CVS Pharmacies To Stop Selling Cigarettes (1 Viewer)

What a crazy world, a shop that sells groceries, drugs, booze, tobacco and AMMO ...madness. Glad I live in OZ where at least you can't just walk around the corner and buy Ammo!
Yes it's reasonable that you ask not to be around it and I have always tried to be courteous to people.What bugs me is the fanatics,usually ex smokers that think that smokers should have no place to go.Usually these type of people meet down at MacDonald's woofing down 2 or 3 Big Mac's and a pound of french fries with a 60oz soda to wash it down. I'm 58 years old and have smoked for 45 years and I'm not lying when I say I can outwork 90% of the younger "healthy" people.As far as the government goes it is one gigantic hypocrite.They talk about the dangers of smoking but it doesn't mind sucking up the tax dollars from it.Ban it if it's that bad.Now you might think that I am totally pro smoking but I would never recommend it to anyone but I'm sick of these people trying to tell everyone else how to live and what to do with your own body and not just with smoking.No matter how well you try to live the facts are your going to get old and your going to get sick.People need to quit worrying what everybody else is doing.I hear that worrying is not healthy either.I guess if everybody lived a clean healthy life and didn't get sick CVS wouldn't be in business.

I never smoked cigarettes, but have COPD, perhaps caused by second hand smoke in USN when I stood watches in CIC. (Let's see if we can get the new guy sick by smoking cee-gars!) I can smell . . . and am bothered . . . by cigarette or cigar smoke 25 feet away. No fun . . . I assure you. And I'm afraid my thought towards the perpetuator are not exactly kindly. I'm an octogenerian and in otherwise good health . . . tell me how you're doing in 22 years.

Bosun Al
Now that was good!

You may wish to note I liked it. I did it to while the time whilst considering how to respond to the nice bradical man who said he sided with the Argentinians over the Falklands {sm4} I just dont want to throw a granada into the debate.
You may wish to note I liked it. I did it to while the time whilst considering how to respond to the nice bradical man who said he sided with the Argentinians over the Falklands {sm4} I just dont want to throw a granada into the debate.

You are typing on your ipad aren't you?
What a crazy world, a shop that sells groceries, drugs, booze, tobacco and AMMO ...madness. Glad I live in OZ where at least you can't just walk around the corner and buy Ammo!

That's right and I don't have to ask anyone's permission either.
Right On the way to the range too. I don't feel mad as a hatter.
Just different worlds we grew up in.What's madness to the rural guy, is natural to the city guy ,and vice versa.
If CVS does not want to carry Tobacco , fine by me. I wish it didn't exist in the 1st place. Beer, wine , whiskey. Easy { for me} to pass on. A cold one on the very hottest Summer evening is about it. But that **** tobacco habit is a tough habit to quit.Sparing back and forth for far too long.That, is madness.
I never smoked cigarettes, but have COPD, perhaps caused by second hand smoke in USN when I stood watches in CIC. (Let's see if we can get the new guy sick by smoking cee-gars!) I can smell . . . and am bothered . . . by cigarette or cigar smoke 25 feet away. No fun . . . I assure you. And I'm afraid my thought towards the perpetuator are not exactly kindly. I'm an octogenerian and in otherwise good health . . . tell me how you're doing in 22 years.

Bosun Al

I can't tell you what's going to be in 22 years but right now I'm doing great.
I never smoked cigarettes, but have COPD, perhaps caused by second hand smoke in USN when I stood watches in CIC. (Let's see if we can get the new guy sick by smoking cee-gars!) I can smell . . . and am bothered . . . by cigarette or cigar smoke 25 feet away. No fun . . . I assure you. And I'm afraid my thought towards the perpetuator are not exactly kindly. I'm an octogenerian and in otherwise good health . . . tell me how you're doing in 22 years.

Bosun Al

And I'm in my 71st year Al - and also a non-smoker. Have to say it's getting a lot better in the UK now - as many people have got the message of the advice ( yes advice - which is rather different to the perception of "people telling them what to do") given by health professionals over here, and given up on tobacco. This has been helped by the British Government hiking up the tax payable on tobacco products (which helps a bit toward the Health costs involved in treatment of heart and respiratory diseases, later in life). It is now an even more expensive pastime than it ever was - so many people have given up because they simply can't afford it anymore.

I too, regret that when doing my twenty years in the Army - smoking was the norm for many - so I still got my share of second-hand smoke, whether I wanted it or not. At that time, of course, we just didn't know what harm that might do. Looks like my avoidance technique (wherever possible) worked out - as my lungs appear okay today. If it got too smokey - I simply left the area (when and where I could).

Over here, we used to have a young man called Roy Castle, who was an entertainer who loved to play the trumpet. He used to play a lot in Nightclubs - and even though he was a life-long non-smoker, he must have inhaled a lot of second-hand smoke in his career, as Nightclubs were notoriously smokey environments - and you need to breathe very deeply to blow a horn. He died young in 1994 from diagnosed Lung Cancer. Whilst still alive, he helped set-up and organise a registered charity, which now carries his name, to help people understand origins and causes of the disease - and also help them to give up the addiction to tobacco. They publish a lot of material - which helps give advice on both.

