Really like the way you capture the environment so well. Faultless. :salute::, Robin.
Very believable scene Duke, foreground merges into your backdrop seamlessly.
Brilliant mate,perfection.
Hi Duke,
I esp. like your N. Africa scenes. This one is top notch. Your ground and background look great set against the armored car. I like that figure as well. Really nice job with this one. blended that in well...nice pic!
Hey Duke, another great scene, I've recently got back into collecting K & C Afrika Korps.
Thank you Duke. Are you planning to buy K&C's new DAK figures. I like the new poses.Thanks Rob, and I enjoy your North Africa scenes (and others) as well.
Thank you Duke. Are you planning to buy K&C's new DAK figures. I like the new poses.
Splendid scene and gorgeous color photography
Reminds me of the title of a 1950s TV show with Walter Cronkite called You Are There