COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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The Delta Variant is supposed to be spreading in this country, just as it has shown up in Australia and other countries, and is supposed to be more transmissible than other prior variants. This was supposed to be principally a problem for the unvaccinated, not the vaccinated; I heard some medical expert say that for the unvaccinated it’s like a heat seeking missile.

Now, we have advice from the WHO saying that because of this variant we should wear masks indoors, even if you’ve been vaccinated, although the CDC has not changed their prior advice. As a result some municipalities, like LA County, are recommending that the WHO advice be followed.

I have worn masks from the beginning but, sorry, I’m not buying this. If the advice is to wear a mask inside even though you’ve been vaccinated, what is the point of being vaccinated. Essentially, you’re being asked to conduct yourself in the same way that an unvaccinated person is and that is illogical. Except for going to medical facilities, I’m finished with wearing masks.

Couldn't have said it any better myself, I ditched the mask two weeks ago, I stepped up and did the right thing and got vaccinated, so I'm done with masks.


As you stated, what is the point of getting a vaccine if you have to conduct yourself like you did prior to getting it.

Arenas and stadiums are wide open now, thousands of people indoors yelling and screaming not wearing masks, there are no spikes or outbreaks as a result, I'm sure there are some unvaccinated people in that crowd not wearing masks.

Like my moron cousin.

This is starting to get ridiculous.
The Delta Variant is supposed to be spreading in this country, just as it has shown up in Australia and other countries, and is supposed to be more transmissible than other prior variants. This was supposed to be principally a problem for the unvaccinated, not the vaccinated; I heard some medical expert say that for the unvaccinated it’s like a heat seeking missile.

Now, we have advice from the WHO saying that because of this variant we should wear masks indoors, even if you’ve been vaccinated, although the CDC has not changed their prior advice. As a result some municipalities, like LA County, are recommending that the WHO advice be followed.

I have worn masks from the beginning but, sorry, I’m not buying this. If the advice is to wear a mask inside even though you’ve been vaccinated, what is the point of being vaccinated. Essentially, you’re being asked to conduct yourself in the same way that an unvaccinated person is and that is illogical. Except for going to medical facilities, I’m finished with wearing masks.

Welcome to the Dark Side Young Jedi!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Agree with you 100%
I didn't wear a mask at the Astros game a few weeks ago...
actually nobody did...
but I had 3 hospital visits last week...eye exam...diabetes blood work...colonoscopy...
and all their employees are still wearing masks...
and i wore mine...

so I'm gonna be that weird guy...
I'm gonna continue wearing mine inside buildings...
it's just not that big of an inconvenience to me to wear one...
to each his own...good luck to all
In my position as a trustee of a very large charitable trust that donates tens of millions of dollars each year primarily to health and medical research organizations I speak with dozens of Virologists and Epidimologists. They all seem to be concerned about the variants and don't think this is over by a long shot.

So I go to my local library, museum, shops and restaurants and they all post that if you are vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask. I have some underlying medical issues so I should trust that the anti-vaccers are being honest and wearing masks? No way! Do I know for sure that my vaccination will protect me from the variants...not enough to risk my health and life!
The statistics show that the unvaccinated are contracting Covid at a much higher rate and while the numbers are small vaccinated people are getting the virus as well.

So I don't wear a mask outside but if I go into a venue that has human traffic I wear my mask and try to social distance.
I think the fall/winter season will show us how effective these vaccines really are agains the variants.
Bottom line is your health and age need to be taken into consideration and use your common sense.
On another note, I recently attended an indoor Rock Concert in Lancaster PA with the family. Man, it felt good to be back, masks were not required and I didn't see any, it was actually a nice normal picture. Hopefully it is the wave of the future. As I said before, for me, its on like Donkey Kong. I don't take my decision lightly, mine is based on being vaccinated and my overall health, it works for me.

if I go into a venue that has human traffic I wear my mask and try to social distance.

I'm with you...
I believe 100% that the mask helps...
I have underlying issues...
I'll try to keep wearing mine inside social mask outside...
wearing the mask to go inside is no big deal to me...
nothing to really complain about if it helps...
In and out of the supermarket, CVS, Staples, Home Depot, Pet Supplies Plus, Post Office; I'm not masking up.

Or when I'm outdoors.

Or around friends and family outdoors.

I'm holding off on show commitments for the fall until I see how things play out.

With the Delta variant roaring through the country now and 300 people a day still dying, for those who still refuse to step up and get vaccinated;
I still wear the mask most times as I have had only the first shot. When I get the second they are gone except where required. ( all medical facilities are required). To me the vaccine is a waste if your going to live like before you were vaccinated. They did tests on children's masks who were forced to wear them in school and the were filled with bacteria and germs. So wearing them a little while may be alright but for hours is bad.
They did tests on children's masks who were forced to wear them in school and the were filled with bacteria and germs.

Filled with bacteria and germs; ie, your average kid.........................:wink2:{sm3}{sm4}
I'm no Doctor, but judging strictly by the over 100 degree F fever & fatigue I've had since my vaccines, I don't feel healthy enough to get too far away from bed.
Glad I'm safe, I guess....
Best Wishes & Stay Safe
I was at the airport this weekend where masks are still mandated and lots of people were not wearing them. No one was enforcing it. You get the feeling that most people have had enough. Even the people tasked with enforcement. If you are vaccinated, then you are fine. If you decide not to get vaccinated, then you have made a decision to take your chances since everyone has access to the vaccine. Decisions have consequences. A lesson many people in this era have not learned.
[FONT=&quot]Interesting article in the Galveston paper...

