Connoisseur Figures (4 Viewers)


Jul 9, 2006
Hello all:

I have read with interest and enjoyment your comments and photos of the connoisseur figures - they are beautiful and impressive. As a new collector could you give me a it of a synopsis of the companies that produce these figures and a general idea of who excels at what era/style etc? I realize this may be a tall order but I am interested in getting my feet wet so to speak but don't know a great deal about them.

Thank you-

Hello all:

I have read with interest and enjoyment your comments and photos of the connoisseur figures - they are beautiful and impressive. As a new collector could you give me a it of a synopsis of the companies that produce these figures and a general idea of who excels at what era/style etc? I realize this may be a tall order but I am interested in getting my feet wet so to speak but don't know a great deal about them.

Thank you-


The first thing you need to know is that they are expensive - $100+ for most standing figures and $300-1000 for mounted. Your best bet in the US is Aeroart/St. Petersburg (see They are based in Great Falls, VA and generally are the most reliable source of high-quality figures. Take a look at their product gallery on the website. They tend to specialize in knights and crusades since the high end collectors appear to prefer the elaborate uniforms and paint schemes. Aeorart attends most of the major shows around the country including Chicago, Valley Forge (or whatever they are calling it this year) and the west coaster. Some american dealers also sell Grenada figures which are good but not usually great.

You can also try your luck directly with the russian dealer at They are reliable, but it takes about three weeks to get your figures. The prices can be laughable though for some. Keep an eye on their ebay site too since most new figures are show up there first. There is a link from the website.
Thank you, Combat. I agree as to the expense. I doubt I'll ever buy more than a few a year but they are very striking and beautiful. My wife is impressed with my K&C figures so I can only imagine what she will think when I make my first Conn purchase - I'll really use the "it is art" angle on these figures. ;)
I have had several interactions with Boris Kolomytsev of Kolobob and I have been impressed with him.

The stuff available at his E-Bay store only scratches the surface of what is available.

Visit his website at:

He uses a quality scale of 1-10 with 6-10 covering the majority of figures. Quality doesn't only refer to the quality of painting but to the complexity of painting as well:

6-7 Top Quality
8 About Elite Quality
9 Elite Quality (Museum Quality)
10 Elite Quality (Show Winning Quality)

Grenada figures fall into the 6-7 quality range. Eagle is likely in the 5 quality range.

He carries the Russian Vityaz line of figures which are arguably the best in the world but the prices reflect it.

He also carries an exclusive line of figures that in my opinion are of equal quality to Russian Vityaz. It turns out these figures are made for him by Nevskaya Miniatura. This is Tatyana Gapchenko's studio. She is a former master of Russian Vityaz studio. These exclusive pieces are about 20% cheaper than Russian Vityaz.

Lastly they do commision painting of miniatures (i.e. Pegaso Models of Italy). I suspect they use Nevskaya Miniatura for this as well since the pricing is similar but I'm not positve

Prices for these figures are exponential. For instance a mounted Samurai at level 8 quality may go for $480. The same figure at level 9 quality may go for $1400-$1800. Level 10 figures demand a premium and the same figure could command $2100. At these prices you are crossing the line from toy soldiers to fine art and they are simply stunning.

That said you can order any of the figures to the level of quality you want.

Here are a few of my recent Samurais


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...and a few more


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Wow! Good Grief! etc. etc. those are some stunning pieces. There is a few hours work there alright.

Hi fmethorst,

Your collection of Connoisseur Samurai figures is outstanding! They are incredibly impressive! I am very pleased you have shared them with us. Do you mind sharing what quality (6-10) your figures are with us? If they are not the highest quality available, I am almost dumbfounded to know how they could be improved!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi fmethorst,

Your collection of Connoisseur Samurai figures is outstanding! They are incredibly impressive! I am very pleased you have shared them with us. Do you mind sharing what quality (6-10) your figures are with us? If they are not the highest quality available, I am almost dumbfounded to know how they could be improved!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Thanks Pat,

It's interesting because you can't order a piece done to 10/10. You can only request 9/10. I suppose there is no way for them to guarantee the highest level. If a piece comes out at 10/10 then it's a bonus if you ordered it. Generally if they paint a piece that hasn't been ordered by anyone and it comes out 10/10 they will tack on a premium.

All items are 54mm

Here are the items shown:
  • The mounted samurai - Russian Vityaz PB704 ordered to 9/10 (actual likely higher)
  • The samurai with 2 katanas - Nevskaya Miniatura SA01 ordered to 9/10 (actual likely higher)
  • The samurai with naginata - Nevskaya Miniatura SA06 Sample 2 purchased off Ebay rated at 10/10
  • The ninja - Pegaso Miniatures 54174 purchased off EBay rated at 8/10
  • The Ashigaru with naginata - Aeroart 5154 purchased off Ebay. No rating My estimate 7/10

Hi Frank,

Thanks a million for sharing the information regarding the ratings of your Samurai figures. I just knew that the first three figures shown in your pictures must have been painted at one of the highest levels. They are just too close to perfect!

