Connoisseur Figures (2 Viewers)

Monty is another figure I've been looking for for some time now. My holy grail AeroArt figures is # 201 Joshua Chamberlain (the figure with his sword raised one foot on a rock) I think they're was something like 20 of those produced as well.
Ah ha!!

WOAH!! Never thought I'd see one of the FDR figures- anyone on this forum who is really interested in Aeroart figures should thank Combat for posting that one- if memory serves- there were 9 of those figures produced worldwide- Combat- can you confirm that?? I may be off on the exact number but I know it is very very low.

Thank you for sharing- you truly have a worldclass collection.


My guess is there are more than 9. I'll check the aeroart book tonight. These figures were also sold by the russian dealer (albeit at laughable prices).
The St Pete book does show only nine of those FDR figures produced. I thing they're were probably a few more produced as well.
Couple more while I'm at it and before the Bulls/Celts game:

The big three with Monty:


Rommel, Von Ribbentrop, and Himmler:


Goring, Guderian, and Von Kleist:

What really great figures. The resemblance is scary good. By the way, that looks like Marseille over Chuchill's left shoulder, yes? -- lancer
What really great figures. The resemblance is scary good. By the way, that looks like Marseille over Chuchill's left shoulder, yes? -- lancer

Yes, that's right but he is not an Aeroart figure. I can't recall exactly which company makes those. They also did a Rommel which I have that is excellent. The Free Indian figure in the background is an interesting Aeroart figure. He is wearing a german uniform and turban. The Himmler/von Ribbentrop picture came out a bit blurry to appreciate but they are nice figures. The von Ribbentrop figure is the prototype #1 if anyone cares.
The St Pete book does show only nine of those FDR figures produced. I thing they're were probably a few more produced as well.

Hey now- I am a CPA for a reason fellas- :D:p:D My memory is usually pretty good for some things.

I don't think there were more than 9 out there- If so, that information in the book is suspect and that would cause some problems- especially if you are one of the collectors that forked out $140+ for those books.

The reason I question the numbers is that I just bought the Napoleon holding spy glass figure, which had been out of stock. It's in the ST Pete book as 1998 release with 113 produced. But they just brought more into the country. this year. So that production number would have to be updated.
The reason I question the numbers is that I just bought the Napoleon holding spy glass figure, which had been out of stock. It's in the ST Pete book as 1998 release with 113 produced. But they just brought more into the country. this year. So that production number would have to be updated.

Interesting. I am assuming that you double checked the catalog number against the book number to make sure you had the same figure right? I know sometimes there can be some minor variances and they give the figures a decimal point identifier to catalog (some) of the figures as variants of the "prime".

Now, that being said, does that mean you don't have one of the 113 figures issued from 1998?? St. Pete figures do have a tendency to sit on shelves for quite sometime and I have regularly seen on their website that they are out of stock of a particular figure and then it returns a few months, even a year later. I think St. Pete produces x amount of figures and then may only paint y amount leaving some of the original figures unpainted until demand is sufficient enough to paint another batch.

It's almost as if the numbers stated in that book represent a ceiling of production and then the actual, painted figures that make it to the States are less than that ceiling.

You can see some of this when watching their pricing. I watch their ancients rather closely- some of the older figures (from 00, 01 etc) are still priced at $100-$105 but some of the more recent ones are hitting $125 a piece (for basic foot soldiers).

A few Aeroart figures in the book are listed as still in production. They are marked with an asterik. So they reflect the numbers produced at the time of publication. Any produced after publication would not be reflected in those numbers. Another complication is that some of their figures are also carried by the russian dealer. I'm not sure if they are reflected in the Aeorart numbers.
Interesting discussion- I of all people should know better than to assume that numbers are verified and set.

Well, for what it's worth Combat, please accept my praise of your collection. You have a collection that is first rate.

Take care
My Napoleon figure is marked 3881. Which really doesn't matter to me, but it would if I was buying these figures based on the amount produced. There could be Napoleons out their with numerous numbering variations. This to me kinda makes the number only good for identifying the figure.
My Napoleon figure is marked 3881. Which really doesn't matter to me, but it would if I was buying these figures based on the amount produced. There could be Napoleons out their with numerous numbering variations. This to me kinda makes the number only good for identifying the figure.

Mine has the same number. It doesn't mean there were 3881 produced. That is the generic figure number.
388 is the catalog number for this figure. It should read 388.1, the .1 showing a second run.

I have to correct myself. The catalog number for this figure is actually 3881. Which does match the book. So I'm guessing that any and all past releases can be re released at anytime. I know that when I called to order this figure they told me that it had been out of stock for a while, and more were commissioned to import. I'd like to see some ACW redone :)
My latest figure: SA08 from Nevskaya Miniatura. Some of you may recognize this figure as 6220 from Aeroart. This is because under certain circumstances the various Russian studios have access to the same sculpts.


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Congratulations. Great figure. Excellent photo, particularly the lighting.
Ninja looks very nice! Although the aeroart figures are nice, kolobob's is still better in detail.
I'm also thinking about to order another mongol figure from kolobob.
How long does it take (average) for you to receive a figure from kolobob? Mine is almost 30 days and still hasn't arrived.
Ninja looks very nice! Although the aeroart figures are nice, kolobob's is still better in detail.
I'm also thinking about to order another mongol figure from kolobob.
How long does it take (average) for you to receive a figure from kolobob? Mine is almost 30 days and still hasn't arrived.

I got one that took me 2 months.


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