CS M8 Stuart winter variant pics (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately the "interpretation of size" issue has been with 54mm for a long time, and it seems to carry over to 1/30th. It is usually translated as 1/32nd scale, but many 54mm metal and plastic figures don't match up with 1/32nd scale models. Look at the variations that we have had in figures for years. Size and proportion vary in "54mm" and in "1/30 scale". To get true scale you need to go to 1/35th models and there is still a bit of variance in the figure proportions. So I guess we have to make our decisions about who and what we choose to buy. The only problem I have with making everything to "K&C size" is that there is a lot of variance between models. Andy doesn't hold his sculptors to a very tight scale on the vehicles. They just need to look OK with the figures.

One suggestion is that when minor differences occur in vehicles that are to be in a scene, place the larger one right up front, put the slightly smaller one a bit back, and possibly on a slight rise. Don't set them fender-to-fender or the difference will be really emphasized.

Gary B.

I was addressing only AFVs. The variation in figure sizes is even more complicated and diverse. At least with just the AFVs some sense of order and and a display strategy is not hard to do. But add figures into the mix, and the variance increases exponentially.

The other thing to keep in mind is that K&C and CS will sometimes oversize parts of a model for strength and durability while Figarti, HB TGM and FL do not seem to. This is noticeable in the 88s made by K&C vs Figarti and often in the gun barrels of comparable AFVs made by different companies. And Figarti and also shows scale variance among their own 1:30 models. I'm not sure if CS does too but I would expect that they have done so.

Its great to hear all the feedback and all opinions must be respected.

Certainly collectors are now used to small vehicle and large figures. But when rolling out our product line we had a choice: continue with small vehicles with larger figures just as KC has, or finally rectifying the root problem: vehicles that are simply too small for the 1/30th world.

We decided to right scale the vehicles so that the worlds were all the same scale. I think it was the right decision and judging by the sales alot of other collectors believe so too. If a collector wishes to continue to add mini-vehicles to their 1/30th scale set-ups who is to fault them. It could be considered a style and should be viewed as that.

Listen if a person has so much invested in KC they should not be faulted for not wanting to upgrade, but my, my it looks so right!:D anyhow-- cheers to all!

Happy Collecting!


Brian, I will make a deal with you..Give me a legit Stuart or a turret to go with the variant, and I will buy your version and dump my KC one...Michael
Just received my Normandy version of the M8 HMC today. Carlos' pics and joesgis description say it all. A very nice piece indeed although a little bigger than I had expected. Like the idea of a separate machine gun for static display. Added comparison pics with other Stuarts from K&C.

Bill, do you have a legit 1/30 scale Tiger or Panther from any mfg. to put next to the CS tank...? Michael
I didn't mean to sound so harsh relative to the size of the CS stuart. I guess what it boils down to I will have to see a review or size comparison pics of any new CS stuff, no buying site unseen.
I have the CS hanomag with the jumping soldiers and it is one of my all time favorites. Now that is a hair larger than K&C but not so large that it won,t fit in.
Don,t worry Brian, I still like your product and you will still get into my wallet.
Bill, do you have a legit 1/30 scale Tiger or Panther from any mfg. to put next to the CS tank...? Michael

Let's try these. All profess to be 1/30

1st pic M8, CS Tiger, HB gold Tiger
2nd pic KC Panther, HB Panther, M8
3rd pic HB Gold Sherman, M8, Figarti, KC
4th pic HB Gold, M8, Figarti

Sorry for the poor pics. Wish I had the skill of some of you folk
Bill W


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Nice collection you've got there Bill, love those Tigers and Shermans..........
In the final analysis it really is up to the buyer. I buy what appeals to me the most. Sometimes other things figure into the equation like resale value. I have bought K&C and lately CS. Brian has just come up with some great stuff at a reasonable price! I got the winter Hanomag and now will be getting the Winter M8. My Bulge dio will be awesome!
I like the fact that Brian/CS is making AFV's at the correct scale. If it's supposed to be 1/30, then make it 1/30. Even though I have a lot of earlier K&C that appear to be 1/32 or so (and I wouldn't part with most of them) I agree with the philosophy of going forward with true 1/30 scale regardless of whether they match older K&C. I'll just make new dioramas with new correct scale material and keep the older smaller material separate for their own dioramas if the size discrepancy is too noticable. So keep up the good work Brian. Looking forward to more in the future.:)
Sounds like you have it all worked out Duke! I like a guy that has a plan. IMHO a guy should be able to appreciate different manufacturers for their individual strengths and buy accordingly.

CS has a lot going for it! I am also appreciating the variety of new product and new benchmarks in detail.

Brian, I will make a deal with you..Give me a legit Stuart or a turret to go with the variant, and I will buy your version and dump my KC one...Michael

Brian, Michael has an excellent idea. I would expect no less from a Michael! A great way to sell more tanks. All you have to do is make a new turret in the different variations. One could buy more and mix and match.It would work with this vehicle any way. :D:D:D

Brian, I will make a deal with you..Give me a legit Stuart or a turret to go with the variant, and I will buy your version and dump my KC one...Michael

I wanted to bump this suggestion, since Brian is now into the double turret business..Michael

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