You have a wonderful collection. Thank you for allowing us to view your figures. They are incredibly beautiful!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
The detail on the horse is stunning, the coat of the horse looks life like
Hard to beat Thor and Nikkie at Aeroart right here in the US! Also have heard they will be carrying Russian Vityaz again. I buy around fifteen to twenty figures a year from them depending on how many mounted ones I like. They are the pride of my toy soldier collection. My favorite line I would have to say are the Mongols they are very well done. Never had the courage to buy from KOLOBOB Russia seems so far away to send all that money and then on top of it you still have to get a very fragile figure here to the US. No doubt though he has some amazing figures! IMO
Hard to beat Thor and Nikkie at Aeroart right here in the US! Also have heard they will be carrying Russian Vityaz again. I buy around fifteen to twenty figures a year from them depending on how many mounted ones I like. They are the pride of my toy soldier collection. My favorite line I would have to say are the Mongols they are very well done. Never had the courage to buy from KOLOBOB Russia seems so far away to send all that money and then on top of it you still have to get a very fragile figure here to the US. No doubt though he has some amazing figures! IMO

Don't get me wrong, I think the Aeroart pieces are awesome. They're service was fantastic when I received a broken piece. They replaced it immediately.

I totally hear you when it comes to sending money to Russia. I started small and have worked up. Kolobob supports Paypal so this made me more comfortable.

As for shipping, I haven't had any more problems than anyone else. Just the odd bent item that I've been able to straighten (not for people with weak hearts :) )

Don't get me wrong, I think the Aeroart pieces are awesome. They're service was fantastic when I received a broken piece. They replaced it immediately.

I totally hear you when it comes to sending money to Russia. I started small and have worked up. Kolobob supports Paypal so this made me more comfortable.

As for shipping, I haven't had any more problems than anyone else. Just the odd bent item that I've been able to straighten (not for people with weak hearts :) )


There are a few knights I would really like to have from KOLOBOB just have to get the courage up to buy one. Really wonder sometimes if I will actually get the high graded one I am looking at or a lesser figure? Would be hard for me to tell. You have never had any problems? Thanks Joel
There are a few knights I would really like to have from KOLOBOB just have to get the courage up to buy one. Really wonder sometimes if I will actually get the high graded one I am looking at or a lesser figure? Would be hard for me to tell. You have never had any problems? Thanks Joel

No I haven't. Boris has been really good to deal with. His English is pretty good so I suggest starting a conversation with him (link to e-mail on the web page). The pictures he has sent me have always been of the piece I ended up getting. The nice thing is if you want a different view or a closeup just request another picture. Keep in mind you can request the pieces painted to any level and the colors you prefer as well. You can also use them for commision painting if you have found a piece from someone like Pegaso that you like. Keep in mind, if they have to paint a piece for you it can take up to 8 weeks. Shipping on the other hand is usually only around 3 weeks to me in Vancouver, BC.


Thank you for your extensive response - you have enlightened me a great deal. The pieces are simply stunning. It may be a bit longer before I fully plunge into these figures but I think I'll start a special fund for my first so I can get it a bit sooner!

Thanks again for all of your responses.

Recieved some amazing knights today from AeroArt jousting knights they produce are second to none. I think there should be a thread for these Russian figures. What does anyone else think? Best toy soldiers in the world come from Russia hands down.
Recieved some amazing knights today from AeroArt jousting knights they produce are second to none. I think there should be a thread for these Russian figures. What does anyone else think? Best toy soldiers in the world come from Russia hands down.

Hi Joel,

Are you suggesting an Aeroart thread or a more general "Russian Connoisseur Figures" thread?

I would definitely be in favor of the latter.

Hi Joel,

Are you suggesting an Aeroart thread or a more general "Russian Connoisseur Figures" thread?

I would definitely be in favor of the latter.

A general Russian Connoisseur thread. I am partial to aeroart but that is mainly because I trust them. My jousting knight I recieved today was 550.00 dollars and just have not got the courage to send that to Russia or to another dealer here in the US. I am kind of at a comfort level. But that being said there are many knights I would like to buy from Kolobob and Grenada studios. Maybe a thread like this will give me the boost I need to try some of these other fine Companys? Anyway I am tired of reading the K@C thread and listening to all the arguing about the color of tanks and uniforms. I dont collect Army men so the K@C thread has become a total bore. Thought this would make for some great discussion, wonder how many forum members actually collect the connoisseur figures? Thanks Joel
A general Russian Connoisseur thread. I am partial to aeroart but that is mainly because I trust them. My jousting knight I recieved today was 550.00 dollars and just have not got the courage to send that to Russia or to another dealer here in the US. I am kind of at a comfort level. But that being said there are many knights I would like to buy from Kolobob and Grenada studios. Maybe a thread like this will give me the boost I need to try some of these other fine Companys? Anyway I am tired of reading the K@C thread and listening to all the arguing about the color of tanks and uniforms. I dont collect Army men so the K@C thread has become a total bore. Thought this would make for some great discussion, wonder how many forum members actually collect the connoisseur figures? Thanks Joel

I do collect WWII as well but the last few days have been a soap opera in those threads.

Any idea how one goes about getting a new sub catagory setup?

I do collect WWII as well but the last few days have been a soap opera in those threads.

Any idea how one goes about getting a new sub catagory setup?


I think we just ask the fine folks at treefrog and see what they say I do believe I read they were in China for a few weeks I also think we could ask Jazzeum/Brad and see what happens. Thanks Joel

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