DARKEST HOUR--Winston Churchill (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 8, 2011
DARKEST HOUR---photo released of Gary Oldman playing Winston Churchill in this biomovie about Churchill in the early days of World War II when he has to decide on a negotiated peace or continued resistance against the Nazi conquest of Europe. Kristin Scott Thomas plays Clementine Churchill, John Hurt plays Neville Chamberlain and Ben Mendelsohn plays King George VI.

I had to take my car in for some extended service today so the dealer gave me a loaner and I went to see Darkest Hour.

We all know the story but the movie is gripping nonetheless. A masterful performance by Gary Oldman. There is one scene where Churchill is asking FDR for ships and FDR has to refuse him where you can see the desperate straits Churchill and the British are in. The camera moves out from Churchill as he realizes the straits they're in. It's wonderfully shot.
It will be opening here on the 11th, and I can’t wait to see it. The reviews I read say the movie is excellent, and your opinion Brad just adds to it!
I had to take my car in for some extended service today so the dealer gave me a loaner and I went to see Darkest Hour.

We all know the story but the movie is gripping nonetheless. A masterful performance by Gary Oldman. There is one scene where Churchill is asking FDR for ships and FDR has to refuse him where you can see the desperate straits Churchill and the British are in. The camera moves out from Churchill as he realizes the straits they're in. It's wonderfully shot.

I really enjoyed the movie👍
Also enjoyed this movie and thought Gary Oldman did an "Academy Award" performance.

First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Best of its kind since The King's SPeech. Like that movie, Darkest Hour is somewhat based on historical fact but does deviate from a straight timeline and takes liberties with history. None of that bothers me as it tells a great story based on fact. THe biggest fault of the movie to me is it reverses Churchill's role with the public. The article Brad links to shows the public was not as enthusiastic for the war as the movie depicts. But that, to me, is the essence of the war time leader Churchill was. He was the LEADER, not a follower of public sentiment. Still, I found it to be a very good story.

Anyone interested in the period of crisis leading up to the ouster of Chamberlain (who I don't think was accurately portrayed in DH) should read Troublesome Young Men by Lynne Olson. Very good telling of the rebellion by members of the House to the disastrous war policies of the PM. Names like Macmillan, Boothby, Amery and Cranborne, who had to overcome tremendous odds to bring about change to save the UK. Even to the point of opposing Churchill, who supported Chamberlain, now that he was back in the cabinet. Chris
Also enjoyed this movie and thought Gary Oldman did an "Academy Award" performance.

I saw it this weekend and fully agree with your comment. Gary Oldmann did an extraordinary, truly remarkable performance, by far the best Churchill I saw in any production! Despite some very few and very minor “artistic licenses” to history, it depicts extremely well those unbelievably tense days in May 1940!
Just saw it, thought it was well balanced and intriguing with a real insight to those days in May 1940. Enjoyed it, go and see it. Robin.
Troublesome Young Men is a terrific book. I’ve read a few of her books but this is the best one.

I have to quibble about there just being some minor issues. The subway scene is a major part of the movie and it’s made up. Lord Halifax is, as has been noted, not accurately portrayed. It’s a good movie, principally for Gary Oldman; just not accurate.
Troublesome Young Men is a terrific book. I’ve read a few of her books but this is the best one.

I have to quibble about there just being some minor issues. The subway scene is a major part of the movie and it’s made up. Lord Halifax is, as has been noted, not accurately portrayed. It’s a good movie, principally for Gary Oldman; just not accurate.

Yes Brad, that subway scene was too much imagination and IMHO completely unnecessary to the script and plot...:rolleyes2: Lord Halifax was almost portrayed as a villain {eek3}
But overall, I agree that it’s still a very good movie! I enjoyed it very much!
I enjoyed it too Carlos.

Did you ever see the BBC program about Dunkirk. It's very good, I watched it again the other day. It's included in the BBC set History of World War II, available from Amazon.

I think I posted this but am not sure. It's a very good article.

Why Actors Love to Play Churchill
Troublesome Young Men is a terrific book. I’ve read a few of her books but this is the best one.

I have to quibble about there just being some minor issues. The subway scene is a major part of the movie and it’s made up. Lord Halifax is, as has been noted, not accurately portrayed. It’s a good movie, principally for Gary Oldman; just not accurate.

I think it captures the events of the time well enough. Halifax and N Chamberlain are not correctly portrayed, but there have to be "bad guys" in a movie (other than the obvious Germans) so there you are. I can get past the underground scene. I pointed out my problem with that in an earlier post. Sometimes you have to have a leap of faith (time travel in Back To The Future), although I would have preferred not to have it. OTher scenes not historical, Churchill not defending NC during the call for his resignation in the house.

I guess, for me, it comes down to this is the best, and only, movie I will see of these events. And I am grateful to see it, flaws and all. Same as many have stated regarding Dunkirk. Chris
I enjoyed it too Carlos.

Did you ever see the BBC program about Dunkirk. It's very good, I watched it again the other day. It's included in the BBC set History of World War II, available from Amazon.

I think I posted this but am not sure. It's a very good article.

Why Actors Love to Play Churchill

I read the article when you posted it and also liked it. As for the BBC program about Dunkirk, I haven’t seen it. I will go after it. Thanks for the tip!!

Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Finally got to see this gem with my lovely wife who I might add thoroughly enjoyed it too and has been quoting several one liners from the movie ever since.

I took particular note of the 'WC' scene with Churchill perched on the throne and the sentiment behind it. The British empire was indeed on it's own at that time with only the Commonwealth nations in close support.

It was very much a dark time for the empire and a 'close run thing' to say the least.:salute::

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