Anyone struggling - contact - "The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation", for advice and help.

Hope that's positive - Best of Luck. jb
Yes. bradical was spelt correctly ...

You're so clever, but not too original. My nickname on my softball team was "b-rad", short for "b-radical". But I choose not to call names, however mildly, just because I might disagree with someone's opinion.

If it's radical to say that the decision is more corporate feel-good-ism than health concern, especially since they will continue to sell other products that are equally or more dangerous to health, especially alcohol, and if it's radical to express skepticism about scientific studies and reports from government agencies, given that everyone has an agenda, especially those who protest that they have no agenda, than to accept their content blindly, then so be it.

You're so clever, but not too original. My nickname on my softball team was "b-rad", short for "b-radical". But I choose not to call names, however mildly, just because I might disagree with someone's opinion.

If it's radical to say that the decision is more corporate feel-good-ism than health concern, especially since they will continue to sell other products that are equally or more dangerous to health, especially alcohol, and if it's radical to express skepticism about scientific studies and reports from government agencies, given that everyone has an agenda, especially those who protest that they have no agenda, than to accept their content blindly, then so be it.


If CVS were selling Zyklon-B to the Nazis for use in the concentration camps and making a lot of money from it, would it be corporate feel-good-ism to discontinue that practice? Five million people die each year from smoking. That's roughly the equivalent of the holocaust - repeated every single year. There is no serious debate about the health hazards of smoking. Don't rely on the government. Ask any doctor in the entire country. In fact, the first health-related question they usually ask you as a new patient is whether you smoke. And even if the CVS decision were based purely on self-serving motives, as you suggest, it is still the right thing to do. It seems a bit odd to criticize them for that. It's like arguing that someone who helps a little old lady across the street should be berated because he only did so to be liked.
If CVS were selling Zyklon-B to the Nazis for use in the concentration camps and making a lot of money from it, would it be corporate feel-good-ism to discontinue that practice? Five million people die each year from smoking. That's roughly the equivalent of the holocaust - repeated every single year.

Comparing tobacco use to the murder of millions of innocent people is inappropriate and in poor taste.
You're so clever, but not too original. My nickname on my softball team was "b-rad", short for "b-radical". But I choose not to call names, however mildly, just because I might disagree with someone's opinion.

If it's radical to say that the decision is more corporate feel-good-ism than health concern, especially since they will continue to sell other products that are equally or more dangerous to health, especially alcohol, and if it's radical to express skepticism about scientific studies and reports from government agencies, given that everyone has an agenda, especially those who protest that they have no agenda, than to accept their content blindly, then so be it.


My use of the word bradical whilst in this thread was actually nothing to do with the subject of this thread and I have actually not made any comments about the topic of this thread. I was engaged in banter with Jack.

For the record I am a non smoker who is amazed that in this day and age that younger people still take up the habit knowing what is known about it now.

my sympathies...I'm Type 2 myself...


Thanks and the same to you.

I was at CVS this morning picking up my latest batch of insulin/needles and could not help but notice two kids getting ID'ed for their cigarette purchases at the front counter. It was of course their choice to buy and smoke them. My only hope is that when the consequences come from it that they accept those as part of that choice as well.

For the record I am a non smoker who is amazed that in this day and age that younger people still take up the habit knowing what is known about it now.


I agree with Brett with this statement.My outlook on cigarettes is that people that don't want to be around that's fine and their right.I don't have a problem with that at all but don't try to take all my rights away to smoke if I choose to.With all the chemicals and toxins in foods,medicine,hygiene products and even the air don't blame cigarettes for every ailment.A lot of it is genetics that's why doctors ask about you family medical history.NY banned super size sodas so what do people do they get 2.The great new evil I've been told is sugar,give me a break.Have people not heard of the prohibition days? And you see what that brought.Do not try to regulate every aspect of someone's lifestyle.I have tried to quit smoking a few times just for the money saved it would be worth it to me.But if I ever do quit I won't try to ban it just because I quit.As for quitting for health reasons I suspect it's a little late for that.
I agree with Brett with this statement.My outlook on cigarettes is that people that don't want to be around that's fine and their right.I don't have a problem with that at all but don't try to take all my rights away to smoke if I choose to.With all the chemicals and toxins in foods,medicine,hygiene products and even the air don't blame cigarettes for every ailment.A lot of it is genetics that's why doctors ask about you family medical history.NY banned super size sodas so what do people do they get 2.The great new evil I've been told is sugar,give me a break.Have people not heard of the prohibition days? And you see what that brought.Do not try to regulate every aspect of someone's lifestyle.I have tried to quit smoking a few times just for the money saved it would be worth it to me.But if I ever do quit I won't try to ban it just because I quit.As for quitting for health reasons I suspect it's a little late for that.

I agree.

I have no problem if people want to smoke but would have thought it should be declining as a habit much quicker than it is.

Australia has brought in packaging for all brands that has quite horiffic images on the packs. As far as I can see it is hard to see what brand of cigarettes somebody is holding. If a smoker was sitting opposite me displaying one of the packs in front of kids I would say something. I get annoyed at the horrible images they use during prime time to scare people off smoking.

I have always thought advertising to the young should emphasise the financial cost over say 50 years.


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