Hi Anthony, Yes the addiction to Aeroart's is very drug-like, but in a good way

! Just try to control those urges to go overboard! Pick up one or two as a reward to completing some pre-established goal (that's what I do). Then really let yourself enjoy it without guilt. Jumping in and buying your first one is the hardest one to buy; it's like you're venturing out into uncharted waters or something, I know. Mark from Build-A-Rama told me his personal hilarous story of his first Aeroart purchase, and it was much like mine including all kinds of anxiety-stricken responses! lol "I just spent $135.00 on
a single toy soldier! I must be completely insane!" Or so the thought process goes. LOL Hey, if you do embark into these "treacherous seas" don't feel so bad, because an elite quality Kolobob foot soldier would almost run you the same as some of Aeroart's mounted figures!! Anyways, my opinion is, you won't regret buying any of the Aeroart pieces. Like an old collector friend of mine has been known to say, and I paraphrase, paying more for the best is always worth it in the end.