down the hall and you could hear them tearing up with laughter.
So finally Sgt. Jane comes down the hall and I jump into my bunk, pretending to be asleep. A few guys let out some catcalls as he was walking down the hallway. He gets to his room and lets a few curses fly and comes busting into my room. My buddies and I are trying our best to hold in the laughter and we maintain our composure.
"Where is that @$%#%^$#^ Chris at!!!" I pretend like he is waking me up:
"Hey Sgt. Jane, can I help you??" "You know what you did you little @#$%@!#$@!#" and he snatches me up by the ankles and pulls me out of the bunk. I am holding on trying to stop him- I kick at him but to no avail. My head bounces off the floor and he begins pummeling me. I am laughing so hard I nearly wet myself- he is calling me all sorts of names and curses and before you know it, there is a crowd gathered in the room- platoon sergeants, our platoon leader, etc.
I curled up in the fetal position on the floor while he was standing over me and was just laughing but then he twisted my arm and put his boot up against my face and started yanking my arm!! That hurt!! So I bit him in the leg just up above lip of his boot and punched him in the groin. That gave me a chance to get my bearings.
So,he and I go at it for like 5-10 minutes or so- friendly enough- in fact we went into about 3 rooms through the entire melee. Finally, exhausted we both called it quits.
The sad thing though, I was in my boxers the whole time as I had just got out of the shower when he had come bursting into my room!!!

For a few months following, we used to sprinkle in "JANE" comments while calling cadence during our morning runs.