December Show (1 Viewer)


It entirely demends upon how the amount of display space plays out. Should there be extra space in the display cases, I will display non-K&C stuff in them. I will certainly display my large Trophy boats, as well as my Figarti armored vehicles, and probably my Frontline Crimea stuff. In addition to toy soldiers, there will be my Gordon Highlanders Drum and Banner, about a dozen antique swords, several framed antique military prints and maps, the Green Beret Coin given to me by Ed (Halomeeps), the SOG Coin and bush Hat Chuck Harris is sending me, and (in a beautiful triangular case specially designed for Flag display) the American Flag Ed gave me which had flown over his Firebase in Afghanistan. I would be honored if you joined us.




Thank you for your kind invitation to the symposium. I would very much like to attend and participate, but I will have to wait until it is closer to March to know if I could actually attend. Seeing your collection would be a great treat. Not only would I love seeing the K&C, I would love to see those Trophy boats up close and personal! Actually, I would love to see all that you display and enjoy the fellowship that I know you facilitate.

Warmest personal regards,

Now that NMA's new German tank won't be at the show i need an alternative purchase!.Maybe their armd car or K&C'S Grille.Hopefully we can get some info on what to expect from NMA at the show in London next spring.


One of my last posts as loading the wagon for London. We have a mountain of stock we are taking and the new Saracnes are amazing.

We leave tommorrow in the morning and will be there in the afternoon.

Please make yourself known if you have not done so before always great to put a face to a name.

See you all on Saturday


James,forty eight hours to go.Check parachute(ists )check credit cards,check Tony in the bar,check Andys in a good mood



James,forty eight hours to go.Check parachute(ists )check credit cards,check Tony in the bar,check Andys in a good mood




Hey Rob,

Your post has just got me thinking. What about some British Paras? I don't think that's cropped up as a discussion point on the forum before. :D

You know what Simon,i think your right there!

Y'know we really should mention to Andy that K&C should make a British Paras range.

What a great idea!
Oh no he hasn't......:mad: What about New Zealand bofors units, LRDG chevy, Bedford, Me Gigant transport, and an Ariete Division.:D BTW Andy, about those British paras, German paras, schooner for the invasion of Crete, HMS Roberts for the defence of Tobruk, and please don't forget Monty's caravan. :cool:

John Gambale, you are still the master for me. Please keep going, Andy will weaken.:D
....HMS Roberts for the defence of Tobruk....

Hey, now your talking!

Just think of the fun you could have with that bad boy :cool:

By my reckoning, at 1/30 scale it should work out at just shy of 12 1/2 feet in length and weigh in at 305 tons (give or take the odd ounce).

Just out of curiosity, I don't suppose anyone has got a shipping calculator for Hong Kong postage rates have they?

Mmmmm.....I wonder if it ever sailed from Portsmouth
(Purely on the off-chance, I take a size XL polo shirt :D )

Thanks Steven.

I'm afraid to say I've spotted the flaw in panda1gen's plan.
It would cost somewhere in the region of £65,000 to ship the ship to the UK.
Plus an 0.80cent administration fee. :(

Brit Paras it'll have to be then...


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