CS WWII figures bulky?? (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Jul 25, 2007
Hi, i haven't purchased a CS figure in over two years.. Just wondering if the WW2 Germans are a little less "bulky" than they used too be? I just don't like them too be too bulky because i want to be able to use them with K&C vehicles ..
The figures are IMO now spot on and, no issues as far as I can see. I have the early SS sets and even they seem to fit well. I think you can see that they are now in keeping (though with their own style) if you look at the LAH dio which, has sets from both manufacturers.

If I get time I will post some of the early sets with K&C armour
When campared to K&C, CS figures are much better proportioned. K&C figures have very large heads. Also, the CS paint job is gritty and more realistic IMO. However, both CS and K&C are closer to 70mm.
Yes, sir, i will agree with that, K&C figures do tend to have heads too large on some of there figures.. I was just wondering about the size because i want too put both CS and K&C figures in back of my K&C opel blitz truck! If anyone else has done this, i would love to see a picture of it! BTW - CS should make a german truck of some kind!
The last CS figs I bought were the 'Peiper' Bulge guys. I like the sculpting and the painting a lot-not to mention they go very well w/other company's figs.
My only (minor) complaint was that the base was a bit bulky-but not a big deal to me.
I have the pieper figure and was well pleased with it. I too agree that the stand was abit on the large side and hope as the sets keep coming that the bases get smaller. Minor moan as you say but, makes pose with other manufacturers that much easier
This help

King and Country



Great shots. Have to say I hope the bases become slightly less in size as CS moves on but, I know which ones look the most realistic IMO
The K & C weapons seem over sized for th figures. A stick grenades handle is huge in proportion to the hand holding it. Proportion is as important as scale in achieving realism.
Agreed, the bases are the most noticeable difference. I too have the Peiper set and the bases bother me somewhat. It's not just the size, but the choice of color/weathering. I know each manufacturer has their own style, but KC's bases are superior because of the weathering, they're half the height of CS, and there is not much excess around the figure's feet.
Agreed, the bases are the most noticeable difference. I too have the Peiper set and the bases bother me somewhat. It's not just the size, but the choice of color/weathering. I know each manufacturer has their own style, but KC's bases are superior because of the weathering, they're half the height of CS, and there is not much excess around the figure's feet.

Bases were made smaller after we got so many comments just as the ones above. It was too much, agreed.


Cannot say that the most noticeable thing about the figures is the base. For me, the standout is the pose and detail in painting then the base as I peruse the figure. Brian has said they are being sorted but, it does not detract from the quality of the figures IMO.

I did see a similar comment about K&C and the fact that their stick grenades were too small per size of figure and reality so, some say there too big some too small.

The base issue is a simple one to rectify
some have said the Kar rifles are to bulky and to small in length. on some figures and if you compare them to say TG there is a difference I suppose each manufacturer has a set way to recreate these things.

Don't know what the anwser is to this really
I think the CS small arms are the best in the TS world. TG small arms pretty equal as well. While I like the HB figures, their small arms are not as well done. KC small arms are pretty good and consistent, but a cut below CS and TG. JMO. -- Al
Just for reference, I own a genuine Nazi marked Kar 98 and I measured it. Total length, from the end of the barrel to the butt plate, is 3 feet 7 inches. Total top width, measured from the bulkiest area, is 2 inches. The average KC figure is a little under 3 inches, and the average KC Kar 98 is a little under 2 inches.
No, I think it looks about right. I'm 5' 10" and my rifle comes up to my stomach.

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