Cute little vehicle Guy, cannot imagine going to war in that. Other than saving on foot wear, the thought of sitting up there like Jacky waiting to be shot at, leaves me cold. If it is connected to the V series, I will have to get one.{sm4}, Robin.
Robin ,
it is connected to the V series . This Russien AFV wxhen captured by the Germans was mainly used for airfield ground protection purposes.
Can go together well with the set of guards already out and the new ones coming . More vehicles on their way that can be used with the V series or with the Luftwaffe ;
Ostfront collectors spoilt for choice with a another BA-64 - TG versus K&C!
Is there a market for both company's making this item I wonder ?:rolleyes2:
Do you have any photos to back this up Guy?
Is there a market for both company's making this item I wonder ?:rolleyes2:
Is there a market for both company's making this item I wonder ?:rolleyes2:
thanks cobber.... i love the puppy
Ready for the October releases hopefully on track for the 4th.{sm4}, Robin.