Before visiting Ms. Farnsworth, I, a son of the Deep South, had never much considered how Northerners felt about the Civil War. But the trip to Michigan demonstrated to me that it was as an important part of their family heritage as it was of mine.
The war may have ended nearly 150 years ago, but many Americans today are still fighting it
Wow, no kidding; so northerners have family heritage too? Really?
Gee, you learn something new everyday; he referred to them as northerners too, not "Yankees."
Don't know why, but I find the term "Yankees" offensive; not sure why, but I just do.
I don't call southerners "Rebels", so don't call me a "Yankee."
The part that gets lost on so many people is these were AMERICANS killing AMERICANS, in some cases fathers killing sons, brothers killing brothers, uncles killing nephews, cousins killing cousins.
I hold no animosity towards southerners; they are fellow americans in my eyes, I don't view them as southerners, they are all americans. They fought for their country in the AWI, The war with Mexico, the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, they served their country when asked and fought and died for it. The fought against it in the ACW and lost, so get over it already.
As far as their culture, I have no ill will towards that either, do as you see fit, think the way you want to think, believe what you want to believe, have at it, good for you.
Oh and I fixed the last part for you..................