Crescent Stagecoach - A Refurbishment (1 Viewer)

Sounds like a great Winter project jb {bravo}}



Yes - I have a feeling that's exactly what it will turn into.

Its a strange thing how a chance find of two ponies - led to a Stagecoach - which is leading me again into some pleasant memories of childhood enjoyments - such as giong to the cinema on Saturday mornings - (all pre-TV of course this) for our week;y fix of serials like Hoppalong Cassidy - or Tom Mix - or Roy Rogers - usually persuing the baddies - or most memorable for me - Cowboys and Injuns.

Then of course there's the absolute classic "Stagecoach" (I still have my copy) with The Duke.

Yes - I think this autumn/winter will bring along a few more very pleasant memories indeed - and perhaps another little thread? jb
Well done, John, it turned out really great! You're going to have a lot of fun playing cowboys and Indians with that one! And it was a lot of fun to follow along on this build, too.

Here's mud in yer eye, pard!
As Gabby Hayes once said ( I thik he would have said "shed")

"Yer durned tootin' pard!"

I will keep you in touch with proceedings on this one then - and let you know how things are going when I work out how it's going to go.

Watch this ( or a similar ) space later on this year.

Hoppalong johnnybach^&grin

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