Delivery day!!!! (5 Viewers)


Oct 30, 2007
Nothing better then being off on a Monday with that beautiful sound of screetching brakes in front of the house and seeing the man in brown bringing me some lovely new First Legion stuff, even though todays order is a small one it's always great to get a few new guys to add to the battle, have a few Russkies joining thier comrades today, and only 41 days until (hopefully) a big Christmas haul under the tree, now I have to sit back and let the wife do the picking and buying, all the more interesting to try and figure out what is in those medium size boxes?:)...Sammy
Yes, please let us know what you got. Any day the UPS guy shows up is a good day!

Nothing better then being off on a Monday with that beautiful sound of screetching brakes in front of the house and seeing the man in brown bringing me some lovely new First Legion stuff, even though todays order is a small one it's always great to get a few new guys to add to the battle, have a few Russkies joining thier comrades today, and only 41 days until (hopefully) a big Christmas haul under the tree, now I have to sit back and let the wife do the picking and buying, all the more interesting to try and figure out what is in those medium size boxes?:)...Sammy

Yea Sammy...

their stops in front of my house make my day for sure...

my Fedex man came early this morning...

my gripe is...

I wish he would ring my door bell and hand me my package or gently set it on my door step...

the usual procedure is...

I hear a loud thump (him throwing the package on my porch)...
him running off quickly...
and then my dog barking from inside the house alerting me...

it's a shame the package travels so far and then is just callously slammed on my brick porch...

After the loud thump I heard this morning...I was sure he had damaged some pieces...but was very lucky they all arrived okay...

I just wish they would make a little better effort on trying to handle the package as a "fragile" delivery...

Fedex doesn't even make an attempt to see it in my hands...

they don't ring the doorbell...they don't ask for a signature...worst of all is the "clunk" when I hear them drop it as my office is right by the front door...

these guys are in such a hurry to get to the next stop...they really slip on the personal service of seeing it delivered...

I can't begin to tell you how many of my neighbors boxes I have to "hand deliver" due to their laziness...

Fedex seems happy just to get the right neighborhood and then have me finish the delivery to the right's frustrating...

my address is...

#2 Colony Park Circle...

I can't tell you how many deliveries I have hand made to my neighbor...

#2 Colony Park Drive...

Fedex is sooooooooooooo lazy sometimes...
Yea Sammy...

their stops in front of my house make my day for sure...

my Fedex man came early this morning...

my gripe is...

I wish he would ring my door bell and hand me my package or gently set it on my door step...

the usual procedure is...

I hear a loud thump (him throwing the package on my porch)...
him running off quickly...
and then my dog barking from inside the house alerting me...

it's a shame the package travels so far and then is just callously slammed on my brick porch...

After the loud thump I heard this morning...I was sure he had damaged some pieces...but was very lucky they all arrived okay...

I just wish they would make a little better effort on trying to handle the package as a "fragile" delivery...

Fedex doesn't even make an attempt to see it in my hands...

they don't ring the doorbell...they don't ask for a signature...worst of all is the "clunk" when I hear them drop it as my office is right by the front door...

these guys are in such a hurry to get to the next stop...they really slip on the personal service of seeing it delivered...

I can't begin to tell you how many of my neighbors boxes I have to "hand deliver" due to their laziness...

Fedex seems happy just to get the right neighborhood and then have me finish the delivery to the right's frustrating...

my address is...

#2 Colony Park Circle...

I can't tell you how many deliveries I have hand made to my neighbor...

#2 Colony Park Drive...

Fedex is sooooooooooooo lazy sometimes...

My orders are mostly UPS and I am pretty happy overall with the service, my UPS guy will actually wait a minute after ringing the door bell to see if anyone is home, and if we are not, he always places my packages behind one of the pillars on the front porch out of site, I have heard my share of stories about fedex, good and bad...Sammy
Yea Sammy...

my gripe is...

I wish he would ring my door bell and hand me my package or gently set it on my door step...

the usual procedure is...

I hear a loud thump (him throwing the package on my porch)...
him running off quickly...
and then my dog barking from inside the house alerting me...

I don't mind them leaving it without a sig, but my delivery guy has left stuff at the front door, back door, and even in the driveway. No note or anything to indicate they have delivered. Sometimes I find them by accident. One time when it had snowed they refused to pull the truck into my driveway. Left it on the street. All in all though I'm amazed how efficient and quick most deliveries are including from our own US postal service.
Yes, please let us know what you got. Any day the UPS guy shows up is a good day!


Only a few Russians today, one throwing a grenade and rifleman taking aim laying on the ground, but my Russians need all the help since I'm close to finishing my Germans...Sammy
I can't say Fedex is not efficient...they are...maybe too much so...they are on and off the premises in less than 20 seconds...

the straw that really breaks the camels back...

is the loud "thump"...that startles me and sets my dog into motion...

maybe I should contact my dealer and ask him to start stamping "FRAGILE" on top of the might help...
I can't say Fedex is not efficiant...they are...maybe too much so...they are on and off the premises in less than 20 seconds...

the straw that really breaks the camels back...

is the loud "thump"...that startles me and sets my dog into motion...

maybe I should contact my dealer and ask him to start stamping "FRAGILE" on top of the might help...

