Desert Warriors (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Here’s another little video utilizing a few vehicles… a handful of German, Indian, British and Australian soldiers… a couple of Palm trees and… a great DEPT. 56 building from their now – retired “Little Town of Bethlehem” series.

We have even slipped in a couple of “Life of Jesus” pieces as well.
Enjoy and Happy Collecting!


p.s. Many thanks for the birthday greetings… can’t believe I am 39 again!!!
Come to think of it I totally agree with the great Groucho Marx who said, “I’ve got the brain of a 14 year old… and he was glad to get rid of it!”
Groucho also said, “You are only as old as the women you feel!”

I like those new EA figures will be good in non combat scenes

Great looking sets.

I take it the building in the first shot is one of the "Life of Jesus" sets?
Thats fantastic news about the new 8th Army figures, they look great and are welcome reinforcements!

Enjoyed the clip too, with music and you gotta love that Panzer IV....superb.:salute::
Love the blokes having a cuppa :salute::, hope you do some Great War diggers doing the same.......:wink2:
Nice little clip Andy and I'm looking forward to the new Aussie's and the other blokes!

Enjoyable combination of scenes. That Dept 56 building works great. EA018 is an esp. nice figure among the new "Coffee Clutch" series (although most likely tea).

Thanks for sharing Andy! Always enjoy the Sneak Peeks.

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