Conte's back!!! (2 Viewers)

No comment, I'm no longer a dealer.

I'll stand up here and now.
George is among the most honest and helpful Toy Solldier dealers I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with.
I wish you well in your future endeavoures George and rest assured, once I have the facilities to start building dioramas again, I'll be in touch with you to obtain basic modelling materials - and more TS's.

Best Regards
I'll stand up here and now.
George is among the most honest and helpful Toy Solldier dealers I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with.
I wish you well in your future endeavoures George and rest assured, once I have the facilities to start building dioramas again, I'll be in touch with you to obtain basic modelling materials - and more TS's.

Best Regards

George Isn't going anywhere - he's just not a Conte dealer anymore!
Thanks for the kind words Harry, I appreciate you taking the time to write and for your words of encouragement.

And you've got that right Jim, I'm not going anywhere but onward and upward.

I'd love to stay and chat a little while longer, but I'm busy at the moment packing K & C, Collectors Showcase, Britains and John Jenkins Designs orders.

And I'd love, love, L-O-V-E to comment on all of this, but it's best to just let it go...............
George Isn't going anywhere - he's just not a Conte dealer anymore!

Not quite what I was saying - but I know what you mean jac28.
And before I'm misinterpreted - George, and George alone, is the only reason I finally received one of the three TS orders that went "missing in the post" last year. For going out of his way, beyond the call of duty, to ensure I received that order - he gets my full 100% support.....and future custom, Conte dealer or not.
In fact, I think I've now completely lost interest in the Conte figures I wanted to purchase.

Sounds as if Conte is closeing more dealers than Chrysler and GM!
Since Conte products must cross state lines, I,m sure my local FBI office will halt their bank robbery, kidnapping investigations to start looking for violaters of Contes rules, I do believe he said he wanted them arrested.
For the remaining Conte dealers sounds as if living under Hitlers rules would be a picnic compared to RC,s!
Hail Ragner!
Judging from the interest I would say RC does not have a lot to worry about. Things will probably look different after the smoke clears. He maybe being a little overzealous right now. I am sure he thinks he is doing the right thing at this point. Stay tuned more will be revealed.

It does seem from RC's point that there is a lot to do. I think he wants to stay in this business. I hope everything works out fairly for everyone. Stay tuned Bat Fiends.;):):D:eek::eek:
Sounds as if Conte is closeing more dealers than Chrysler and GM!
Since Conte products must cross state lines, I,m sure my local FBI office will halt their bank robbery, kidnapping investigations to start looking for violaters of Contes rules, I do believe he said he wanted them arrested.
For the remaining Conte dealers sounds as if living under Hitlers rules would be a picnic compared to RC,s!
Hail Ragner!

Be careful, my son, - terminators could be watching you!
Be careful, my son, - terminators could be watching you!

You got that right.

No doubt in my mind there's a mole who lurks here; be careful or he'll dime you out too.
I didn't think that there where that many dealers left still selling Conte. After reading the RC Manifesto and hearing that George is no longer a dealer, Conte Collectibles is now DEAD TO ME :rolleyes:
You got that right.

No doubt in my mind there's a mole who lurks here; be careful or he'll dime you out too.
There's never been a doubt in my mind. I've had someone from another forum tell me that they heard I was Conte bashing here. Big brother is watching.
There's never been a doubt in my mind. I've had someone from another forum tell me that they heard I was Conte bashing here. Big brother is watching.


It's not so much as all of us Conte bashing on these threads but rather more as fans and customers trying to decipher his business plan especially as he now appears to have annihilated all of his remaining dealers-including the good guys like George. As I have repeatedly stated on these boards his way forward for his company is still completely incomprehensible to me :confused:

It appears this gentleman appreciates pricing discipline in the market for his figures. Unfortunately, he is displaying a certain disregard for the rules established by the US Federal and State governments, generally and very loosely labeled "laws". "Resale Price Maintenance" is a very difficult topic and although nothing here in this thread should indicate that the owner of Conte is breaching any US Federal or State laws, it is interesting to see someone put in writing the measures he is taking to force pricing discipline on his distributors. Fortunately, the anti-trust agencies are too busy with investigating other industries, but maybe some day they will turn to the toy soldier industry ... :rolleyes:
While I have no idea about the laws mentioned in Andanna's post I find it rather interesting to go for enforcing a strict price discipline while "throwing" out his stock at bargain prices on ebay for quite a while now. All stuff that one or the other dealer might still have in stock and would like to sell too.
Just a matter of interest here as I do not collect Conte. Who is left to sell his product for him? Is HE going to become his one and only distributer? If he can "fire" George, an honest dealer that I buy from and like, who does that leave him to sell his product through? Sounds like he is going to be exclusive to himself. JMO. -- lancer

True indeed, however one must questions the motives of these individuals who run to Conte spreading half truths.

I would question the business strategy of getting rid of all of your agents or seemingly all of them, but then again it's not my company, so I guess he can run it anyway he wants to and since he is smarter then all of us anyway, I'm sure he knows best.
Just a matter of interest here as I do not collect Conte. Who is left to sell his product for him? Is HE going to become his one and only distributer? If he can "fire" George, an honest dealer that I buy from and like, who does that leave him to sell his product through? Sounds like he is going to be exclusive to himself. JMO. -- lancer

Who's left to sell his products??? Don't know but his "Authorized Dealer's" web page says:

Dealer's Page Under Construction

I guess we all have to draw our own conclusions. To bad Conte doesn't seem realize this is also a relationship business too that leads loyalty among collectiors meaning SUSTAINED REVENUE long term.

I have to admit to never collecting Conte or forming much of an opinion about them, but these long-winded rants leave a real bad vibe about the company. Lots of red flags there. No way would I do business with them.

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