• Almost everybody dying with COVID-19 infection is unvaccinated.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]• Almost everybody forced into a hospital and to undergo treatment to avoid dying is unvaccinated.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And using the word “almost” is hedging the facts almost more than practically necessary.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Only about 150 of the more than 18,000 U.S. COVID-19-related deaths in May were among fully vaccinated people, according to an Associated Press analysis of available government data.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That means only about 0.8 percent of the deaths were among vaccinated people, which means more than 99 percent of the dead were unvaccinated.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That should be close enough to “all” to get the attention of anybody who hasn’t been vaccinated.[/FONT]
There's so much political B.S. that's been going around Mike that large segments of the population doesn't believe anything that's said .I myself go for my second shot on the 13th but that doesn't mean I believe everything. This pandemic was a golden opportunity for for the American people to regain trust of their government but the politicians, media, big tech and yes even the doctors have destroyed that chance.
Interesting article in the Galveston paper...

• Almost everybody dying with COVID-19 infection is unvaccinated.

• Almost everybody forced into a hospital and to undergo treatment to avoid dying is unvaccinated.
And using the word “almost” is hedging the facts almost more than practically necessary.
Only about 150 of the more than 18,000 U.S. COVID-19-related deaths in May were among fully vaccinated people, according to an Associated Press analysis of available government data.
That means only about 0.8 percent of the deaths were among vaccinated people, which means more than 99 percent of the dead were unvaccinated.
That should be close enough to “all” to get the attention of anybody who hasn’t been vaccinated.

Its all true but the deniers are too ignorant and angry to accept the truth. In addition the variants are spreading among the unvaccinated and it is feared new variants will develop among them as well.
So they are not only putting themselves in danger but family, friends and all of us!
Interesting article in the Galveston paper...

• Almost everybody dying with COVID-19 infection is unvaccinated.

• Almost everybody forced into a hospital and to undergo treatment to avoid dying is unvaccinated.
And using the word “almost” is hedging the facts almost more than practically necessary.
Only about 150 of the more than 18,000 U.S. COVID-19-related deaths in May were among fully vaccinated people, according to an Associated Press analysis of available government data.
That means only about 0.8 percent of the deaths were among vaccinated people, which means more than 99 percent of the dead were unvaccinated.
That should be close enough to “all” to get the attention of anybody who hasn’t been vaccinated.
Virtually every covid related death in Maryland in the month of June was an unvaccinated individual. -- Al
That should be close enough to “all” to get the attention of anybody who hasn’t been vaccinated.

It doesn't matter; anyone who does not have a medical issue for not getting vaccinated to this point is not getting it, they are anti vaccine, anti government, anti science, anti whatever to justify their reason for not getting it.

Like my brain dead moron of a cousin.

He was scheduled to get vaccinated, they canceled his appointment and when I asked him why, he said "I don't trust the government, they're not going to tell me what to do".............................


Now he points to people who are having side effects; he has a history of heart disease in his family, he saw where people are having a heart inflammation issue with the vaccine, so now that is his "excuse" for not getting it.

I told him "that issue is impacting males 30 and under; you're 58".......................


I give up; he's not getting it, period, yet he goes around not wearing a mask, I asked him "why are you not wearing a mask?" and he said "They lifted the mask mandate here in NH"...............I told him "Was high school the best 10 years of your life; that's for VACCINATED PEOPLE, you're not vaccinated, you don't have the right not to wear it, vaccinated people earned the right not to wear it"................his reply "The right?? Who are you, the mask police, I'm doing what I want to do."

Honestly; he's my cousin, but **** him.

I give up.
Its all true but the deniers are too ignorant and angry to accept the truth. In addition the variants are spreading among the unvaccinated and it is feared new variants will develop among them as well.
So they are not only putting themselves in danger but family, friends and all of us!

You're assuming any of them give a **** about you or anyone else.

They do not.

They are the people who shoved you out of the way last March in order to buy the last 64 pack of toilet paper at the supermarket, even though they already had 192 rolls in their survivalist underground bunker on their compound out in the woods.
My nine year old grandson is in sleep away camp in Pennsylvania. Seven weeks with no parent visiting day and only three phone calls. All counselors and staff had to be vaccinated and tested before they arrived. My grandson had a Covid test 72 hours before he left for camp, then a test upon arrival, one week later and after two weeks which was yesterday. Everyone in the camp was tested similarly and no one from the outside comes into the camp. There are two doctors and three nurses on staff. They will not have inter-camp games but now can mingle with other age groups with no masks. All tests were negative.....
My grandson is having the time of his life with sports, a beautiful lake, crafts and making new friends. And as he says no parents to yell at him for seven weeks!

I think the further development of accurate "quick tests" along with vaccines and hygiene will be the answer to ending all this madness!
I think the further development of accurate "quick tests" along with vaccines and hygiene will be the answer to ending all this madness!

All it took for people to improve their hygienic habits was having a worldwide pandemic dropped on us; hey, whatever it takes......:mad:
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