What did you recieve today??
What did you recieve today??

10 sets of K&C Nap Cold Stream...(retroactive price purchase)...hehehe...

and 5 sets of Jenkins...

my only gripe is that Fedex is pretty callous with my fragile contents...

I would be so happy if he would just bend over and set it on the ground instead of dropping would be a shame to travel all this way from Hong Kong safely and then to be damaged by this guy's throwing the package on my cement cause he's in a rush...

I just talked to my dealer...he said he will go out and but a rubber stamp..."FRAGILE"... from Office Depot today...but I shouldn't expect that to help much...

he also said he would file a complaint and suggested I do so too...:rolleyes:
Hurraayy, my Russians just showed up as we were discussing the mailing system, and my UPS guy waited for me to answer the door, imagine that!!

I recieved RUSSTAL 06A and RUSSTAL 007B both in excellent shape and detail, I love the Russian red star on the cap of 007b really cool, as I was admiring my new guys I also realized how great First Legion does it's packaging with the cut out double layer of foam and paperwrap, alot of these guys come with the attached gun straps which are neat but can be easily broken but as of to date not one injury in any of my deliveries, so another great thing to add to the list of First Legion...Sammy
Only a few Russians today, one throwing a grenade and rifleman taking aim laying on the ground, but my Russians need all the help since I'm close to finishing my Germans...Sammy

Enjoy your new additions. But, you know that you will never actually 'finish' buying these....

10 sets of K&C Nap Cold Stream...(retroactive price purchase)...hehehe...

and 5 sets of Jenkins...

my only gripe is that Fedex is pretty callous with my fragile contents...

I would be so happy if he would just bend over and set it on the ground instead of dropping would be a shame to travel all this way from Hong Kong safely and then to be damaged by this guy's throwing the package on my cement cause he's in a rush...

I just talked to my dealer...he said he will go out and but a rubber stamp..."FRAGILE"... from Office Depot today...but I shouldn't expect that to help much...

he also said he would file a complaint and suggested I do so too...:rolleyes:

That'a a great way to start a Monday for sure, a great haul I must say, to bad about your delivery guy, meet him at the mailbox next time and exsplain to him what precious cargo he is holding:)...Sammy
"10 sets of K&C Nap Cold Stream...(retroactive price purchase)...hehehe...

and 5 sets of Jenkins..."

Wow, you are a luck man.

"10 sets of K&C Nap Cold Stream...(retroactive price purchase)...hehehe...

and 5 sets of Jenkins..."

Wow, you are a luck man.


Let me amend this...I got 5 sets of K&C's (10 figures)...+ my JJD...sorry...
Let me amend this...I got 5 sets of K&C's (10 figures)...+ my JJD...sorry...

That's better Mike. Leave some for the rest of us. :D And keep in mind, if we buy too many too quickly, it will just encourage another price increase and evil speculation on ebay. :eek::D:D

Terry...I gotta admit...and again...I'm not pro business nor do I want to hijack your this thread...but my dealer told me that he is doing a brisk business on selling "retro price increasing" pieces this week...he said he is moving quite a bit of his old stock too...that's a very good thing...and I'm very glad about main goal in participation in last weeks threads was to try and help all the dealers/manufactures...move what I considered "old dead inventory"...

so for the short term...;)...this increase is a good thing in my opinion...

1) My dealer is moving old dead inventory...a good deal...

2) I'm getting a piece that will appreciate 30% in 2 months...a good deal...

3) K&C is moving product...a good deal...

short term this is turning out good...
Terry...I gotta admit...and again...I'm not pro business nor do I want to hijack your this thread...but my dealer told me that he is doing a brisk business on selling "retro price increasing" pieces this week...he said he is moving quite a bit of his old stock too...that's a very good thing...and I'm very glad about main goal in participation in last weeks threads was to try and help all the dealers/manufactures...move what I considered "old dead inventory"...

so for the short term...;)...this increase is a good thing in my opinion...

1) My dealer is moving old dead inventory...a good deal...

2) I'm getting a piece that will appreciate 30% in 2 months...a good deal...

3) K&C is moving product...a good deal...

short term this is turning out good...

I completely agree with you. But we better stop discussing it here on the FL threads. How did this get so off topic anyway. :confused:

I completely agree with you. But we better stop discussing it here on the FL threads. How did this get so off topic anyway. :confused:


Hi Guys ,
Please feel free to move these post to the appropriate K&C thread :D With all do respect to your collecting joys , even if they had a buy one get one free sale i would not be the least interested ;) . But thats what makes the world go round different strokes for different folks as they say ;)

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