Creating the Battle of the Bulge.....Wacht Am Rhine (3 Viewers)

It's always a pleasure seeing you returing to the Bulge bring your figures to life in your photos Kevin. Thanks for keeping the series alvie.......Joe
Thank you Kevin for continuing to bring me back to the Battle of The Bulge.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Who's winning?

Nice tank. :)

p.s. Where's my book?

So Kevin told you, Simon?:smile2:

No ..... I didn't - it is a surprise ^&confuse:confused:^&grin

Hmmmm......I wasn't expecting that.......{sm5}

Nobody ever expects the inquisition . . . maybe I better not get Kevin started!{sm2}{eek3}^&grin

Not a chance. His timing is all over the place at the moment. :wink2:

No it isn't, it's tea o'clock

meanwhile, the luftwaffe supports wacht am rhein, the 'Lo' squadron ....

stuka winter tankbuster red.jpg
Enjoyed your latest photo while visiting your Arhem Series but as stated before Kevin I have a soft spot when it come to your Battle of The Bulge series an love the results of your photos when taken in the sun...........The Lt.
An 88mm gun sets up at short notice on its travel gear as it has not had chance to dig in prior to US armour advancing .........

This technique was claimed to be pioneered by 21st Pz Div in DAK with Rommel in the 1941 battles, although it was lethal when properly dug in as in the battle of Halfaya pass.

Dear "Panda1gen":

Splendid photos!

"Iron Brigade"

Thank you, glad you enjoy.


The US M10 was obsolete by the Battle of the Bulge, but production had already been switched to the 90mm armed Jackson and many of those were also present in the battle. In British service as the Wolverine, many had been upgunned with the 17pdr and named Achilles. Unlike as with the Sherman, the US did not adopt British nomenclature.

The M!0 was only good at relatively short range or against relatively more weakly protected German AFV's such as the Pz4. Although this was still the workhorse of the panzer divisions Panthers, Tigers etc were more common in the elite Waffen SS units facing the Allies in the Bulge, which frontally at least, the M10 would struggle to penetrate. The many weaker German Volksturm units only had StuGs in support, so the M10 could be useful against many of them, especially in a flank shot.

The open top and relatively slow traverse were the main operational problems for troops and despite US doctrine for tank destroyers to support tanks, in practice M10s were reported to fire many more HE than AP rounds, similar to the tanks they were supposed to support. However, given the scale of the battles in NW Europe and the relative scarcity of AFV's on the ground, this may not be too surprising.

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